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The aim of this publication was to study the effectiveness of the original methods of stimulating Polish language vocabulary development in bilingual children living in an English-speaking environment. At the beginning of the research, the initial level of Polish language competence in Polish bilingual children living in England was assessed. The next stage of the study was to establish what change could be seen a year after the traditional and modern methods of stimulating vocabulary development were introduced. The results achieved by the bilingual children from England were compared with those of the monolingual children living in Poland. The publication consists of five chapters. The introduction is followed by a theoretical chapter dealing with the methodologies employed in the study. The second chapter focuses on the particular aspects of multilingualism which were recognised as essential to present a complete picture of the issues raised in this work. The third chapter provides a description of the research tools used in the study. One of the tools, “A child’s vocabulary test” (Test Słownika Dziecka) by professor Zbigniew Tarkowski, is already known in the world of science. Two other tools, referred to as a traditional method, which involves short stories accompanied by questions, and a modern method that is a multimedia program, were created by the Author exclusively for this research. The fourth chapter presents the development of the tested children’s vocabulary based on the analysis of the results obtained by the children from the youngest age group taking part in the research. The fifth chapter features the prospects associated with the use of the research tools. The research on lexis, whose level influences communication efficiency, brought a number of observations. They concerned the choice of particular vocabulary made by the children, problems (e.g. relating to defining), linguistic mechanisms applied by the bilingual children to develop their vocabulary. Moreover, the research enabled the Author to make observations with regard to the challenges faced by the bilingual children and bilingual families living in England. The results of the research allow to appreciate especially one of the methods which is broadly discussed in the chapters describing the tools and the results of the research.
The present publication constitutes a theoretical, methodological and practical suggestion of an approach to resocializing diagnosis in a positive perspective. Departing from the theoretical tenets of positive diagnosis in resocialization and the established model of methodological cognition of a socially maladjusted individual, the author suggests a particular diagnostic workshop, possible to be employed in positive resocialization (creative, based on a salutogenetic model). This forms a basis for projecting resocializaing activities, which directly and primarily refer to the individual’s potential (creative resocialization; creative actions), and only additionally to its developmental deficits (resocialization in the traditional, pathogenetic perspective; corrective actions.)The publication constitutes a continuation of the monograph concerning positive diagnosis in resocialization, which was published in 2015 (Positive Diagnosis in Resocialization. A Theoretical and Methodological Model, University of Silesia Press). In both publications, the author undertook the challenge of creating a new theoretical and methodological model of diagnosis for the purpose of resocialization, as her starting point adopting particular anthropological premises concerning the nature of the human being, its development, upbringing and resocialization. Through the criticism of these premises, she adopted the model of “becoming” of an individual, typical to the humanistic, transgressive and, at the same time, personalizing approach. The fundamental premise here is the treatment of the developing individual as a “becoming” subject, a complex, multidimensional and integrated (bio-psycho-sociological, cultural and spiritual) entity, which always undertakes both adaptive and transgressive actions. This directly necessitates the acknowledgement of individualistic paradigm on every level of influence (diagnostic, methodological and social), and relating to that paradigm, which is particularly difficult in resocialization. In the subjective perspective upon an individual, it is assumed that it constitutes a developing subject, which is self-aware and reflexively “becoming,” and makes choices according to its own, self-discovered potential. The external influence and the pedagogic relation, though undoubtedly important, are only to support this development.The book is composed of two chapters. The first one is a recapitulation of the theoretical and methodological assumptions of a positive diagnosis in resocialization, enhanced with motifs unaddressed by the previous publication. The second