Slavica v České Řeči. Vol. II - České překlady ze slovanských jazyků 1861-1890
Volume 2 collects the bibliographic information concerning Czech translations of literature from other Slavic languages published in the year 1861-1890
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Volume 2 collects the bibliographic information concerning Czech translations of literature from other Slavic languages published in the year 1861-1890
Yirmi birinci yüzyıl ile birlikte ivme kazanan NBIC (nanoteknoloji, biyoteknoloji, enformasyon teknolojileri ve bilişim bilim) teknolojileri alışılageldik kavramlar üzerinden yapılan geleneksel insan tanımlarını ve insana yüklediğimiz değerleri değiştirmektedir. İnsanın ve doğanın ‘doğasını’ değiştirmenin eşiğinde olan kök hücre araştırmaları, yeniden üreme biyoteknolojileri, sentetik biyoloji, insan genom ve gen-tasarım teknolojilerinden, klonlama teknolojileri, türler arası organ nakil teknolojileri ve suni hayat ve yapay yaşam ortamlarına kadar birçok biyomedikal, biyoteknolojik ve sibernetik buluş yeni bir dönüm noktasını ya da insanlık tarihinde yeni bir kırılmayı işaret etmektedir. Söz konusu gelişmelere eşlik eden düşünsel değişimler ise insana ve doğaya dair genel geçer ve asla değişmez diye adlandırdığımız temel kategorileri sorgulayarak dönüşümün gerekliliğini vurgulamaktadır. Posthümanizm bu dönüşümlerin bir yansıması olarak, geçmiş, bugün ve gelecek arasındaki bağları irdeler; bu bağlamda da insan, insan-ötesi/ üstü/sonrası/dışı/ alternatif senaryolar üretir/sunar. Bütün bu gelişmeleri ve dönüşümleri ele almayı amaçlayan Posthümanizm Serisi’nin ilk kitabı olan Edebiyatta Posthümanizm, Batı toplumlarını ideolojisini ve zihniyetini yüzyıllardır besleyen insanı evrenin merkezi kabul eden anlayış biçiminin vuku bulduğu insan/doğa, insan/insan-olmayan gibi ikili düşünce sistemini kökten çökerten posthümanizm kuramlar bütününün edebi yazında nasıl kavramsallaştırıldığını sorgulamaktadır. Bu bağlamda, bu kitap Posthümanizm ve Edebiyat ilişkisini derinlemesine inceleyen farklı coğrafyalarda ve farklı dönemlerde yazılmış çeşitli Osmanlı-Türk ve Batı edebiyatlarından örnekleri posthümanist kuramsal yaklaşımlar çerçevesinde analiz ederek insan ötesi yaşam türlerinin edebiyattaki yansımalarını tartışır. Seçilen eserlerde posthümanizmin feminizm, ekoeleştiri, biyopolitika ve transhümanizm gibi kuramlarla birbirlerine katkısı doğrultusunda yakından ilişkisi incelenmektedir.
A play written by William Shakespeare, in a new translation by Piotr Kamiński. Critical edition with commentary.
The main purpose of this monograph was a multiperspective look at the fate of the Serb population in a time, when patriarch Arsenije IV Jovanović Šakabenta (1726–1748) was its undisputed leader. It was a crucial moment in the history of the Serbs, due to the shift of focus in their spiritual and political life from Peć to Karlovci. For the Serbian community, who did not have its statehood then, it was undoubtedly a particularly significant event. The problems of the Serbs in the first half of the 18th century have been presented against the background of crucial events of the general history of the period. These include, among others, “the Tulip Period” in the Ottoman Empire (1718–1730), the Austrian-Turkish war (1737–1739) and the War of the Austrian Succession (1740–1748). The monograph is based on the lesser known sources which were collected during archival and library research in Serbia, Austria, Croatia and Russia.
