Relecturas y nuevos horizontes en los estudios hispánicos. Vol. 3: Cultura y traducción
Re-Readings and New Horizons in Hispanic Studies. Vol. 3: Culture and Translation
Contributor(s): Joanna Wilk-Racięska (Editor), Sabina Deditius (Editor), Anna Nowakowska-Głuszak (Editor)
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Studies of Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: Hispanic studies; culture; translation studies
Summary/Abstract: The third volume of the monograph presenting the diversity of hispanic research is devoted to cultural phenomena and traductology. The issues presented by researchers from Polish and foreign research centres include the following: linguistic means of ideological discourse, analysis of the programme of the Ibero-American Exhibition in Seville, a press image of the Portuguese-Spanish relations, concepts of translation equivalence, specialist translations, reception of Czech and Spanish translation theories.
Series: Językoznawstwo
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-748-7
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8012-747-0
- Page Count: 150
- Publication Year: 2016
- Language: Spanish
La canción como discurso ideológico
La canción como discurso ideológico
(The song as ideological discourse)
- Author(s):Sabina Deditius
- Language:Spanish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Studies of Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:11-20
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Critical Discourse Analysis; ideology; song
- Summary/Abstract:This paper analyses a rap song Barras y Estrellas by Nach using Critical DiscourseAnalysis (Van Dijk, 1996, 1999, 2003, 2008) as a theoretical framework with the aim of examining how the ideology is conveyed through the use of language in a song. Author’schoices of words which are empowered by worldviews and ideologies which furthermake decoding the meaning of a song even more complex. Special attention is given tothe lexical choice, theme, semantic strategies, and how these features are skillfully deployedin the song. It is discovered that through an ideologically-driven use of language,the songs echo ethos of combat and prove as an effective tool for social creation of groupidentity.
- Price: 4.50 €
Exposición Iberoamericana de 1929: Sevilla como la capital de la Raza Hispana
Exposición Iberoamericana de 1929: Sevilla como la capital de la Raza Hispana
(1929 Ibero-American Exposition: Seville as the Capital of the Hispanic Race)
- Author(s):Maria Małkowska
- Language:Spanish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Studies of Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:21-29
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Seville; Ibero-American Exposition; Universal Exposition; Hispanic Rac; memory
- Summary/Abstract:The Ibero-American Exposition, celebrated in Seville in 1929, formed part of the regenerationist strategy concocted to compensate for the loss of the colonies. Spain ceasedto be a factual power and had to reinvent itself as a spiritual one. Hence, the Expositionlauded the glorious past, celebrated the rich culture and foregrounded the role of Spaniardsas the civilizing conquerors of the New World. Seville, crucial for the discovery and colonization of America, was a symbol of the past grandeur of the lost empire. By hosting and becoming part of the Exhibition the city, branded as the birthplace of the Hispanic Race, enhanced its symbolic value. The analysis of the program shows the utility of the concept of the Hispanic Race in the process of recreating the myth of Seville, as well as in rebuilding the city: the capital of the new, spiritual empire and the gate of Europe.
- Price: 4.50 €
Carlota, una princesa nacida para gobernar
Carlota, una princesa nacida para gobernar
(Carlota, a princess born to rule)
- Author(s):Barbara Obtułowicz
- Language:Spanish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Studies of Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:30-39
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Carlota Amelia Coburg; Maximilian I of Habsburg; Second Mexican Empire
- Summary/Abstract:The present article presents a figure Carlota Amelia Coburg, daughter of King Leopold I of the Belgians, and her exceptional qualities to exercise power. Carlota was the wife of Habsburg Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian, Viceroy of the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venice (1857—1859), emperor of Mexico (1864—1867). Thanks to his father, Leopold I, King of the Belgians, she received an excellent education in all subjects, especially in foreign policy languages, law, and diplomacy. Her role in the history of the Second Mexican Empire is fundamental. It was she who persuaded her husband to accept the Mexican crown and then not allow him to abdicate. During three years of the existence of the Empire, Carlota not only helped Maximilian I to take reins of the state, but also to have real power as regent.
