Managementul educațional la școală și în clasă
Educational Management in class and at school
Contributor(s): Cristian Mihail Rus (Editor), Laura Maria Cârstea (Editor), Antonela Cristina Sofronia (Editor), Puiu Petrică Sofronia (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Education
Published by: Editura Lumen, Asociatia Lumen
Keywords: education; sociology of education; ethics education; educational management; formal education; entrepreneurial education
Summary/Abstract: The volume entitled “Educational management in the classroom and in school”, coordinated by Cristian Mihail RUS, Laura Maria CARSTEA, Antonela Cristina SOFRONIA, Puiu Petrica SOFRONIA, was published as a result of the national scientific conference Educational management in the classroom and in school, which took place on August 31, 2018 in Iasi, Romania, organized by SC Training Cariere SRL, co-organizers: LUMEN Conference Center.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-973-166-504-7
- Page Count: 220
- Publication Year: 2018
- Language: Romanian
Managementul clasei. Repere psihosociale şi pedagogice
Managementul clasei. Repere psihosociale şi pedagogice
(Class Management. Psychosocial and Pedagogical Reports)
- Author(s):Coculiana Acăr
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:7-14
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:management; behaviour; educational climate;
- Summary/Abstract:Student classroom management is affirmed over the last decade as a special area of educational management. In this sense, in the architecture of school organization, we are talking not only about the functioning processes, but also about its structure. Starting with a general perspective of the educational management, we suggest an approach of the student classroom management from two perspectives: psychosocial and pedagogical, considering the educational/ psychosocial dimension of the classroom of students and the role of the educational climate.
- Price: 20.00 €
Managementul parteneriatului-factor decisiv în organizarea activităţilor extraşcolare
Managementul parteneriatului-factor decisiv în organizarea activităţilor extraşcolare
(The Educational Partnership Management -a Signifant Element in Organising Extracurricular Activities)
- Author(s):Maria Emilia Bilcec
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:15-21
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:educational management; educational partnership; Merry Cemetery; wooden cross; sculpture; extracurricular activities;
- Summary/Abstract:The educational partnership is the essential component in scholar organising and the classroom itself. The extracurricular activities have a major impact in the educational process because they enhance the cultural-artistic knowledge of the students, adding to their moral education. Educational partnerships and extracurricular activities are ways of building new skills for the students, adding to the knowledge contoured during their classes. The aim of this activity is to make students aware of the importance of this place which is considered a brand of Maramures, and enlarge their knowledge about the UNESCO'S monuments and the occupancy of this place.
- Price: 20.00 €
Particularizări ale dimensiunilor manageriale în coordonarea grupei de preşcolari
Particularizări ale dimensiunilor manageriale în coordonarea grupei de preşcolari
(Particularization of the Managerial Dimensions in Coordination of the Preliminary Group)
- Author(s):Cristina Butnaru
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:22-28
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:classroom management; early education; innovation; adaptation; inclusion;
- Summary/Abstract:The dimensional structure of classroom management is a reference theory for teachers, including those in the kindergarten teachers. This paper presents the six managerial dimensions: ergonomic, psychological, social, normative, operational and innovative in terms of how they can be processed and adapted to the preschool age. Because preschool children have specific cognitive and behavior characteristics, the dimensions must be customized at a concrete-intuitive level of development. The paper propose some theoretical references and some practical suggestions for the classroom management activity of kindergarten teachers.
- Price: 20.00 €
Managementul clasei de elevi la ora de matematică
Managementul clasei de elevi la ora de matematică
(Learning Classic Management in Mathematics Class)
- Author(s):Adriana Calotă
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:29-31
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:Management; education; classroom management; teaching; learning;
- Summary/Abstract:The evolution of mankind is based on knowledge. Knowledge is power and is acquired through individual study, but mathematical knowledge can only be achieved by the one who solves with the pen on paper many exercises, many problems, stopping on every detail, on each mathematical notion, asking "what he wants say "and trying to figure it out alone and go on whether it did or not.