chapter – in accordance with the adopted assumptions – contains the suggestions of particular models of diagnosis of the human qualities and potentials, which must be identified and utilized in the process of internal change or the process of supporting the individual’s development.The first chapter presents the critique of the anthropological approaches to the nature of the human being, its becoming, upbringing and resocialization (pedagogical engineering, permissivism in upbringing, pedagogical personalism). The cognitive model is grounded within a positive approach, typical to a humanistic and transgressive approach.The second chapter is more practical in character, but it accentuates the methodological grounds for the presented models of diagnosis (the principles and procedures for creating diagnostic tools): a) personality in the cognitive approach mainly, b) creative potential of an individual, which directly dictates the nature of the process of “becoming” of a human being.The particular methodological and practical value of the publication resides in the presentation of diagnosis of concrete cases through the use of selected theoretical and methodological models (and the diagnostic tools constructed on their basis). These cases may simultaneously serve as examples of formulating diagnosis (diagnostic descriptions and interpretations) performed on the grounds of other diagnostic tools, characterized in the publication in lesser detail.The presented theoretical and methodological positive approach to diagnosis for the purpose of resocialization, together with its exemplification and concretization in the form of model solutions in the area of diagnostic conduct, appears essential for the development of theoretical, methodological and diagnostic awareness amongst both theoreticians and practitioners of education and re-education. The positive approach in resocialization necessitates an interdisciplinary treatment of the subject of diagnosis (the qualities and features of an individual), which results from the complex, multidimensional and integrated nature of the human individual, and from the complexity of the mechanisms of the process of becoming and internal change. The cognitive concept of a human being is accentuated here. It integrates the model of cognition and individualizes its process, relating it to the main mechanism of “becoming,” which is the way in which the individual being perceives itself and the world in which it develops.The primary paradigm in the positive approach to the resocializing diagnosis suggested by the author is thus constituted by the assumptions of positive and transgressive psychology, the ideas of salutogenesis and resilience. They form the basis for positive resocialization, which, in turn, necessitates the focus on selfcreation and creative resocialization, relating to the identified and particular potentials of an individual (positive diagnosis).
The book presents selected results of the sociological research conducted in the years 2013-2015 by a Polish-Slovak team of sociologists associated with the Faculty of Sociology of the Department of Philosophy of the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra. Empirical research was realised within the framework of a grant provided by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Slovakia and the Visegrád Fund. The main research goal was to analyse the cultural models of intergenerational relations in selected categories of families which takes into consideration their religious affiliations and attitudes, as well as the problems associated with cohabitation treated as a manifestation of the lifestyle of modern families in Slovakia.
Analysis of the results of research carried out as part of the monitoring program of young people leaving care and educational institutions and foster families in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship. The Robinson Crusoe Foundation and the Municipal Family Assistance Center in Szczecin, while conducting the "Machines for Independence" workshops, created the Independence Index, which allowed to identify problems in independence programs and to identify people with special support needs. Contemporary legal provisions concerning independence as one of the elements of the foster care system are discussed against the background of the characteristics of early adulthood and the history of care institutions.
The author shows the state of the didactic collections of the Gymnasium and High School in Volyn in the years 1805–1833, their formation and use in the teaching process. It discusses the history and resources of school collections as well as the activities of offices: physical, chemical, mineralogical, natural (natural) history, numismatic, as well as painting and drawing. It also presents teachers taking care of the collections, their contribution to the organization and development of offices, to the creation of curricula, and methods of using the didactic collections.
