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The current work presents a study of some attitudes of high school students about the aggression and their knowledge of the subject. The article discusses some of the main features of the aggression and its manifestations at school. The concept of preventing and building tolerance in the educational environment is concerned. A questionnaire survey of 90 high school students was proposed to outline their attitudes about school aggression and the causes of its manifestations. On the base of the critical analysis of the research results, there are formulated conclusions and recommendations for a possible model of practical pedagogical intervention. This model involves working with pupils in order to develop and deepen social skills and competencies related to dealing with aggression and overcoming challenging behavior at school.
One of the important components considered in this research approach is given by the study on teaching-learning strategies, methods and techniques in the lessons aimed at organizing economic activities. It is understood that such a topic takes into account, on the one hand, a series of aspects related to an economic issue, and on the other hand, issues of a methodological / didactic nature found in the teaching-learning-assessment activity. At the same time, the approach that is intended to be highlighted reflects the practical-theoretical dimension of such a possible approach in class.Under these conditions, the research approach assumed involves an analysis focused, on the one hand, on the theoretical aspects related to the approached topic, and on the other hand, on the conceptual-theoretical operationalization with practical implications. In other words, there is an interest in valorizing and capitalizing on the contents approached both theoretically and practically. Therefore, it is considered that we will analyze, from a theoretical and pragmatic perspective, the strategies, methods and teaching-learning techniques at the level of economic-themed classes, also revealing the impact it has in the economic-educational dimension.
This article analyzes the general scientific and philosophical approaches to the training of teaching staff of preschool education. The essence of the concept of "methodological approach" has been revealed, as did the main approaches to training future educators. Author determined and allocated philosophical, interdisciplinary, systemic, synergistic, functional, personal, activity, axiological, and competency approaches.
The actual study is proposing to analyze the concept of error in education and to apply some strategies in order to guide the process of education. Teaching with mistakes, reverse marking, self-correction, the possibility of correcting in equal ways, are some suggestions which can be applied at the classroom. The end of the study reveals the fact that an important place in this ecuations is occupied by the teacher’s attitude which have a huge impact in pupils’ life.
The present paper follows some aspects such as: the importance of the relationship between parent and child, the communication between parent and child, as well as the role of discipline in developing the child's behavior. The parent is the main factor that helps in the formation and development of the child's personality, so that the parent must be present at all the stages that a child goes through. The relationship between the child and the parent is very important and must be based on trust, cooperation and respect and the parent is responsible for how he / she manages certain conflicts that may arise, how to solve certain situations and the penalties he / she will choose to sanction the mistakes of the child. Also, the child must see the parent as the best friend, confess with anything and seek advice in any problem and in turn, the parent must give unconditional support to the child.At the same time, emphasis will be placed on certain ways of disciplining children, on the causes that can lead to conflicts between parents and children, as well as on the monitoring, punishments or rewards used by parents in the process of educating children. In order to achieve positive results, each parent adopts a certain style that he or she considers appropriate for raising and disciplining his or her child.
In the article named The necessity of French Teaching in education system we propose to approach french studying’s importance in schools. Moreover, french is a precise and melodious language which can translate the most profound undertones of thinking and of human sensivity. It represents the third spoken language on Internet, after English, Germain and Spanish. Also, French is one of the two official languages from the majority of issential institutions such as: United Nations Organisations, European Union, European Council, Unesco and Red Cross. French is efficient, because teacher doesn’t have to stop to promote its wealth, to convey to pupil the entire value and beauty. To the same extent, the educator always encourages the pupil to act in teaching-learning process and constantly involves him in order to the encrease of motivational level for french learning.
The article analyses the educational, cultural, national and political challenges in front of the Bulgarian diaspora in the Romanian town Alexandria from the second half of the 19th century to the Liberation of Bulgaria – keeping the native language, upbringing the young generation in patriotic spirit, relations with the countrymen who remained on the other side of the Danube, inclusion in the national liberation movement. The names of teachers, doctors and other representatives of the Bulgarian emigrant intellectuals who combined their professional activities with intense socially useful activity are mentioned. Part of them turned into notable names in Principality of Bulgaria after the Liberation.