- Price: 20.00 €
Educaţia pentru dezvoltare durabilă
Educaţia pentru dezvoltare durabilă
(Education for Sustainable Development)
- Author(s):Carmen Manuela Cazan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:32-39
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Sustainable development; heritage; needs; priorities;
- Summary/Abstract:Sustainable development is a form of economic development with the main objective to ensure a balance between economic and social progress and conservation of the natural environment, which is a good heritage to be transmitted to future generations. Sustainable development is a dynamic concept with many dimensions and interpretations.On one side it is seen as a process of permanent change, closely associated with the local context, needs and regional priorities.
- Price: 20.00 €
Societăţile studenţeşti din Cernăuţi
Societăţile studenţeşti din Cernăuţi
(The Students' Society of Cernăuţi)
- Author(s):Constantin Cenuşă
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:40-45
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Student Societies; University of Czernowitz; Ciprian Porumbescu; Faculty of Theology; Arboroasa; Academia Ortodoxa;
- Summary/Abstract:Together with the founding of university centres, there were organised student societies, which had the role to mobilise and engage young students in different cultural, social, national and political activities.The students in the University of Czernowitz were no exception, organising themselves and acting within several student societies: Arboroasa (1875, cultural), Junimea (1878, cultural), Bukovina (1880, combative), Academia Ortodoxa (1884, cultural), Dacia (1905, cultural), Moldova (1910, combative).These societies were supported both by the Bukovinian Hyerarchs and the professors at the University, such as Metropolitan Silvestru Morariu.
- Price: 20.00 €
Şcoala muzicală de la Putna
Şcoala muzicală de la Putna
(The Music School in Putna)
- Author(s):Constantin Cenuşă
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:46-52
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Putna Monastery; Byzantine Music; Protopsalter Eustatie; Stephen the Great; Musical Manuscripts;
- Summary/Abstract:The Voivodal Monasteries were spiritual centres, and also centres of Romanian culture and life. Within all these bastions of faith, there functioned actual schools and workshops of painting, sculpture, embroidery, precious metal crafting and schools of copyist and calligraphers.The Putna Monastery, the “Romanian Jerusalem”, as M. Eminescu called it, had such workshops and schools from its beginnings. First, we must mention the Musical School founded by Eustatie, the protopsalter who left a few manuscripts to us, which generated some disputes over their originality. Specialists in Byzantine musicology proved that the Musical School in Putna has its own originality, even if it appears within the context of certain Slavic- Byzantine influences.
- Price: 20.00 €
Universitatea din Cernăuţi
Universitatea din Cernăuţi
(The University of Cernăuţi)
- Author(s):Constantin Cenuşă
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:53-57
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Academy of Putna; Archimandrite Vartolomei Mazareanu; University of Czernowitz; Faculty of Theology;
- Summary/Abstract:Bukovina, as an integral part of Moldavia, which benefited from a rich cultural activity developed in monasteries, continued to stand out in this domain, starting with the Schools of Copyists and Translators, and ending with the Academy of Putna, founded by Archimandrite Vartolomei Mazareanu, modeled after the one in Kiev.After Bukovina was occupied by the Habsburg Empire, the Theological Institute was founded in Czernowitz in 1827. Through the efforts of the Metropolis of Czernowitz and of Bukovinian intellectuals, the University of Czernowitz was founded in 1875, comprising three faculties: a Greek-Oriental Theological one, a Juridical one and a Philosophical one, in two languages- Romanian and German.An important role within the University of Czernowitz was played by the Faculty of Theology which, through its professors and students, honored this highly appreciated University.
- Price: 20.00 €
De ce un management al educaţiei?
De ce un management al educaţiei?
(Why Management of Education?)
- Author(s):Laura Cernica - Nistor
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:58-60
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:Management; education; performance; organization; imagination; economy;
- Summary/Abstract:For longer than twenty years, the concept of Critical Management Studies has become iconic to a plethora of management scholars; to such an extent, in fact, that it has completelely transformed the classical understandings of management and the teaching proper.It is, indeed, vital, that resources and fund management be judiciously implemented in the system of education, which in turn entails human-resource factors: teachers, head teachers, inspectors, students, and not only. However, can or should principles traditionally revolving around the field of business be applied to schooling to such a high degree?
