Managementul educaţional şi calitatea în educaţie
Educational management and quality in education
Author(s): Puiu Petrică Sofronia, Antonela Cristina Sofronia
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Education
Published by: Editura Lumen, Asociatia Lumen
Keywords: education; sociology of education; ethics education; educational management; formal education; entrepreneurial education;
Summary/Abstract: The volume entitled “Educational management and quality in education”, coordinated by Cristian Mihail RUS, Laura Maria CARSTEA, Antonela Cristina SOFRONIA, Puiu Petrica SOFRONIA, was published as a result of the national scientific conference Educational management and quality in education, which took place on January 23, 2019 in Iasi, Romania, organized by SC Training Cariere SRL.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-973-166-512-2
- Page Count: 191
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: Romanian
Teoria inteligenţelor multiple – howard gardner. inteligenţele multiple în logopedie
Teoria inteligenţelor multiple – howard gardner. inteligenţele multiple în logopedie
([The Multiple Intelligence Theory - Howard Gardner. Multiple Intelligence in Logopedia])
- Author(s):Elisabeta Elena Anghel
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:7-14
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Multiple intelligences; speech therapy; class management; special education;
- Summary/Abstract:To begin with, H. Gardner stated that classical psychology distinguishes two concepts of intelligence, namely a "standard psychometric" approach and a "multifactorial" one. Howard Gardner mentions in "Multiple Intelligences": New Horizons [2: 12]: “There is an alternative vision that I would like to present - one based on a very different view of the school. It is a pluralistic vision of the mind, recognizing many discrete aspects of knowledge, which accepts that people have different cognitive powers of knowledge and special cognitive styles.”
- Price: 20.00 €
Implementarea standardelor de calitate-premisă a dezvoltării culturii calităţii în şcoală
Implementarea standardelor de calitate-premisă a dezvoltării culturii calităţii în şcoală
([Implementation of Quality-Premises Standards for the Development of Quality Culture in School])
- Author(s):Cristina Mirela Barabaş
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:15-20
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Authorization Standards; Accreditation Standards; Reference Standards; External Audit; Quality in Education;
- Summary/Abstract:The concept of quality within the education sector can be summarised by the phrase ‘progress for each student’, it resumes to the satisfaction felt by the beneficiaries towards the services offered by the education provider, teachers’ awareness that pupils’ performance is reflecting their didactic merit and, essentially, the measure of their own performance. Technically, the quality of education offered by an educational institution relates to meeting of a set of standards, standards that are, in essence, reflecting the quality of services offered by the education provider to the beneficiaries.
- Price: 20.00 €
Managementul educational – profesorul manager
Managementul educational – profesorul manager
([Educational Management - Manager Professor])
- Author(s):Mirela Barbărasă
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:21-26
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:management; education; teacher; efficiency; evaluation;
- Summary/Abstract:Based on the importance of education, the day-to-day activities in this profession and the responsibility of the teacher in ensuring the optimal development of a student’s personality we can only come to the conclussion that the education industry should only have the best candidates available. The strategy that is embaced should be adequate for the objectives that have to be met to achieve improvement. If the educator has a solid training and followed a curricula that improved their abilities, then it is easier to guide students in their journey skills and professional qualities.
- Price: 20.00 €
Politici educaţionale în context european
Politici educaţionale în context european
(Educational Policies in European Context)
- Author(s):Anamaria Burada
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:27-32
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Education and professional training; European Union; Strategy 2020 - Education and Vocational Training 2020; human resources development;
- Summary/Abstract:This article aims to analyze from a historical perspective with the purpose of conceptual and methodological elucidation of the current state of implementation of educational policies in the field of education and professional training in the educational system as well as the analysis of the perception, training and participation of individuals involved in implementing policies such as the Strategy 2020- Education and Vocational Training 2020.
- Price: 20.00 €
Centru de documentare şi informare spaţiu ideal pentru activităţile nonformale de calitate
Centru de documentare şi informare spaţiu ideal pentru activităţile nonformale de calitate
(Documentation and Information Center. Ideal Space for Quality Nonformal Activities)
- Author(s):Crina Violeta Câcău Leş
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:33-40
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Documentation and Information Center; ethos; documentarist teacher; organises; interractive; activities;
- Summary/Abstract:This article is based on the theoretical documentation, obtained by attending the post-graduate course of documentarist teacher and due to organising workshops with elementary school students, from the school, where I am a permanent teacher, following an extension of research, involving other Documentation and Information Centers. The article comprises: the reason for choosing this theme, what a Documentation and Information Center is, who its beneficiaries and actors are, some activities of this Center, conclusions, recommendations, perspectives and a personal note, as well as the making of Documentation and Information Center ethos. I hope I have conviced you that the documentarist teacher organises interractive activities, attended by students, teachers, representatives of the local and county community and also by personalities from different fields of activity.