The monograph presents the results of nineteen different studies on the psychological conditions and correlates of contemporary scientistic worldview (scientotheism). This worldview can be characterized by the tendency to justify one’s own beliefs and actions with scientific facts and living according to the theories posed by scientists, connected with the belief that the scientific language is the most perfect and valuable way of articulating the world and the phenomena that exist in it.This monograph has been divided into two parts. The first part, titled, “Connections and Predictors of the Scientific Worldview” comprises four chapters. Chapter one is devoted to the analysis of the connections between scientotheism and personality traits, as well as such aspects of the human existence as the need for cognitive closure, need for cognition, maximalist tendencies and cognitive reflexivity. Chapter two contains information relating to the relationship between the discussed worldview and the image of God, temporal orientations and the convictions regarding human traits and characteristics. Chapter three discusses the connections between the scientistic worldview and the spheres of values and life aspirations, while chapter four presents the connections between scientism and psychological mercantilism, causative and collective orientations, as well as the belief in the fact that life is, in fact, a sum zero game.The second part of the book is entitled “Consequences of the Scientistic Worldview” and consists of five chapters. Chapter five discusses the links between scientotheism and the attitudes towards health and vaccination. Chapter six presents the connections between the discussed worldview and the attitudes towards bioethical norms. Chapter seven focuses on the relationship between the scientistic worldview and aesthetic preferences, while chapter eight contains information regarding the potential role of scientotheism in the process of constructing one’s self-esteem on the basis of issues connected with science. Chapter nine presents the research findings on the connections between the scientistic worldview and the methods of evaluating information of various levels of credibility.The monograph presents a continuation of the issues touched upon by the author in his previous book, titled Science as the Object of Cult. Introduction to Scientotheism (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, 2015). It is addresses to people interested in the meaning of science in the contemporary world, academics who study contemporary social and cultural trends, as well as people who study the relationship between science and its wider perception.
This book is an attempt at joining film and pedagogy. The discussion is primarily based on categories drawn from George Lucas’s Star Wars space saga. The book presents an analysis of the films, including their reception and psychological impact on the viewer, the two factors being considered as constituents of pop-cultural education. Moreover, the book offers a grounding of cinematic images in personalistic pedagogy. References to the role of the teacher in the process of upbringing consider recognising the teacher’s role in their relation with the student. The roles are divided into an order of focusing on the student and an order of focusing on the curriculum.
The book is devoted to cultural and inter-cultural transfer researched from the perspective of social sciences and humanities. The author uses a unidisciplinary approach and attempts to analyse and provide theoretical framework for the inter-cultural transfer in the history of social thought. He shows the politicisation of the relations between culture (civilisation) and society.
Lamanauskas V. (Ed.) (2017). Science and technology education: Engaging the new generation. Proceedings of the 2nd International Baltic Symposium on Science and Technology Education (BalticSTE2017). The Scientia Socialis Press, Šiauliai. ISBN: 978-609-95513-4-0 Designer & Paste-up artist Loreta Šimutytė-Balčiūnienė English language proofreader Ilona Ratkevičienė
Lamanauskas, V. (Ed.) (2019). Science and technology education: Current challenges and possible solutions. Proceedings of the 3rd International Baltic Symposium on Science and Technology Education (BalticSTE2019). Šiauliai: Scientia Socialis Press. ISBN 978-609-95513-6-4 /Print/, ISBN 978-609-95513-5-7 /Online/
An attempt to summarise foreign migrations of the Poles ten years after the country joined the European Union. The publication contains a comprehensive and thorough analysis of the reasons, process and consequences of post-accession migration from different perspectives: demographic, economic, political and sociocultural. It analyses the reasons for such intense migration, the ways and the pace at which the Poles settle in other countries, describes the characteristics of people who leave their homeland, and considers the consequences of the migration for Poland, its regions, local communities, the migrants themselves and their families.
The book concerns the involvement of non-governmental organizations and social welfare institutions in advocating social rights. It is a sociological analysis of social practices undertaken in the name of the rights and interests of vulnerable people: disabled people, the long-term sick and victims of domestic violence. Referring to contemporary theories in the field of social sciences, the author argues that advocacy is an activity ranging from aid activities to political involvement, and social rights are not limited solely to guaranteeing social security. The book presents the results of sociological research, including individual in-depth interviews, questionnaire research and the analysis of the content of citizens' petitions and general statements of the Ombudsman. The book is written from a sociological perspective and may prove a worthwhile read for anyone interested in the practice of social rights protection activities.