- Price: 20.00 €
O aventură numită “firma de exerciţiu”
O aventură numită “firma de exerciţiu”
(An Adventure called “Exercise Company”)
- Author(s):Vasilica Dae
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:61-67
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:mini company; education; entrepreneurship; management; results;
- Summary/Abstract:In this paper entitled “An Adventure Called The Mini Company”, I have managed to briefly emphasize the importance that mini companies have within the educational classroom management. The text has been divided into three subchapters, respectively: 1.1, which addresses the concept of a mini company and the key qualifications that the students will gain by participating in the simulated activities. 1.2 exemplifies the activities which students were required to perform based on the various compartments of the mini company, as well as the possibility of reassigning employees to different roles. Last, but not least, 1.3 highlights the students’ results from the challenges they took part in.
- Price: 20.00 €
Managementul educţional în organizaţiile şcolare
Managementul educţional în organizaţiile şcolare
(Educational Management in School Education)
- Author(s):Daniela Dragomir
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:68-73
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:educational management; strategy; school organization; managerial communication;
- Summary/Abstract:Management is a social function, oriented towards meeting the organization's objectives, strategic goals with key planning and organizing strategy. The organizational strategy indicates all the medium and long-term objectives, the implementation modalities and the resources allocated to its mission and vision. The elements of the educational management are: the mission of the organization, the strategic targets, the strategic actions, the resources allocated for carrying out the actions and the analysis and study of the environment in which the organization operates. The school organization is performing if the strategy is in line with the direct and indirect environment.
- Price: 20.00 €
Legile de bază ale managementului performant
Legile de bază ale managementului performant
(The Basic Laws of the Performance Management)
- Author(s):Mihaela Fildan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:74-78
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:management; laws; leadership; principles; performance; success; education;
- Summary/Abstract:John C. Maxwell, called the American expert in the leadership domain, is the author of 22 books, most of them refer to the leadership domain: How to become an influent person, The attitude of the winner, Develop the leader out of you, Develop the leaders around you, etc. In „The 21 incontestable laws of leadership”, John Maxwell reveals an extraordinary view of what the wish of learning should represent and of applying the essential principles of leadership. There are twenty one laws, from which can be mentioned: limitation law, influence law, process law, navigation law, the law of E. F. Hutton, etc John Maxwell aplies these laws in different activity areas: business, military system, religious system, family area, education domain, etc. The author highlights vehemently that: all rise and collapse because of leadership. No matter how one does his work, he must know that it will remain or perish depending on the leadership. Five basic principles can be encountered in the idea of the book: The staff determines the organization potential. Relations determine organization state of mind. The structure determines the organization size. Vision determines organization direction. Leadership determines the organization success.
- Price: 20.00 €
Dimensiuni ale managementului în şcoala eficientă
Dimensiuni ale managementului în şcoala eficientă
(Dimensions of Management in the Efficient School)
- Author(s):Ecaterina Galoiu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:79-86
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:management; inovation; inclusive education; education for all; organization culture; educational policies; inclusive environment; special educational needs; inclusion indicators;
- Summary/Abstract:The present paper aims to underline, based on the literature research, the importance of understandig by teachers and managerial staff, of the necessity of capitalizing on the dimensions of inclusion: inclusive policies, practices and cultures, as well as developing a positive and open attitude towards inclusive school. The use of inclusion indicators for the development of the educational institution reveals the role and importance of several factors in creating an inclusive environment for the success of the educational and social inclusion of children with special educational needs.
- Price: 20.00 €
Managementul educaţional şi managementul clasei
Managementul educaţional şi managementul clasei
(Educational Management and Class Management)
- Author(s):Orsolya Kozma
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:87-92
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:education; management; classroom; school; teacher; student;
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of this article is to share specific tips and techniques used by educators, education learning societies and experts in the field of education and classroom management. Classroom management is one of the greatest concerns of teachers and administrators when addressing the safety and well-being of students. Classroom management ranks at or near the top for beginning teachers as a general concern. I do believe that quality classroom instruction impacts student achievement more than anything else, but I also feel that you cannot have quality classroom instruction without quality classroom management skills.