- Price: 4.50 €
Menos mal, que nos queda… ¿Portugal? Breve historia de las relaciones luso-españolas y su imagen contemporánea en la prensa portuguesa y española
Menos mal, que nos queda… ¿Portugal? Breve historia de las relaciones luso-españolas
y su imagen contemporánea en la prensa portuguesa y española
(At least we still have… Portugal? Short history of Portugal-Spain relations and its contemporary image in Portuguese and Spanish press)
- Author(s):Anna Olchówka
- Language:Spanish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Studies of Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:40-48
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Portugal; Spain; history; relations; press image
- Summary/Abstract:Various surfaces of Spain-Portugal relations, formed through centuries of coexistence and influences, are still present in our contemporary mass media reality, andmantain some of the most important stereotypes about the rivalry between those twocountries. A short historical summary shows that mutual prejudices exceed the simplestsimplifications of today. For decades Spanish and Portuguese literature is trying to betterunderstand this rebellious Iberian characteristic, its nature and sources. This work willpresent a press image of Spain-Portugal relations and focus on three main subjects ofactuality: politics, economy and sport. The investigated material were press news fromthe most important newspapers (on-line editions) of Spain and Portugal.
- Price: 4.50 €
¡Arriba España! La imagen de ESPAÑA en los carteles de la propaganda franquista
¡Arriba España! La imagen de ESPAÑA en los carteles de la propaganda franquista
(¡Arriba España! Picture of SPAIN on Franco’s propaganda posters)
- Author(s):Martyna SOŃTA
- Language:Spanish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Studies of Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:49-58
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Linguistic picture of the world; semantics; language of persuasion; propaganda; franquism
- Summary/Abstract:One of the common manifestations of the Spanish Francoist’s propaganda were posters with a variety of symbols and passwords promoting certain attitudes of society andcreating a whole image of the state. The aim of this study is to reconstruct the propaganda’simage of SPAIN in the context of the nationalist’s ideology camp. The materialfor analysis was selected from agitational posters issued in the era of General Franco’sregime which contain titles and slogans about the Spanish state, including the mostimportant key-words of Francoism. The posters were assigned to different categories, according to the used metaphors, conceptual and imaginative schemes. On this base it waspossible to build up a propaganda’s definition of the state and extract basic features ofthe propaganda’s language. This linguistic analysis refers to the theory of the linguisticpicture of the world by Jerzy Bartmiński.
- Price: 4.50 €
Corridos y narcocorridos, expresión musical y cultural de México, 1910—2010
Corridos y narcocorridos, expresión musical y cultural de México, 1910—2010
(Ballads and Drug Ballads, Mexican Musical and Cultural Expression, 1910—2010)
- Author(s):Maria Carmen Tatay Fernández
- Language:Spanish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Theoretical Linguistics, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:59-72
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Ballads; Drug Ballads; Mexican Revolution; History; Culture
- Summary/Abstract:One of the most popular folk music in Mexico are the ballads or corridos. Two historical periods have been portrayed through this of musical expression: the Mexican Revolution of 1910 in the Revolutionary Ballads Corridos Revolucionarios and the Drug Ballads Narcocorridos in the present decades about current events. Both share to be a popularexpression, many times far away from the official interpretation of the events. They havea common language adapted to a similar musical rythm and have been widely adoptedby the Mexican people as their interpretation of historical events.Therefore, I propose to review two key periods in Mexican History, 1910 and 2010 from an academic perspective using these ballads as units of analysis, taking into account their contents (comparing and contrasting between both types of ballads) and their cultural expressions. Let the music to teach us about Mexico!