The researching of the mechanisms that rule the sense composing, in process of receiving the communique, is still of interest to researchers – Aleksy Awdiejew and Grażyna Habrajska – the creators of Polish communicativism theory. However, there were no deliberations dedicated to prosody. The purpose of presented publication is to refill this vacancy.Author, referring to the theoretical basics of commucativism, researches the process of communicating the sense, using suprasegmental elements of speech (stress and intonation) and segmental elements (pause). She offers an auditory analysis of material extracted from 16 different audiobooks of literature classics. The proprietary system of prosodic elements’ notation allows to observe and to record the acoustic value of the communiques. Using this system isn’t a purpose itself – it’s used for professional analysis of a prosodic frame. Communicative approach of the prosody contributed to initiate a new field of study: prosody pragmatics. According to this, author describes prosody that: 1) does not interfere with interactive power of communique (prosody read); 2) can sensitize, weaken or modify this power (prosody derived or interpreted). She extracts and classifies all prosody’s characteristics within the groups of interactive operators they create; she recreates the process of supporting the sense’s composing using prosody, by comparing primary (by author of the text) and secondary (by actor reading the text) prosodic interpretation of the text. She also designates the classes of phenomena, within recipients can build some area of meaning in their own imagination.
The inquiries presented in this monograph cover the entirety of the religious and cultural heritage created by the Orthodox monastic communities that have existed for a thousand years on the Holy Mount Athos in Greece. The research shows the scope and the way of using the sense of sight as a creator and at the same time a receptor of material and spiritual reality, which is manifested in the local liturgy, architecture, art and literature, as well as in mysticism, prayer and the way of everyday life of monks. The scale of the involvement of the sight in the creation and interpretation of Athos reality is determined by two existential factors – on the one hand, the usability of natural creations and works of human hands, and on the other hand, the influence of things on human consciousness in the physical and metaphysical dimension of being. As a result of the visual integration of these two processes, the objects used on the Holy Mount in sacred and secular activities gain their own agency, which manifests itself in their practical and symbolic functions. Due to the fact that these functions are performed in relations with their contractors, things, thus, become props with the help of which people express and interpret their faith and knowledge, experienced emotions, as well as their own attitude towards the world and fellow human beings. Using the sight in this process takes places in several ranges of vision: (1) mystical insight, (2) perception of light, (3) perception of shapes, (4) vision of colors, (5) motion detection.
Translations – produced, at varying rates, across the ages – constitute one of the basic components of the reception of Slavia Orthodoxa literature in Poland. Their comprehensive description and in-depth analysis require the collection, presentation, and commentary of the bibliographic data concerning the existing translations of the writings in question. This is the objective of the recent volume of Series Ceranea.The bibliography covers texts which arose and/or functioned among the Slavs of the Eastern Rite between the late 9th and the 21st century and which have been translated into Polish, be it from Old Church Slavic or the recensions (local varieties) of Church Slavic. The description encompasses both works that can be attributed to particular authors and anonymous writings. The bibliography is accompanied by a dozen or so detailed analytic/descriptive studies.
The publication constitutes a critical edition complemented with an introduction to the three comedies and two dramas by Wincenty Ignacy Marewicz (1755–1822) – a poet, prose writer, publicist, playwright and actor. It is the first modern edition of these dramatic works since their first publication in the late 18-th century. The introduction focuses on the publications and theatrical performances of the edited dramas, the author's inscriptions included in them. It also presents the main themes and subjects of these works, and highlights their theatrical and moral values. The editorial part of the study includes comedy and drama texts as well as commentaries.
Translations – produced, at varying rates, across the ages – constitute one of the basic components of the reception of Slavia Orthodoxa folk literature in Poland. Their comprehensive description and in-depth analysis require the collection, presentation, and commentary of the bibliographic data concerning the existing translations of the works in question. This is the goal of the present publication.The Bibliography systematizes the Polish translations of folk texts originating from the Slavia Orthodoxa area. The primary division of the source material is based on the criterion of geographic origin: South Slavic vs East Slavic. Within these two groups, the pieces are categorized according to the means of transmission or performance: prose works intended for being retold (fables, legends, folk tales, etc.) and poetic works intended for being sung or recited (songs, including epic songs; ballads, dumas, bylinas, etc.). The bibliographic information concerning the existing translations is presented in chronological order. The bibliography is accompanied by a number of detailed analytic/descriptive studies.