- Price: 20.00 €
Managementul educaţiei - permanenţă în existenţă
Managementul educaţiei - permanenţă în existenţă
(Education management - permanence in existence)
- Author(s):Ioana Daniela Manu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:93-97
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Management; education; innovation; abilities; teacher; educable; school; class;
- Summary/Abstract:The value of a country is directly proportional with the level of education of their citizens. The education is defined as a set of measures applied to develop the individual's abilities. Educational development directions should focus on socialization, social control, social mobility, tolerance, volunteering and innovation. Since ancient times, education management has been the subject of a study of various schools. The school climate is defining as the performance of a quality educational act. The correct application of school rules and discipline leads to the proper evolution of the instructive-educational process.
- Price: 20.00 €
Inteligenţa emoţională, factor determinant în managementul la clasă şi în şcoală
Inteligenţa emoţională, factor determinant în managementul la clasă şi în şcoală
(Emotional Intelligence, Determinant Factor in Class and School Management)
- Author(s):Iulia Raluca Mirică
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:98-102
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:management; emotional intelligence; empathy;
- Summary/Abstract:My work is about ‘’Emotional Intelligence’’,a revolutionary subject and also debated, a determining issue in the classes of students and the school management.Classroom and school management represents an ample and bidding,research topic,in education sciences.That means the awakening of the ways and points of view from which we approach a class of students and a learning institution.The classes of students management is not just about teaching. It’s also about emotion, feeling, empathy.Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify,evaluate and control their own emotions,but also those around them,in order to obtain a quality educational management. Emotional intelligence can be considered an innate gift, as well as a potential developed gradually, in our life. Empathy,as the trait of emotional intelligence, proper management of your own emotions,and the ability to properly and manage your own emotions,listening ability, responsiveness and feedback are ways to solve any problems that arise in student education.
- Price: 20.00 €
Managementul clasei şi inteligenţele multiple
Managementul clasei şi inteligenţele multiple
(Class Management and Multiple Intelligence)
- Author(s):Mariana Miroi (Voinea)
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:103-110
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:management; education; innovation; multiple intelligence;
- Summary/Abstract:Class management is among the toughest problems that teachers are confronting every day. This article aims to highlight the fact that teachers who are promoting more teaching methods, using Haward Gardner's theory about multiple intelligences, tend to control their classes easier than before, when they were using the traditional teaching methods. If the teachers are taking in consideration their students' multiple intelligences, they will achieve higher implication in classes activities. As a result, using different types of activities according to the students' multiple intelligences may stimulate a positive climate, helping teachers managing their classes, contributing to shape the profile of inclusive teacher.
- Price: 20.00 €
Managementul unui caz particular în cadrul clasei
Managementul unui caz particular în cadrul clasei
(Management of a Particular Case within the Class)
- Author(s):Dumitru Moisi
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:111-118
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Management; learning difficulties; motivation; success; educational process;
- Summary/Abstract:Teachers complain repeatedly that students with learning difficulties are unmotivated. When students try the impossible failure is inevitable. Failure reduces motivation. Repeated fragments reduce interest in tasks and implicit self-confidence. However, motivation and interest in tasks can be created by completely changing the educational process.If students try to solve only what is possible, success seems to be close. Success awakens interest; repeated successes lead to greater self-confidence, and if they are continuous, they will motivate the student.A good organization of the class makes it possible for the student with learning difficulties not to become a devastating influence for the other students.
- Price: 20.00 €
Managementul activităţilor extracurriculare în învăţământul preşcolar
Managementul activităţilor extracurriculare în învăţământul preşcolar
(Management of Extracuricular Activities in Primary Education)
- Author(s):Mariana Moldovan
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:119-126
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:management; extracurricular activities; preschool;
- Summary/Abstract:The complexity of specific educational outcomes of preschool requires combining school activities with extracurricular activities and encourages educational partnerships. The extracurricular activities are complementary to the activities conducted in the classroom through their structure and content, and have a role and a well-established way in the formation and molding of a children' personality. The extracurricular activities complement and develop especially those aspects that formal education cannot form and strengthen enough in terms of quality and quantity. The management of extracurricular activities requires methodological approaches characterized by methodical flexibility.