- Price: 20.00 €
Competenţele manageriale ale directorului de şcoală
Competenţele manageriale ale directorului de şcoală
(The Managerial Competences of the School Director)
- Author(s):Valeria Calapod
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:41-48
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Managerial skills; managers; management; education; school organization; performance;
- Summary/Abstract:The abstract presents the managerial competencies necessary for the effective management of the school manager in the educational environment and beyond. Competence development is a process that takes place throughout the career and involves specialized training, both within the organization and throughout the professional and social environment. A good manager will pay special attention to the professionalization of the function through the continuous development of skills to ensure quality in education with a special impact on the organizational climate as well as the public relations specific to the school.
- Price: 20.00 €
Eficienţa stilurilor de conducere în managementul educaţional
Eficienţa stilurilor de conducere în managementul educaţional
(The Efficiency of Leadership Styles in Educational Management)
- Author(s):Iuliana Călin
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:49-56
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Leadership style; educational management; organizational development; educational effectiveness; change in education;
- Summary/Abstract:Managerial leadership style is the one which imposes the direction where a scholar organization is heading and the way leadership styles are combined is a psychological particularity of the manager and is influenced by a number of factors which take into account the environment, the situation, the time, the culture, organizational climate as well as employees expectations. The purpose of applying a adequate leadership style in a scholar organization is to obtain a change in education and to achieve progress and educational effectiveness.
- Price: 20.00 €
Managementul lecţiei de matematică din perspectiva asigurării calităţii
Managementul lecţiei de matematică din perspectiva asigurării calităţii
(Management of Lessons of Mathematics from the Perspective of Quality Assurance)
- Author(s):Adriana Calotă
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:57-62
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Management; education; innovation; quality education;
- Summary/Abstract:A contribution to quality education now adays comes with new ways of working with children at math time, these being active-participatory methods, case studies, projects, portfolios, teamwork, partnerships to harness individual potential, and to be centered on the needs of each child. A classroom management that is conducive to quality assurance is based on the teacher's art of developing new communication skills, creativity, intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, collaboration skills, active, participatory methods that abolish steroid communication by promoting the free manifestations of the participants in the lesson.
- Price: 20.00 €
Rolul strategiilor de evaluare formativă în ameliorarea rezultatelor învăţării
Rolul strategiilor de evaluare formativă în ameliorarea rezultatelor învăţării
(The Role of Formative Assessment Strategies to Achieve the Results of Learning)
- Author(s):Mihaela Ciobanu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:63-68
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:education; innovation;
- Summary/Abstract:The present paper aims to discuss an important part of the educational process, namely the evaluation, by discussing an evolution over time, but also the value of this process. The evaluation tends to overcome the status of the final didactic stage of its instructional-educational activities in traditional didactics and its role of sanctioning the negative aspects of the learning process (memory gaps, mistakes). In modern didactics, the emphasis changes from evaluation-sanctioning to a formative assessment, which supports and values learning, pursuing the progress of learning through immediate and interactive regulation by the teacher.
- Price: 20.00 €
Elaborarea de situaţii problemă în predarea înmulţirii la clasa a III-a
Elaborarea de situaţii problemă în predarea înmulţirii la clasa a III-a
(Developing Problematic Situations in Teaching Multiplication in 3rd Graders)
- Author(s):Magdalena Ciuntu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:69-76
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:life; problem situation; solve; multiplication; skills; abilities;
- Summary/Abstract:In real life children are confronted with many situations which they have to solve them. Some are very simple, but there are cases when they must find the shorter way. Knowledges, abilities are used to finish a problem successfully. Introducing the notion of multiplication in the third grade, the student pursued a life period in learning mathematic, cognitive, practical, thinking skills. Problem situation means a real obstacle they must pass in real time by assuming risks, finding working tools which are part of the new situation.