Publication available under license Attribution 4.0 International (BY 4.0).This is a revised version of my doctoral dissertation Generics in Norwegian –A Cognitive Analysis. I defended the thesis in October 2020 at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. The goal of this book is to show how genericityfunctions in the Norwegian language and how it is rendered in the cognitiveframework.Genericity as a language phenomenon is regarded as the ability to talkabout kinds and to make generalisations about people, objects and events.The possibility to make such generalisations is known to be present in alllanguages (see Chapters 1 and 2). However, the way it is expressed may varyfrom language to language. In Germanic languages, and therefore also inNorwegian, genericity is expressed mainly with the use of different nounforms. When it comes to Norwegian, there are five noun phrase (NP) typesthat can be used generically and these are: bare noun, indefinite singular,definite singular, indefinite plural, and definite plural.All of the forms listed above can be used in a number of contexts, notonly the generic ones. In this study, a number of generic texts are analysed,together with feedback from native speakers of Norwegian, in order to determine whether there are certain contexts in which given NP types occuras generic. In the last section of the book, a cognitive model of such contextswas created (see Chapter 7), based on the models of Radden 2009, Pettersson1976, and Leslie et al. 2011.
Publikacja dotyczy różnych perspektyw postrzegania ludyczności. Znajdują się w niej teksty zarówno o aspektach teoretycznych pojęć gra, zabawa, ludyczność, jak i na temat konkretnych technik wykorzystywanych podczas zajęć z uczniami na odmiennych poziomach zaawansowania oraz w różnym wieku. Autorzy prezentują szerokie spektrum nie tylko zastosowania strategii ludycznych oraz istniejących w jej obrębie technik, lecz także analizy semantycznej czy społecznej głównych zagadnień, które zostały poruszone w książce. Redaktorki Monografia jest cenną pozycją budującą dyskurs glottodydaktyczny zarówno w kontekście teoretycznym, Jak i praktycznym. Otwiera nowe przestrzenie poszukiwań badawczych – związanych z analizą procesów nabywania języka oraz praktycznych – wiążących się z odkrywaniem efektywnych i atrakcyjnych metod nauczania języków obcych. Mimo iż nie wyczerpuje wszystkich zagadnień z zakresu nauczania ludycznego, stanowi swoiste kompendium dydaktyczne z perspektywy tej metodologii. Autorzy zachęcają nauczycieli do kreatywności i odwagi w przełamywaniu schematów, pokazują, że uczenie przy zastosowaniu metod ludycznych świetnie się sprawdza w nauczaniu języków obcych we wszystkich grupach wiekowych oraz podpowiadają sposoby wykorzystania różnych technik ludycznych na zajęciach. Z recenzji prof. dr hab. Anny Dunin-Dudkowskiej
The book proposes to investigate the state of literary research that emerges after the negation of constructivism. After a period typical of constructivism's dominance of the belief in the textual nature of reality, the discursive nature of human reality and the narrative identity of each subject, entirely new positions are emerging, which the monograph describes collectively. Thanks to the philosophy of presence, new phenomenology, the turn to things, ecocriticism and other transgressions of constructivism, the relations of literature to reality and subjectivity are explored in a completely new way. These are referred to in the monograph as 'post-critical reading', thus emphasising that they have been developed as another form of criticism combined with reflections on the positive relationships of works with their readers. After defining critical reading, the book focuses on two distinct evolutions of literary studies attitudes towards the deliberate negation of constructivism (H.U. Gumbrecht) or its combination with post-constructivist concepts and practices (R. Felski). The monograph also contains a number of readings of 20th- and 21st-century Polish literature in a post-critical spirit (S. Piasecki, Z. Haupt, M. Białoszewski, T. Różewicz, P. Matywiecki, A.D. Liskowacki, D. Kotas. S. Hałas, N. Malek).
