Public broadcasters in the autonomic regions of Spain. Between mission and politics
Publiczni nadawcy w regionach autonomicznych Hiszpanii. Między misją a polityką
Keywords: public broadcasters; autonomic regions of Spain
The volume has been divided into two parts. The first, theoretical part concerns the issues connected with the worldwide models of media systems, as well as the role of the public media, the methods of defining their mission, and the aims and tools of media politics. Further inquiry concerns the media landscape of Spain, in addition to the main legal determinants which regulate the media in the country. Moreover, the author conducts a review of the most important legislation included in the autonomous constitutions that concerns the possibility of establishing means of mass communication by autonomous communities. The second part constitutes an attempt at systematizing the strategies undertaken by autonomous governments to encourage growth of local public broadcasters with a regional reach. The author distinguishes four different attitudes towards the role of the public media as well as towards defining the public mission and the level of engagement in the process of broadcaster management by the political powers in the region, delineated on the basis of legal and institutional analysis of media legislation. It is possible, therefore, to distinguish four vectors of regional government activities which correspond to the various types of public media present in the autonomous regions of Spain: a basic type with the function of regional media, a mixed type with the inclusion of the private sector, a transitional type aimed at reforming the model of public radio and television management, and an advanced type, in which the regulations and institutions involved allow for a larger media autonomy.