- Price: 20.00 €
Managementul în educaţie
Managementul în educaţie
(Management in Education)
- Author(s):Ioan Murăşan,
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:127-131
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:management; team; spirit; school; institution; development.
- Summary/Abstract:In this management-based work we talked about building a team spirit at the level of the school unit, and the features of a functional team. Another aspect that I had in mind was the specification of the elements that favored corruption at the level of the school units and finally we developed a model of logical matrix, useful for the elaboration of a European project aiming at the development of the institution and the pupil benefiting of optimal learning conditions.
- Price: 20.00 €
Management, leadership, conducere. modele valide şi eficiente
Management, leadership, conducere. modele valide şi eficiente
(Management, Leadership, Driving. Valid and Efficient Models)
- Author(s):Ioana-Rodica Nemeş
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:132-138
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Management; leadership; administration; education; governance; managers; leaders; group; influence; aim; objectives; set;
- Summary/Abstract:Management and educational leadership refer to the formal administration of an educational establishment by coordinating the activity of its members in order to achieve the objectives set. In spite of the differences between these two terms, differences that are at times antagonistic, managers and leaders basically perform same functions but in different ways. Governance is the Romanian term for 'leadership', more than it is suitable for describing 'management'; governance is associated with leadership through a series of elements that include group, influence or aim. Various models and types of management or leadership are yet another proof of the fact that there is no pure way of governance.
- Price: 20.00 €
Managerul ideal în organizaţia şcolară
Managerul ideal în organizaţia şcolară
(Ideal Manager in School Scientific Organization)
- Author(s):Georgiana Florenţa Onişoru (Postiniuc)
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:139-145
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Management; education; manager; ideal; school;
- Summary/Abstract:Manager, Leader, Director - Several lexmas that capture the complex role of the one who runs a school unit. The man who sums up solid management skills, but also a real pedagogical tact, good knowledge of school, people, foresight and intervention capacity, the school principal must devote himself to the activities of the school and understand that his / her identity is impregnated by that of the institution and vice versa, illustrating with its team teachers, parents, pupils, auxiliary and non-didactic didactic staff, the image of a school
- Price: 20.00 €
Dezvoltarea gândirii critice şi învăţarea eficientă a fizicii
Dezvoltarea gândirii critice şi învăţarea eficientă a fizicii
(Development of Critical Consideration and Efficient Learning of Physics)
- Author(s):Emanuela-Maria Pangrati
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:146-153
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:critical thinking; experience; communication; child; action;
- Summary/Abstract:Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning or comunication, as a guide to belief and action. In its exemplary for, it is based on universal intellectual values that transcend subject matter divisions: clarity, accuracy, precision, consistency, relevance, sound evidence, good reasons, depth, breadth and fairness. A child taught to think critically can accurately predict the possible outcomes of his action.
- Price: 20.00 €
Etica managerială în cadrul unei instituţii de învăţământ
Etica managerială în cadrul unei instituţii de învăţământ
(Managerial Ethics within a Learning Institute)
- Author(s):Mariana Perniu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:154-159
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:management; ethics; education; innovation; performances; attributions; skills;
- Summary/Abstract:Managerial ethics is a branch of ethics that addresses in particular the type of conduct, but also the actions that managers carry out within organizations. It also analyzes how individuals or social groups react to the decisions the manager takes. Levels of application of managerial ethics are clearly stated in ethical codes, and that the way ethical code is transposed into everyday life depends on the attitude of managers and subordinates. Achieving ethical management is based on both rules and laws that determine people to act organized and legal. In this way, it is best for each employee to draw clear, precise responsibilities so as to create the climate of respect and responsibility.