Out of a plethora of discursive attempts to grasp metaphorically the earlytwenty-first-century spirit of our late capitalist/postmodern condition,the notion of camouflage seems a particularly disturbing one. On theone hand, it implicitly problematizes the traditional postmodern dislikeof the inside-outside distinction, directly or indirectly introducinga border between the visible and the invisible, the latent and themanifest, the form and the essence. If cognition is not only mediatedbut also distorted by a potential illusion – whether linguistic or visual– then the very process of perception seems inevitably contaminated bya strong sense, if not of cognitive uneasiness, then at least of perceptiveuncertainty. Seen in these terms, the gesture of distrust, which thenotion of camouflage inevitably includes, announces the return ofrigid cultural divisions between the inside and the outside, divisionsthat a large number of post-modern and post-structuralist claims havemanaged to first theorize and then deconstruct, rendering our culturallandscape always-already open to transparent debate and open-endedevolution. (excerpt from the introduction)
The range of activities in the field of informatology that the European standardising organisationsare engaged in, as compared to the operations of other standardising organisations,constitutes the main theme of the monograph. Its aim is to analyse the European standardisingsystem and present the work of individual technical bodies with regard to various informativeactivities. On the basis of quantitative analysis of international and European standardising documentspublished between 1990 and 2013, the author also attempts to determine the significantinfluence that European standardisation exerts upon the field of informatology on internationalscale. The impact of European standardisation on Polish activity conducted in the field of informatology,bibliology and bibliography by 242 Technical Committee has also been subjected toanalysis. The monograph contributes to the development of research in national, European andinternational standardisation of information and library activities.
This collection of essays is the first book-length study in Polish of the works, and to some extent the life, of Flannery O’Connor. Reflecting current research and methodology in literary studies, theology, and philosophy, it covers the writer’s complete works (including essays and letters), biography, reception, and strategies for translating her fiction into Polish.
Strong, fluent and precise translation by Piotr Kamiński, accompanied by an incisive preface and commentary by Anna Cetera-Włodarczyk, with a beautiful book design by Maciej Buszewicz. The edition includes footnotes and the lists of Polish translations and productions of "Twelfth Night".
The volume greets Dr Zsuzsanna Ajtony, Associate Professor at the Department of Humanities of Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania. It is a tribute to her career as a secondary school teacher and later as a university staff member and researcher, whose guiding principle is: “I have been preoccupied with the combination of language teaching, literature, and the joy of reading ever since I started the teaching profession or since this profession ‘chose’ me.” The writings collected in this volume are related mainly to her fields of interest (language teaching, linguistics, imagology, literature, and translation studies), but they also provide insight into other related fields of the humanities (film studies, history, cultural history). On the occasion of the round anniversary, through the language and code system of scientific research, we wish her joyful and fruitful work in the future!
Książka traktuje tytułową figurę oblężenia jako uniwersalny wzór postrzegania świata i indywidualnych zachowań. Autorzy, zainspirowani pomysłem Jerzego Kwiatkowskiego o polskim archetypie oblężenia, rozpatrują ten problem, analizując twórczość Zygmunta Haupta, Józefa Wittlina, Gustawa Herlinga-Grudzińskiego, Jerzego Stempowskiego, Wiesława Myśliwskiego. Niekiedy poczucie pozostawania w oblężeniu związane bywa z sytuacją zewnętrzną (wojna, zdrada), innym razem – ma wymiar indywidualny i wewnętrzny, czasem wręcz psychotyczny.
The presented book discusses the phenomenon of late political writing of Jarosław Marek Rymkiewicz, which consists of volumes forming a series known as ‘Polish tetralogy’ ("Wieszanie" ["Hanging"], "Kinderszenen", "Samuel Zborowski", "Reytan. Upadek Polski" ["Reytan. The Fall of Poland"]) as well as the so-called ‘civil poems’. These texts – including the public statements of the author – at the end of the first and during the second decade of the 21st century created the phenomenon of ‘social impact’ of Rymkiewicz reported by numerous researchers and broadcasters. The author of the publication, using the literary, cultural, philosophical, and sociological tools, discovers the veiled, hidden meaning of the poet’s work, repeatedly challenging and making problematic the well-established in the Rymkiewicz’s doxa image of the writer – ‘the bloody bard of the Right Wing’.