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The aim of the article is primarily to present the etymology of the names and surnames of the Jubilarian as well as the way these onimas function both historically and today. The source material for analysis was excerpted from dictionaries of the Polish language: etymological, general (explanatory: historical and contemporary dictionaries), phraseological, and onomastic.
The article presents the results of the research of Danuta Bieńkowska, a linguist from Łódź, on the issue of Polish biblical style. For this purpose the author recalled the main results and findings made by Bieńkowska in the monograph Polish Biblical Style (2002) published 20 years ago, which was the first attempt at a synthetic approach to this issue in the Polish language. The author of the study drew attention to three dimensions of this work, which, from the contemporary perspective, have the following character: 1. permanent, 2. constituting a field for discussion and 3. opening perspectives for further research in this field.
The meaning of the Greek lexeme φύραμα (or Latin massa) in Rom 11:16, 1 Cor 5:6 and Gal 5:9 - ‘any substance mixed with water and kneaded; a mass, lump’ – only generally indicates the referent. Therefore, in Polish biblical Renaissance translations, it has several synonymous equivalents: ciasto – przymieszanie – rozczyna – rozmieszenie – zaczynienie – zadziałanie – zamies – zamieszanie.In the New Testament of Jakub Wujek from 1593 (Wuj93) there are three of them: ciasto, zaczynienie, zadziałanie. Textual distribution of equivalents of Greek φύραμα or Latin massa in Wuj93 is a result of a philological translation strategy, which consits in revealing the meaning of the Latin translation text basis also by confronting it with the Greek New Testament text. The equivalent ciasto is attested in earlier Catholic renderings of 1556 and 1561. The other two equivalents are attested in Protestant New Testament renderings –zaczynienie in the Anti-Trinitarian one from 1577, zadziałanie in the Calvinist one from 1563. The textual provenance of these equivalents are less relevant to their semantic adequacy in specific biblical contexts.However, in the New Testament in the Bible of Jakub Wujek from 1599 (Wuj99) in all biblical contexts only one equivalent was used: ciasto, attested in the earlier Catholic renderings. The Jesuit censorship commission led by Stanisław Grodzicki, which revised Jakub Wujek's translation, chose a literal translation strategy. The rendering should be strictly in line with the Latin Clementine Vulgate (1592). As a result, the contextual synonymous equivalents of Latin massa (i.e. ciasto, zaczynie, zadziałanie) were replaced with one lexeme only (i.e. ciasto).
In his “Słownik języka polskiego” (vols 1-6, Warsaw 1807-1814) S. B. Linde included a large number of quotations from Polish 16th and 17th century Bible translations. They illustrate the semantic meaning of numerous words of the Polish language but also show alternative translation choices thanks to quoting parallel extracts from two or more Bible versions. Linde not only rendered great services for Polish and Slavic lexicography, but also pioneered philological research on Polish Bible translations. In addition, the lexicographer was interested in the translations of Luther and Skoryna, Lithuanian bibles and the Gothic New Testament of Ulfilas.
This paper attemps to characterize the language of the latest Catholic translation of the Holy Scriptures, i. e. the Bible edited by the Society of Saint Paul (2008). The translation strategies adopted by the translators are discussed in respect of: 1) the translation of Polish Biblical style (established by the Rev. Jakub Wujek), 2) the tradition of the Millennium Bible (1965). The aim is to show the extent to which the translators managed to fulfil two postulates that are usually difficult to reconcile: faithfulness to tradition and comprehensibility of language. In the Millenium Bible the postulate of faithfulness is often fulfilled at the expense of comprehensibility. The Paulist Bible is a response to the challenges posed by the contemporary culture; it is meant to convey Biblical ideas in language appealing to the contemporary recipient. The author uses selected samples to illustrate how the Paulist Bible departing from the method of literal translation, manifested in, e.g., reflecting Semitisms, does not abandon the principle of fidelity and remains consistent with the idiosyncrasies of the Polish Biblical style.
