Trauma oraz strategie pamięci i zaświadczania w kobiecych narracjach (anty)wojennych w literaturze Bośni i Hercegowiny. Opowieści – rodzaj żeński, liczba mnoga Šejli Šehabović
The subject of the article is collection of Šejla Šehabović’s short stories A Plural Noun of Feminine Gender (Priče – ženski rod, množina) as an example of the women’s Bosnian (anti)war prose. The stories are interpreted by analysing trauma present in narratives, ways in which traumatic memories are remembered and how the memories are presented in a story. Particular attention is devoted to the narrative itself, which in many aspects is viewed as a form of articulation of trauma. The analysis focuses on the feminine perspective in war experience as well as its differences from previous predominantly masculine narratives. The article indicates the relationship between traumatic narrative, literature of testimony and women’s writing.