- Price: 20.00 €
Managementul grupei de preşcolari
Managementul grupei de preşcolari
(Management of the Training Grup)
- Author(s):Niculina Petre
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:160-167
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:management; curriculum; organization; education;
- Summary/Abstract:The pre-school age is the stage where the foundations of personality are built. Because of that it is very important to design and organize the activity conducted in the kindergarten. The approach of a educational style needs to boost the interractions betwien kids, ful fill they’re needs for movement and create a permissive environment for spontane curiosity are conditions that allow us a good and efficient management’s in relations with preschoolers. Progress in preschool, primary, as well as in the entire school system, depends on the training and skills of teachers and in particular,on their pedagogical, professional human qualities.
- Price: 20.00 €
Managementul educaţional, principiile managementului educaţional şi schimbările necesare eficientizării procesului educaţional
Managementul educaţional, principiile managementului educaţional şi schimbările necesare eficientizării procesului educaţional
(Educational Management, Principles of Educational Management and Changes for the Efficiency of the Educational Process)
- Author(s):Gabriel-Atanasie Petrea
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:168-173
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Educational management; principles of Educational Management; the changes needed to make the educational process more efficient;
- Summary/Abstract:Educational management, as a science of management in general, studies the principles of management, organization, management and evaluation functions and strategies of educational institutions. Educational management is defined as „the science and the art of preparing human resources, of forming personalities, according to finesse accepted by the individual and society”. Educational management consists of „studying the processes and relationships that take place within the educational institutions during the educational process in order to de-copying the laws that generate it and the development of some methods and management techniques based on them, efficiency of this process”.
- Price: 20.00 €
Importanţa managementul educaţional în învatămîntul preuniversitar
Importanţa managementul educaţional în învatămîntul preuniversitar
(The Importance of Educational Management in Pruniversitary Education)
- Author(s):Mihaela Glencora Petriţa
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:174-179
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Educational management; control; evaluation; decision; counselling; leadership science; teacher; innovation;
- Summary/Abstract:In conclusion and based on the importance of education, the specific profession and the responsibility that the teacher in ensuring optimum development of personality, it follows that the teaching should receive the best candidates. Keep in mind that they will work with the man in the making, and the effects of their work can reverberate through the life of the student.If improving teacher is thorough and complete, its improvement can be done more successfully shaping the character, skills and professional skills of students.
- Price: 20.00 €
Aşteptări la început de mandat managerial
Aşteptări la început de mandat managerial
([Expectations at the beginning of the managerial mandate])
- Author(s):Cosmina Mihaela Radu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:180-184
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:education; manager; management; educational; innovation; innovative;
- Summary/Abstract:Nineteen years of experience have prooved without a doubt that the choices we make have concequences for the way our life turns out, but also for those who surround us. As much as a teacher can complete a kid’s education, the manager has responsabilities towards his subordinates. That’s why my intention is to build a successful career as a manager by being attentive and offering full-quality innovative educational services. These being said, during this managerial mandate, my objectives are as follows: providing diverse educational services that cover the needs of our community’s members, to proove that our scool’s management departement is trustworthy and can be counted on, to make our school friendly by developing educational extracurricular activities with and for the community. My ultimate purpose by working in the management department is to ensure the educational progress for every student of this institution in order for them to achieve high results . However, as innovation is the middle-name of a future manager , one of my objectives is also to develop new courses and opportunities for disadvantaged categories such as people undergoing educational qualifications. On this note, i want to end my summary by saying that i want to be able, at the end of it all, to say that i want to repeat this experience because management is all about teamworking with wonderful people.
- Price: 20.00 €
Managementul clasei de elevi, o provocare pentru profesori
Managementul clasei de elevi, o provocare pentru profesori
([Classic Learning Management, a Challenge for Teachers])
- Author(s):Elena Sabina Radu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:185-190
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Management; educaţie; disciplină; soluţii; comportament;
- Summary/Abstract:„Managing the class of children, a real challenge for teachers” is an article which doesn’t provide just plain theory but its main core being based on thirty years of experiences in working with students as a teacher aswell as school counselor. Day by day, the romanian education system confronts itself with more and more students that require alot more attention and special treatment. Intervention plans with proper examples of actioning in case of improper scholar behaviour may ease up other teacher’s work. The solutions provided by this article may be adapted according to the complexity of the situation and teacher’s personality.