This study focuses on a rhymed adaptation of the four gospels, Jezusa Chrystusa Zbawiennego Pana Nowina Wspaniała wierszem rozgłaszana [Jesus Christ the Saviour and the Lord’s Gospel Most Magnificent in verse], published in Krakow in 2017 by Antoni Gazda under the pseudonym of Bogurym Polski. Subject to discussion are selected conventionalized constructions representing quotation variants: continuous linguistic units and textual sequences of different text genre status (biblicisms in the broader sense), established in the Polish language and disseminated in social discourse, e.g. “like sheep without a shepherd; the harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; no one can serve two masters; you cannot serve God and mammon; friend, go up higher; come to me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest; learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart; my yoke is easy and my burden is light; for all things are possible with God; by their fruits you shall know them; in my Father's house are many rooms; even now the axe is laid to the root of the trees.” The biblical phraseology treated as one of the basic exponents of the Polish biblical style in Bogurym Polski's work is preserved on a general scale, which can be interpreted as a general indication of compliance with the hieratic translation tradition. Individual modifications of biblicisms are those necessitated by the poetic form of the work. The basic types of change are addition of component(s) and changes in word order.
The paper discusses the current studies on the influence of individuals on the Polish language and proposes directions for further research on this issue, resulting mainly from methodological (change of linguistic paradigms: a new concept of language, the need to take into account the internal differentiation of the idiolect), historical (multiple types of influencing a language) and cultural (new language models of Poles) premises. The following postulates have been formulated:1. to study the influence of various variants of idiolects, not only its artistic variation; 2. to compare them with the appropriate variant of the Polish language; 3. to consider the relationship of an idiolect/idiostyle and a language of the community in a strictly synchronous perspective; 4. to consider all possible types of influence on a language of the community; 5. to take into account different levels of language and linguistic phenomena, and well as attitudes towards language.
The subject of considerations of this article are 16th-century feminine names (feminatives) formed with the suffixes ”-i/-yc(a)” and ”-nic(a)”, and derived primarily from masculine personal nouns (masculinatives) ending in ”-ec”, ”-ic”, “-ik”, and ”-nik”. The three female suffixes form nouns belonging to the categories of agents, attributive names, and affinity names. The research material was excerpted from the ”Słownik polszczyzny XVI wieku” [SPXVI, ”The Dictionary of 16th-Century Polish Language”] and included 68 lexemes in 1,097 uses. For the authors, the purpose of the research was to interpret selected 16th-century feminatives by subjecting them to formal historical word-formation analysis, using the lexicographic description contained in SPXVI and other historical lexicons. The analysis was supplemented with an attempt at painting the linguistic image of the woman of the Renaissance era. In the material discussed, the most represented group were the ”nomina attributiva”, an explicatively difficult category. On the other hand, the least represented group were the affinity names. The research demonstrated that modifying derivatives (so-called simple feminatives) were the most frequent in the group of names studied, more than half of which originated in the 16th century. Although some of the examples are nonce words, this fragmentary overview of 16th-century material allowed the authors to formulate several conclusions about the image of the woman of the era, both in the professional context and in the stereotypical perception.
The purpose of the article is to show the difficulties involved in compiling the Latin-Polish dictionary of Bartholomeus de Bydgostia. Based on selected entries, the differences between the Latin and Polish parts are shown. They result from the different way of defining the Latin entries, whose author was the German humanist J. Reuchlin, and the nature of their Polish explanations added by Bartholomew. Very often, Latin headwords are explained by close synonyms of both Latin and Polish words, which do not form a coherent whole. For this reason, the meaning cannot be precisely determined for all words.
The observation of scientific texts from the nineteenth century, devoted to the history of Poland and the Polish language, presents a tendency to use various manners of rhetorical provenance to create a message with a specific cognitive value, persuasive power and axiological character. Interest in this phenomenon is related to reflection on the scientific language of history and the paradigm of cognitive objectivity as well as the concept of linguistic distance. The use of various figurative transformations: metaphors, metonymies, hyperbolas, comparisons and metaphorical epithets in the works of historians in the 19th century turns out to be particularly puzzling. The publication of “Starodawnych prawa polskiego pomników” (from 1865, 1870) by Antoni Zygmunt Helcel was used as illustrative material. The legal historian expressed the content related to the discipline of knowledge he practiced, the research material as well as the methods and cognitive strategy of the researcher with suggestive, expressive tropes. They are proof of the erudition of the author who knows how to use the rich resource of elocutionary linguistic procedures. They also testify to the manner of expressing content adopted in a particular communicative community. The exploitation of tropes in a 19th-century scientific text does not contradict the postulated logic of inference and research intuition. As a result, an image of the nineteenth-century scientific discourse in the history of law is created in which the author does not avoid expressing his views clearly, unambiguous and expressive criticism, pictorial presentation of concepts and problems, and metaphorical determination of historiosophical foundations and historical ideas. At the same time, he declares and adopts the attitude of impartiality and objectivity.
