Author(s): Benone Andronic / Language(s): Romanian
Issue: 12/2012
În cadrul actualei economii globale, celulele de bază sunt reprezentate, cel puţin pentru stadiul actualul, de economiile naţionale, care, prin natura noilor relaţii generate, sunt modelate şi puternic influenţate, în sensul specializării, de diviziunea mondială a muncii. Să recunoaştem că, în epoca actuală, dezvoltarea fiecărei economii naţionale este puternic intercondiţionată, iar pentru unele ţări chiar determinată de contextul economic internaţional. Se apreciază că aceste condiţii sunt determinate, în foarte mare măsură, de procesul globalizării. Ca urmare, înţelegerea corectă a acestui proces prezintă o mare însemnătate şi pentru definirea contextului actual al economiei româneşti.Under the current global economy, core cells are represented, at least for the present state, by national economies, which, by nature of the new relationships generated, are modeled and heavily influenced by the division of labor in the sense of specialization. Let us recognize that, in the current era, the development of each national economy is strongly interdependent, and for some countries even determined by the international economic context. These conditions are judged to be largely determined by the globalization process. As a result, the correct understanding of this process is of great significance also for defining the current context of the Romanian economy.Under the current global economy, core cells are represented, at least for the present state, by national economies, which, by nature of the new relationships generated, are modeled and heavily influenced by the division of labor in the sense of specialization. Let us recognize that, in the current era, the development of each national economy is strongly interdependent, and for some countries even determined by the international economic context. These conditions are judged to be largely determined by the globalization process. As a result, the correct understanding of this process is of great significance also for defining the current context of the Romanian economy.