- Price: 20.00 €
Formarea competenţei de comunicare şi factorii psihologici implicaţi la elevii cu dizabilităţi mintale
Formarea competenţei de comunicare şi factorii psihologici implicaţi la elevii cu dizabilităţi mintale
(Training of Competences of Communication and Psychological Factors Involved in Students with Mental Disabilities)
- Author(s):Margareta Cîrligeanu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:77-82
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:communication competence; psychological factors; reading; writing;
- Summary/Abstract:The development of language is the product of psychosocial interaction, especially verbal, which is continuously, systematically conducted between adults and the child. The ability of the student to communicate with mental disabilities in different social contexts develops due to the exchange of cognitive and affective messages provided by adults, especially parents and teachers. Teachers have the role of constantly encouraging students to communicate, enable them to develop their language skills, use their personal resources to solve their tasks and activities that are appropriate to their abilities.
- Price: 20.00 €
Managementul educational - stiluri de management
Managementul educational - stiluri de management
(Educational Management – Styles of Management)
- Author(s):Nicoleta Cristina Enceanu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:83-88
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:management; education; educational product; educational system; teacher;
- Summary/Abstract:Education management goal is to achieve the proper operation of the system, both in whole and of each item and connected, adapting it to the requirements it continually economic, scientific and cultural aspects of society, revealing and removing the while shortcomings impediments to the achievement of objectives. Educational manager is transferring them to educational realities. In the conditions of the decisional process’s conditions, the managers should take charge of their actions more and more, in a new cycle which supposes: data – information – fundaments – actions and which is, actually, the knowledge management. In this way, the accomplishment of a good organized knowledge management is imposed, in order to assure performance and efficiency in the educational domain.
- Price: 20.00 €
Management de calitate în instituţiile şcolare
Management de calitate în instituţiile şcolare
(Quality Management in Schools)
- Author(s):Daniela Giugariu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:89-94
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Management; leadership; quality; education;
- Summary/Abstract:Being a manager means doing a lot of things in a timely manner. In order to make quality management in schools, the qualities of the manager and of the group he is leading should be taken into account. The manager's decisions must take into account the satisfaction of all the members he coordinates. Therefore, a guide to things well done is useful to any manager, so as not to deviate from the rules of the game. The school manager must demonstrate that he knows how to coordinate the group at any time of his or her work.
- Price: 20.00 €
Contextul didactic al educaţiei interculturale
Contextul didactic al educaţiei interculturale
(Didactic Context of Intercultural Education)
- Author(s):Alina Elena Ionescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:95-100
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:education; culture; innovation; Multiculturalism; Interculturalism;
- Summary/Abstract:Intercultural education addresses a pedagogical approach to cultural differences, a strategy that takes into account spiritual or other specificities, avoiding as far as possible the risks resulting from the inequality of cultural exchanges or the atomization trends of cultures. The intercultural approach is not a new science or a new discipline, but a new methodology that attempts to integrate the data of psychology, anthropology, social sciences, politics, culture and history into the question of the educational space. This paper deals with the way in which the discourse on interculturality draws its attention from the open perspective of disciplinary connections, assuming a new approach to the values horizon.
- Price: 20.00 €
Managementul organizaţiei şcolare
Managementul organizaţiei şcolare
(Management of School Organization)
- Author(s):Doiniţa-Liliana Ispas
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:101-104
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:management; school; leadership;
- Summary/Abstract:The democratic nature of a society is kept and continued by each individual. A person should be taught to express his opinion so that he may involve himself in decision making and always being civicly awake. Through structure, objectives and content, education must always meet the standards of national and international evolving realities. The meaning and efficiency of the educational act are given by the availabilityes of adapting to education and self-regulation towards the increasing number of defiant acts in the society.
- Price: 20.00 €
Echipa didactică, factor al calităţii în educaţie
Echipa didactică, factor al calităţii în educaţie
(Didactic Team, Factor of Quality in Education)
- Author(s):Ionel Mitrofan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:105-112
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:management; quality; teaching staff; education; teamwork; improvement;
- Summary/Abstract:Quality in education is based on several factors from which we can not exclude the teaching staff. Speciality literature offers various examples that show us the great advantages of the teaching staff, from making decisions in developing the school, to the benefits offered to teachers by teamwork, benefits that are somehow in the famous pyramid of Maslow’s needs. At the same time, it is generally recognized the fact that teams are more creative than individuals, the members of a good team motivate each other and the high level of assuming the responsibility, which the team members have towards each other, is a method of improvement.
- Price: 20.00 €
Importanţa utilizării tehnologiei informatice şi comunicaţionale în predarea disciplinelor economice
Importanţa utilizării tehnologiei informatice şi comunicaţionale în predarea disciplinelor economice
(The Importance of the Use of Informatic and Communicational Technology in Teaching Economic Disciplines)
- Author(s):Mihaela Lenuţa Moca
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:113-120
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Education; technology; innovation;
- Summary/Abstract:The human civilization is going through a period of profound changes. We live in a society where the information is intensively used. In such an informational society the communications and information technologies are fundamentally important. The students of today want a teaching system where their educational needs are fulfilled and furthermore, to use their preferred learning instruments in their act of studying. Against the odds, the teaching system of today admits the role played by the Internet and the Web in the teaching activity, which make them fundamental instruments in class as well as outside the class.