One hundred and twenty-nine diary entries made by Ludwig Wittgenstein in the years 1930–1932, 1936–1937, and published for the first time in 1997 were the subjects of linguistic and linguistic theoretical analysis. The history of the diary as well as its structure and semantics were discussed. The most important fragments of the entries in the diary have been subjected to onomasiological analysis, as a result of which they are assigned to the names of concepts expressing their semantics globally and creating a conceptual structure.
The adjective as a class of words is characterized by its semantic, grammatical and functional heterogeneity, which is the reason for specifying a variety of classifications. The division of adjectives into lexical and grammatical categories is now recognized by many scientists as a tentative attribute. Moreover this trend is often highlighted by Russian language teachers at schools while revealing students’ challenges of determining categories of adjectives. There is no consensus among experts on the number of these categories, and most importantly – the principles of their allocation. The development of categories of Russian adjectives seems to be even more challenging issue. One could hardly find references to this process in the scientific literature, although, of course, some observations on this topic can be found in textbooks on the historical grammar of the Russian language, as well as in articles with reflections on the connection between the semantics of the adjective and its category, while the grammatical features of the adjectives remain unaddressed. Due to the fact that the content plane always depends on the expression plane, the description of both the lexical and grammatical categories can not be realized through the analysis of either only the content or only the formal side of the linguistic units. The purpose of our study is to determine the bulk of lexical and grammatical (word-formative, morphological, syntactic) factors supporting the differences between groups of adjectives in the Old Russian language.
In article the thesis about a special role of Russian (as one of Slavic languages) in the educational doctrine of Catherine II is approved. During the entire periods of the reign the empress understood value of Russian for education of citizens. Unlike French as aristocracy language, Russian symbolized an extra class, universal message of the empress to the people. In the 1760th years it was shown in need of the translations of important modern books when Catherine translated from French on Russian "Velizary" Marmontel. At the beginning of 1770 she as the publicist protected the Russian values in the "Antidote" written in French and addressed to the western reader, and showed knowledge of the Russian customs in the comedies which are staged a bit later. After return from the material collected by him Catherine in the 1780th made of an expedition of professor P.S. Pallas and published "Comparative dictionaries of all languages and adverbs", and a specific place was held here by Slavic languages. In the same time she studied the Russian history, starting introduction of a national education system (I. Madariaga). Transferring "a dispute on ancient and new authors", significant for the French consciousness, to the course "ancient" and "new" Russia (Yu.V. Stennik), Catherine has found "golden mean" between mythological contents and available statement in a fairy tale genre. In 1781 she composes in Russian at the same time and "The Russian alphabet" and the "Tale of the tsarevitch Hlor" approving thoughts of dependence of assessment of behavior of the hero on possession by it of language skills. And if in "The Russian alphabet" language appears as the instrument of increase in personal success, then in "The tale of the tsarevitch Hlor" language – the tool of the correct education. In the following fairy tale by the empress Fevey shows already itself brilliant language proficiency not in sense of rhetorical abilities, as in the Alphabet, and in value of management of the yard − as obligatory performance by the hero of a condition for successful reign. The image in fairy tales of dialogues of heroes with the magician Felitsey-Ekaterina or the grandee Reshemyslom-Potemkin transmitted a special essence of Ekaterina's education – through educational mentoring of the Russian citizens, obligatory in the person of the state.