- Price: 4.50 €
Traducción y política en la Edad Media: la Consolatio Philosophiae de Boecio y sus versiones hispánicas
Traducción y política en la Edad Media: la Consolatio Philosophiae de Boecio y sus versiones hispánicas
(Translation and Politics in the Middle Ages: Spanish Translations of Boethius’ Consolatio Philosophiae)
- Author(s):Antonio Doñas
- Language:Spanish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Studies of Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:75-83
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Boethius; Consolatio Philosophiae; Translation; Politics; Middle Ages
- Summary/Abstract:In less than a century, Boethius’ Consolatio Philosophiae was translated into Castilian and into Catalan as many as ten times. Why was this book translated so many timesinto the same languages? There were obviously geographical, social, linguistic, literary,and stylistic considerations, but in this paper I would like to stress the political pressures:in my opinion, two of these versions were composed, at least in part, as an apologiafor, or an expression of exoneration of their dedicatees, the infant James of Majorca andthe Condestable Ruy López Dávalos, presenting them, through the identification withBoethius, as victims of injustice.
- Price: 4.50 €
El verbo de movimiento andar y sus equivalencias traductoras en polaco: aproximación al estudio contrastivo
El verbo de movimiento andar y sus equivalencias traductoras en polaco: aproximación al estudio contrastivo
(The verb in motion andar and its Polish equivalents in translation: contrastive analysis)
- Author(s):Monika Głowicka
- Language:Spanish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Library and Information Science, Studies of Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:84-94
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Andar; equivalents; translation; contrastive linguistics; Spanish and Polish
- Summary/Abstract:The mail objective of this study is to analyze the behavior of the Spanish verb inmotion andar and to compare it with corresponding Polish equivalents. We examine thisunit in terms of comparative method of translation study: we search Spanish sentencesin modern literature, Polish equivalents in translation and describe them with the purposeto reflect the structural differences between Spanish and Polish. We examine themeaning and equivalents in translation of the verb andar when it expresses motion andhas a figurative sense.
- Price: 4.50 €
¿Intraducible o sin equivalencia? Algunas consideraciones sobre la falta de equivalencia pragmática
¿Intraducible o sin equivalencia? Algunas consideraciones sobre la falta de equivalencia pragmática
(Untranslatable or without equivalence? Some considerations about the lack of pragmatic equivalence)
- Author(s):Maciej Paweł Jaskot
- Language:Spanish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Studies of Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:95-105
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Lexical and pragmatical equivalence; untranslatability; non-equivalent lexis; contrastive linguistics
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the following research paper is to give an insight into the issue of the lack of pragmatic equivalence. After recalling the basic principles of equivalence in translation sciences (Jakobson, Nida, Koller), the importance of translation of interlingual andpragmatic senses is underlined. A brief classification of the categories of words that cansuffer from a lack of pragmatic equivalence is presented together with contrastive examplesfrom Polish, Spanish and Russian. The main purpose of the paper is to highlight thedifficulty of translating a lexical unit with the least possible waste of all its meanings,including the pragmatic one.
- Price: 4.50 €
Algunos problemas de la enseñanza de traducción especializada: campos semánticos del español jurídico y del polaco jurídico
Algunos problemas de la enseñanza de traducción especializada: campos semánticos
del español jurídico y del polaco jurídico
(Certain problems in teaching of specialized translations: semantic fields of Spanish and Polish legal languages)
- Author(s):Katarzyna Kacprzak
- Language:Spanish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Studies of Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:106-117
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Semantic fields; specialized translations; teaching; Legal Spanish; Legal Polish
- Summary/Abstract:The paper analyses certain semantic fields of the Polish and Spanish legal languages, and how these can be used in teaching of specialized translations. The Author argues that the concept of the semantic field provides for a good introduction to legal translation intricacies. Analised are synonyms, antonyms, hypernyms/hyponyms, and the equivalence ranges of the base legal concepts like jurysdykcja [jurisdiction], postępowanie sądowe [court proceedings], środek zaskarżenia [mean of appeal] or the verb uchylić [abolish, dismiss, quash, revoke] and their Spanish equivalents. The Author offers translation lab problems to solve, that involve tracing how the relevant semantic fields overlap and where they do not, and definition of the semantic sub-fields where they do match. Also exercises intypical collocations and word formation in the selected semantic fields.