- Price: 20.00 €
Managementul calităţii în educaţie
Managementul calităţii în educaţie
(Quality Management in Education)
- Author(s):Mariana Moldovan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:121-128
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:quality management; quality education; high standards;
- Summary/Abstract:Quality in education is a dynamic and complex concept, with an evolution and dynamics that have an interesting socio-educational relevance, given the correlative concepts: quality production, quality control, quality management, strategic quality etc. In terms of the law of education, quality of education is a set of characteristics of a program of study of its provider, through which the quality standards and expectations of the beneficiaries are met. The need for quality assurance in education, leading to optimization, improvement, streamline educational processes to maintaining high standards for education and its international openness, it is widely recognized in Europe and worldwide.
- Price: 20.00 €
Rolul opţionalelor în educaţia şcolarilor
Rolul opţionalelor în educaţia şcolarilor
(The Role of Optionals in the Education of Preschools)
- Author(s):Ana Muntean
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:129-134
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Optional disciplines; Curriculum of the school; The methodology for the preparation of optional;
- Summary/Abstract:Optional are the subjects on which it proposes to study school students according to the needs of the community of human resources, the physical basis. For the school as institution of culture, optional represents the possibility of own identity due in relation to other schools. In addition, the offer, the school contributes to the implementation of the curriculum reform. For teachers, the optional disciplines are real challenges that he may be vocational, for proposing an optional and to implement it successfully represents a stumbling block.
- Price: 20.00 €
Managerul grupei de prescolari - educatoarea
Managerul grupei de prescolari - educatoarea
(Manager of Prescolar Grup - Educator)
- Author(s):Marina Veronica Niculae
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:135-138
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:manager; educaţional changes; kindergarten teacher; qualities; abilities;
- Summary/Abstract:In the pre-schl education system, the kindergarten teacher has a managerial role for the group of pre-school pupils. In terms of managerial activities, the manager is the one who finda, allocates and employs physical and human resources in order to achieve goals. Considering the fact that management of a pre-school group of pupils implies approaching the group from the perspective of its practical dimensional levels (ergonomic, psychological, social, normative, operational and innovative), the manager kindergarten teacher must have the qualities and abilities that are necessary for performing an optimum activity with the pre-school pupils. The manager is one of the key factors for introducing any educational changes.
- Price: 20.00 €
Managementului clasei de elevi. învăţătorul manager
Managementului clasei de elevi. învăţătorul manager
(Management of the Study Class. The Teacher Manager)
- Author(s):Cristina Nuţaş
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:139-146
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Management; manager; responsibility; strategies; decisions; planning; counseling;
- Summary/Abstract:The key to making the educational process more efficient lies in the optimal way of realizing the relationship between its two links: on the one hand, the student, with his hereditary dowry, with his abilities, skills and availability, on the other hand, the didactic framework, which causes, determines and directs the student's change and development. The teacher must be very well prepared not only in the taught specialization, but be both a good psychologist and a good manager.
- Price: 20.00 €
Controlul, îndrumarea si evaluarea activitatii intr-o unitate scolara
Controlul, îndrumarea si evaluarea activitatii intr-o unitate scolara
(Control, Guidance and Evaluation of Activity in a School Unit)
- Author(s):Marcela Paşcu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:147-154
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:management; control; guidance; evaluation;
- Summary/Abstract:This article refers to one of the most important issues of educational management, namely: the duties of the headteacher regarding the control, guidance and evaluation in a school unit, ways of conducting the control, guidance and evaluation of the teaching staff, auxiliary and non-didactic didactic activities. There are specifiend the performance indicators that the headteacher of the unit is required to achieve in order to perform the control / evaluation function. The article also includes guidelines regarding the Visits and Supervising Program and some activity segments for controlling and guiding auxiliary and non-teaching staff that need to be included in the Single Guidance and Control Plan.