Contemporary media messages are becoming visually fragmented. This is noticeable in the graphic design of many textbooks, magazines, web interfaces or infographics. These media are particularly strong in exposing small portions of text and image. In this sense, they are deprived of the sequential and linear reception typical for the reception of a work of fiction or film. Thus, the question arises as to how the recipients search for starting points for reading and according to which criteria they create their own cognitive paths during the reception, e.g. of infographics. In this work, the answer to the question of whether a diverse graphic layout (design) influences teenagers' visual attention and understanding of content. For this purpose, a method of measuring eyeball movements (oculography) was used during exposure of different types of infographics. The results of this research are widely used in graphic design of printed materials and electronic texts.
The book is devoted to one of the most spectacular socio-cultural phenomena of the 20th and 21st century. Its protagonist is the car: not so much as a technology (although this is also the case), but as an integral component of identity, both for individuals and for entire societies. The author presents the car from many, often contradictory, perspectives, and assumes that the car is ambiguous, thus providing extremely rich possibilities for interpreting related problems and phenomena. The publication is divided into six chapters. The first deals with the social and psychological aspects of cars and driving, in terms of humans' changing relationship to time and space. Chapters Two and Three relate to the role of cars in the construction of femininity and masculinity; they show the dynamics of gender relations in the context of the 'struggle for meaning'. The fourth chapter analyses the different contexts of dangerous driving and car theft. Chapter Five consists of four detailed 'car' case studies representing different socio-cultural images of the car: the Swedish Volvo, Italian Ferrari, Japanese Toyota and East German Trabant. The final chapter is devoted to the relationship between the car and social status.
his publication fits in with reflections on plagiarism in the field of social sciences. The starting point is a description of the fundamental changes in the functions of the university in recent decades. The wider perspective of changes in students' attitudes towards the problem of plagiarism requires a presentation of six types of changes in contemporary society. The first concerns the status of knowledge and changes in how the modern university functions. The second relates to changes in the way young people learn, from the systematic and linear approach typical of the past, to a fragmented, mosaic approach. The third context is related to the transition from an evaluation system to "dispassionate" testing. The next context is the collapse of authority figures and the relativization of moral norms that encourage dishonest behaviour, two processes characterizing contemporary society. The fifth context is internalized by many young people is that of an absolute orientation towards success. The final context concerns cultural change, and particularly the fundamental increase in popular culture's influence on young people's identity. In the empirical part research findings are presented in the constructivist- interpretative paradigm, focused on the problem of how plagiarism is perceived by university students in terms of their experiences and socio-cultural changes.
The monograph considers a particular role for form teachers that extends beyond strictly didactic activities and involves their relationships with students, in which teachers support their students and help them handle stressful and difficult situations, and also facilitate decision-making processes. To be able to meet these requirements, teachers should be mindful and know their students' needs, whether educational or related to their lives; they should be ready to act and apply varied and relevant support strategies based on effective communication with children and adolescents, which requires well developed social competencies that can be used to provide support to students. The research findings presented in the monograph (and obtained using various research paradigms) have numerous research “approaches” as their background. These results show the (non)supportive roles performed by form teachers, taking account of their social competencies, as seen from the perspectives of students and teachers alike. The major objective of this discussion is to present the help and support processes developed by a form teacher for students in the school environment. This publication was written for both theorists in the field of education, in such subdisciplines of educational studies as counselling, school pedagogy, pedeutology, and also for practitioners who decide on how the form schooling takes and how it developes, but first and foremost, it was written for all teachers themselves.
The volume in honor of Professor Kazimiera Wódz features research articles by social scientists from the main academic centers in Poland. The collection investigates diverse themes, but the contributions generally focus on topics within the specific research interests of Professor Kazimiera Wódz. The first part of the volume, wide in breadth and depth, includes chapters exploring both social theory as well as specific social issues, complemented by the chapters on the sociology of culture and ethnicity and the sociology of literature. The second part of the volume features contributions concerned with social work and the broadly understood problems of social exclusion. The chapter authors pursue novel theoretical and conceptual approaches related to specific actions and practical solutions that address and resolve social problems. The volume closes with a biographical sketch of Professor Kazimiera Wódz, the list of publications, and doctoral dissertations sponsored.