In this study we propose to make a diachronic presentation on the appearance and evolution of bilingual lexicography in our country, from the 17th century. In order to create a clearer picture on this topic, we need to understand what the first lexicographical works were. First of all, we will focus on the dictionaries and glossaries that marked the beginning of the lexicographic activity in our country. We will then indicate some pioneering works in particular fields, published between the 16th and 19th centuries. At the end of the 19th century, respectively the 20th century, bilingual dictionaries will begin to occupy a secondary place in Romanian lexicography, to the detriment of unilingual explanatory dictionaries, but they will change their format in order to still satisfy practical needs (those of small size as tourist guides, medium-sized ones as auxiliaries in education and the large ones as support in scientific research). The change continues even nowadays, but this time from the point of view of writing dictionaries, by changing from the paper format to the digital one.
The medieval Bosnian soil provided home to three scripts: Latin, Glagolitic and Cyrillic. The supporting sources include epigraphic, diplomatic and narrative documents. The Cyrillic material is best preserved and the Glagolitic monuments are thought to have preceded the Cyrillic ones. Documents written in Latin script are relatively scarce at least partly because of the breakdown of the medieval order and culture following the Ottoman conquest, yet they occupy a distinct and, in many respects, important place. Their importance is manifested especially in the communication with the outer world. Hence, the main goal of this essay is to depict sources showing the use of the Latin script and to determine the significance of Latin in the courtly-chivalric culture of the Bosnian Middle Ages as well as in the worship and ecclesiastical and monastic communities living in Bosnia before 1463.
Jubilari ynë, prof. i nderuar Zef Mirdita, i ka kontribuar me kompetencë, (duke qenë filolog i mirëfilltë; njohës i gjuhëve klasike të lashtësisë e të antikitetit të Ballkanit) kërkimeve e rezultateve meritore në fushën e studimeve të historisë e të onomastikës pararomake e romake të hapësirës së sotme të Kosovës, më shumë se cilido dijetar kosovar. Punimet e tij për dardanët si njëri ndër fise të ilirëve apo për si popull më vete i ilirizuar mbeten gurthemel i historisë dhe i onomastikës së hapësirës pararomake e romake të shtetit të dardanëve. Në kontekstin e historisë së lashtë të Dardanisë, jubilari ynë i ka kontribuar pasqyrimit të rolit të pararendësve ilirë (dardanë) të shqiptarëve në përhapjen e krishterimit roman në gjithë hapësirat e banuara nga ilirët. Jubilari ynë është dhe do të mbetet zë i fuqishëm në dëshmimin e prejard-hjes ilire të shqiptarëve dhe kundërshtar i denjë i tezave për prejardhjen trako-dake e bese të shqiptarëve.
Libri i parë i gjuhës shqipe që kemi në dispozicion është “Meshari” i Gjon Buzukut. Ekzistenca e këtij libri ishte e njohur gjatë gjithë kohës kur gjuhësia merrej me gjuhën shqipe. Por i vetmi ekzemplar i librit kishte humbur, nuk mund të përdorej në kohën e hershme të albanologjisë shkencore, as edhe në periudhën klasike të kësaj filologjie që karakterizohet me emrat e Lambertzit, të Joklit e të tjerëve.
In the proposed article, the grammatical and lexical means of expressing politeness are subjected to analysis by means of the descriptive analytical method, as are the clichés for ending in 60 sample letters, recommended in the ‘Pismovniche’ tutorial. The authors, Stefan Popov and Petar Avramov, advise using second-person pronouns and plural verbs in all letters addressed to parents, close relatives, and other people to whom students in grades 5 through 8 send letters. This recommendation is interpreted as being introduced by certain French sources used in compiling the tutorial; it is also influenced by trends in the last decade of the Bulgarian Revival. The lexical means of courtesy (address and title) are an episode of the gradual imposition of the titles Mr. and Mrs.; the vocative forms of nouns naming the addressees are a natural norm in the language. The clichés at the end of the letters help their addressees to master the art of correspondence.
During the second half of the 19th century, Bulgarian writers stressed the necessity of collecting and studying all Bulgarian dialects as one of the essential conditions of building a unified and common standard language. Feeling compelled to state their opinions openly by participating in the public debate, since the problems of the language were perceived as matters of paramount importance for the future development and well-being of the nation, they chose to voice their understandings by adopting the method of open letters. In this context, in 1868 the editor of the magazine “Obsht trud” Teodosij Ikonomov published his “Program for collecting samples of oral folk literature and local dialects”, which represents his “open letter” to the public concerned.