- Price: 20.00 €
Aspecte teoretice ale managementului educaţional
Aspecte teoretice ale managementului educaţional
([Theoretical Aspects of Educational Management])
- Author(s):Lilia Stegărescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:191-195
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:management; management educaţional
- Summary/Abstract:The new economic and social context, related to Moldova's aspirations of European integration, implies superior performance in all areas of activity. That is why the Government of the Republic of Moldova has embarked on a series of ambitious reforms in the education sector in order to ensure that students have access to quality education in line with European standards. Improving the quality of education will have clear repercussions on the quality of life and work, being an indispensable condition for the development of human resources, social cohesion and economic competitiveness. Thus, the educational management functionality has become significant in the current social environment, where all aspects of education begin with the efficiency, quality of educational systems and activities. The present article describes the evolution of management as a human activity, as a science, as an art and as a process; presents some contemporary definitions of management and describes the concept of educational management from different perspectives.
- Price: 20.00 €
Rolul profesorului în managementul clasei de elevi
Rolul profesorului în managementul clasei de elevi
([The Role of the Teacher in the Learning ClassManagement])
- Author(s):Claudia Iuliana Târb
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:196-201
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:management; elev; professor;
- Summary/Abstract:To teach is to be able to create favorable conditions for pupils to learn, communicate with someone else, get in touch with others. Preparing to teach is a never-ending work that requires a lot of patience, if we consider working with students, the renewal of discipline, school, and society.
- Price: 20.00 €
Managementul clasei de elevi la ciclul primar
Managementul clasei de elevi la ciclul primar
([Classroom Management in Primary School])
- Author(s):Oana Cornelia Tiţa
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:202-205
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Manager; classroom; teacher; school;
- Summary/Abstract:A teacher must know how to determine little pupils to like everything that will become their ”second home” since their very first day of school. It is the teacher’s duty to offer them the choice of a pleasant environment where to feel safe, to arouse their curiosity and to satisfy their need for knowledge. At the start of the school year, the manager of the future classroom or of the classroom(s) established in the previous year(s) sets the objectives for the next two semesters. He/She plans, sketches, analyses, compares, decides etc. A teacher has both the role of a counsellor and of an assessor, „director”, „actor” or psychologist who discovers the children̕ s abilities.
- Price: 20.00 €
Eficientizarea resursei umane din sistemului de educaţie prin dezvoltarea profesională
Eficientizarea resursei umane din sistemului de educaţie prin dezvoltarea profesională
([Efficiency of Human Resources from the Education System by Professional Development])
- Author(s):Elena Roxana Vişan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:206-213
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:education; management of human resources; development; training;
- Summary/Abstract:The social, political, economic and cultural changes have led to the reform of the national education system, starting with the demands of the labor market, followed by the individual aspirations of each citizen. But a change of a real benefit, with positive effects for the education sector community, is achieved only in the conditions of a permanent professional development of the didactic human resource.This is evident from the approach and efficiency of human resource management through continuous training and adaptability to the current contexts of teaching staff. In this respect, the human resources management department can be associated as a cost-effective means for the implementation of national public education policies, an instrument of reform in the education system.
- Price: 20.00 €
Activităţile extraşcolare, o formă de manifestare a managementului educaţional
Activităţile extraşcolare, o formă de manifestare a managementului educaţional
([Extracurricular Activities, a Form of Managing Educational Management])
- Author(s):Daniela Camelia Vlaşin
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:214-220
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:educational management, extracurricular activities; Museum of the Romanian village; Memorial of the Victims of Communism and of the Resistance; Mocanita; Romanian dress; ia; Maramures houses;
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of this paper is to make known the importance of extracurricular activities as part of educational management and the positive impact they have on the psychological development of students involved, it promotes activities that emphasize all aspects of children's personality, self-esteem and support the development of self-trust which promotes knowledge skills and interests of students. The typology can fall extracurricular activities: trips and visits to museums, watching movies or plays.
- Price: 20.00 €