- Price: 4.50 €
Antonín Pikhart, el fundador del hispanismo traductivo checo
Antonín Pikhart, el fundador del hispanismo traductivo checo
(Antonín Pikhart, the pioneer of systematic Czech translation from Spanish and Catalan)
- Author(s):Jana Mrkvová
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Studies of Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:118-126
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Antonín Pikhart (1861—1909); characteristics of the book collection; translation; Spanish; Catalan and Hispanic American Literature; literaryhistorical research
- Summary/Abstract:Antonín Pikhart, a lawyer by profession, represents an important culturally active figure of the turn of the twentieth century. From the point of view of literary and translation history, his groundbreaking work constitutes his most notable achievement — Pikhart laid the foundations of systematic Czech translations from Spanish, Catalan and partially also Hispanic American literatures. He authored his own texts as well, among which lyrical works and travel and biographical sketches prevail. The analysis of his personal library has yielded many interesting findings reflective not only of its formation and organization but also of Pikhart’s translation work and his relationships with Spanish and Catalan writers. Following the data ascertained during the research of his library, we have also examined Pikhart’s correspondence with selected Spanish authors, included in his personal fund stored in the Literary Archive of the Museum of Czech Literature in Prague.
- Price: 4.50 €
Las Postales de España (Španielske pohľadnice) de la escritora eslovaca Zuzka Zguriška en español como un nuevo reto traductológico
Las Postales de España (Španielske pohľadnice) de la escritora eslovaca Zuzka Zguriška
en español como un nuevo reto traductológico
(The Spanish postcards of the Slovak writer Zuzka Zguriška into Spanish as a new translation challenge)
- Author(s):Cristina Simón Alegre
- Language:Spanish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Studies of Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:127-135
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Spanish postcards; Zuzka Zguriška; Czechoslovakia; translation; Czech words
- Summary/Abstract:In this paper we approach a work that hasn´t been very studied. The book travelŠpanielske pohľadnice (1931) by the Slovak writer Zuzka Zguriška is a portrait of Spain inthe 20 years of XX century. This book has not been translated into any foreign language.We analyze the problem of translation of some Czech words into Spanish in the chapter“En Madrid” of the Spanish postcards. We explain the situation of the Slovak languagein the interwar period to contextualize the problem around the Czech words and analyzetheir translation process into Spanish language.
- Price: 4.50 €
Al margen de la recepción recíproca de las teorías de la traducción checa e hispana
Al margen de la recepción recíproca de las teorías de la traducción checa e hispana
(A brief note on the reciprocal reception of Czech and Hispanic theories of translation)
- Author(s):Petra Vavroušová
- Language:Spanish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Studies of Literature, Philology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:136-146
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Reciprocal reception; methodological innovation; Czech and Hispanic translation studies; (re)exploration
- Summary/Abstract:At present, Translation Studies are undergoing methodological innovation that brings, among other things, the study of areas that were forgotten until recently or not discovered at all. The objective lies in presenting modern concepts of Spanish, Latin American and Czech origin, using the following lines of investigation as a basis: 1) Sedm tváří translatologie [Seven faces of Translation Studies] introduces new concepts and methods studied in the Iberian Peninsula; 2) Překlad a tlumočení jako most mezi kulturami [Translation and interpreting as a bridge between cultures] presents tendencies in Latin America; 3) Jiří Levý: Una concepción (re)descubierta [Jiří Levý: a (re)discovered conception] introduces Levý’s innovative concepts to the Spanish speaking world. The methodology lies in selecting and translating the most representative texts by contemporary Spanish and Latin American translation scholars and by Levý in their respective languages, thus making a contribution to the exchange between Czech and Hispanic theories.
- Price: 4.50 €