- Price: 20.00 €
Managementul educaţional – pârghie de bază a sistemului de învăţământ
Managementul educaţional – pârghie de bază a sistemului de învăţământ
(Educational Management – A Basic Key Factor of the Education System)
- Author(s):Alina Popovici
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:155-160
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Management; educational establishment; educational process; school's manager; educational system; pioneering solutions;
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of this article is to emphasize the importance of the application within an educational establishment, of a right management which takes into account all factors involved in the educational process: teachers, students, family, community, in accordance with the mission, the aims and the social and economical responsibilities of the Romanian education system. It was also underlined the fact that, school success is associated with the ability of the school's manager to find pioneering solutions to accomplish the goals established and to respect the legal framework which runs the educational system.
- Price: 20.00 €
Calitatea în educaţie – formal prin nonformal
Calitatea în educaţie – formal prin nonformal
(Quality in Education - Formal through Nonformal)
- Author(s):Monica Luminiţa Rusan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:161-166
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Management; education; innovation; quality in education; non-formal education;
- Summary/Abstract:The dynamics of the last decades highlights the need for quality in education for at least four reasons: moral, contextual, from the desire to survive in a competitive environment, but also out of responsibility (schools are constantly subject to appreciation and evaluation from its educational partners: pupils, parents, community, and society). It is in its name that projects are initiated, resources are researched and used, arguments are brought forward, initiatives that are considered ,,good practices” are launched. In this article, I envisage how the new education (made through reading clubs, role-plays, transdisciplinary projects) brings the educational process closer to the pupils' daily life and to the needs of the community, by exemplifying the non-formal activities that I have carried out in school, together with my colleagues and students. Activities such as these demonstrate that non-formal education successfully accompanies formal education and it remains one of the best ways to support the pleasure of knowing and affirming originality.
- Price: 20.00 €
Aspecte ale unui management educaţional defectuos
Aspecte ale unui management educaţional defectuos
(Aspects of Educational Defect Management)
- Author(s):Adriana Sandu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:167-172
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Leadership; management; mistakes; communication;
- Summary/Abstract:The leadership activity requires multiple efforts in order to get an optimal educational process in schools, but, sometimes, wrong decisions or even poor leadership training can lead to mistakes. Some of these mistakes can put the institution into critical situations and they can also create deficiencies in the course of teaching. The lack of efficient communication between the employees can also cause a tensed atmosphere. The principal should stimulate them in order to get the teachers to work harder while having better attitude towards their job. That being said, the knowledge of the management in human resources principles offers a great help in this case. Various negative examples draw attention to multiple situations in which mistakes can lead to serious repercussions when not promptly intervening through remedial measures.
- Price: 20.00 €
E-learning-ul şi formarea continuă a cadrelor didactice
E-learning-ul şi formarea continuă a cadrelor didactice
(E-Learning and Continuous Training of Teaching Education)
- Author(s):Elena Gabriela Ştefan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:173-176
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:education; innovation; management; e-learning; continuous training; teacher;
- Summary/Abstract:The process of continuing education of teachers in our country is based on the paradigm of the approach not only in terms of learners' competences but also of the concept of cumulative and continuous development of the level of competences related to teaching staff. Through the e-learning system dedicated to the continuous training of teachers, the beneficiaries have the ability to access the related programs regardless of location and time, the interaction between the teachers and their trainers is not a direct one with an individual assessment, which can be done by mutual agreement of the parties.
- Price: 20.00 €
Consilierea educaţională – activitate indispensabilă pentru o educaţie de calitate
Consilierea educaţională – activitate indispensabilă pentru o educaţie de calitate
(Educational Consulting - Indispensable Activity for Quality Education)
- Author(s):Lilia Stegărescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:177-185
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Calitate în educaţie; consiliere; consiliere educaţională;
- Summary/Abstract:The content of this article seeks to clarify what educational counseling is and to highlight the importance of educational counseling in fulfilling the Mission of education and the Educational Ideal; in achieving the objectives of new educational policies defined as harmony between the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for all individuals for their personal development, for contribution as active citizens, for integration into the workplace and the society; as well as in ensuring quality education in the current educational system.
- Price: 20.00 €
Managementul implicării la nivelul organizaţiei şcolare
Managementul implicării la nivelul organizaţiei şcolare
(Immediate Management on the Level of School Education)
- Author(s):Daniela Ungureanu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education
- Page Range:187-191
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Management; education; cooperation;
- Summary/Abstract:In an open democratic society it takes an active person willing to get involved in organizing, leadership and management and is validating his own acts and others alike. The manager, through his decisions and personal example, must support and promote ethical values, professional and personal integrity of collaborators and subordinates.The role of a manager in the school is to inspire teachers, support staff and students with the desire to be the best and provide them with the necessary conditions to do their best in a constant competition with others and themselves.
- Price: 20.00 €