The teacher has a special role in the development and improvement of speech culture in the society. The teacher’s word as his main instrument must be the model of verbal intelligence, the model of high speech culture. This article deals with the typical lecturer’s speech errors and investigates means to avoid errors during the specialized course in the system of professional development.This article presents analysis and monitoring of speech etiquette of teachers of different subjects, highlights experience of how to refer to spell books and various dictionaries and introduces different ways of improving communicative activity through the system of professional development at Samara State Transport University.
The article is devoted to the Russian phrasemes with a colorative component as a means of forming linguo-cultural competence and developing emotional intelligence during the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language. The phraseological units as a linguistic and cultural sign always evoke strong interest among linguists and also the neophrasemes further enrich the lexico-phraseological system and conceptualize reality through emotional images. The main focus of the research includes analysis of the expressional and emotional characteristics of the phrasemes mentioned above. The article is interdisciplinary: it reveals a structural-semantic typology, as well as a system of exercises that can be involved in the teaching process when developing the listening, reading, writing and speaking on level B1-B2 in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
The obsessing of communicative-speaking competence assures the individual full participation in communication. As a major aspect in the mental and personal development of children, it has the status of a species concept with respect to the generic concept ’communicative competence’. The article is dedicated to research focused on one of the most current problems of special pedagogy – the formation of communicative-speaking competence in preschool age children raised in a social home setting, using alternative teaching methods. The comparative approach in the analysis of the empirical data from the two research corps allows them to be compared against pre-formulated criteria and indicators. The results show that the Montessori method provides more effective development of communicative-speaking skills and habits in the children raised in a social home setting compared to the traditional methods of education and communication.
The article analyzes the results of a survey with students from the pedagogical specialties of the Pedagogical College - Pleven at the University of Veliko Turnovo „St.St. Cyril and Methodius". The measurement procedure reflects the students' opinion about the application of pedagogical animation in teaching, which is based on the theatrical pedagogical interaction. The survey was conducted in order to determine the degree of recognition of the nature of pedagogical animation, the degree of readiness to apply innovative forms and methods of pedagogical animation and the degree of satisfaction of students in their basic preparation.
The article presents an analysis of the theoretical statements in relation to language, sociolinguistic and sociocultural competences and the results of empirical research through a survey with primary teachers about their opinion on the level of formation of language, sociolinguistic and sociocultural competences in primary school pupils. Teachers' views on distance learning in relation to limiting the spread of Covid-19 are analyzed. Specific conclusions are made.
The article analyzes the illustrated postcards of the early twentieth century as a source of the iconography of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877 – 1878 and the objectives of the worldview of Bulgarian and Russian societies in the early 20th century. It is emphasized that during 1902 – 1912 the postal cards, dedicated to the events and participants of this military conflict, were repeatedly published in Russia and Bulgaria. It was found that the most popular were postcards with views of battle paintings by V. Vereshchagin, M. Dmitriev-Orenburg, O. Popov and others. It is determined that the theme of this war was relevant until 1912.
The article presents an analysis of honesty as an important aspect of the Bulgarian economic culture. The focus is on the transition from the Bulgarian Revival to the nation state and the subsequent period 1879 – 1944. The main conclusions are synthesized in two hypotheses. The first is that the transition from Ottoman rule to an independent nation-state is associated with a decline of honesty and integrity in economic life. The second hypothesis points to the low level of honesty and mutual trust in relations between economic agents on the one hand and between economic agents and the state on the other as one of the important reasons for the lack of visible and long-lasting economic success in Bulgaria during the period 1879 – 1944.
El Estatuto Real is a piece of legislation passed in the Spanish monarchy in 1834, representing a “donated” charter, which does not derive from the principle of national sovereignty, but on the contrary – represents the benevolence of the monarch to his subordinates. Although the text of the decree lacks a description of the rights of the population, does not contain a clear and comprehensive definition of the prerogatives of the various authorities, it should be noted that it puts an end to the theoretical principles and ideological statements of the Ancient Régime. Thе article analyzes this document, which presents the moderate liberal views, and in our opinion is an elegant attempt to strike a balance between the traditional principles, institutions and attitudes of the Catholic monarchy, while presenting Spanish society the opportunity to begin building a limited monarchy where the principles of liberalism are largely imposed.
This article focuses on the daily experience of tolerance between different ethnic and religious communities in Bulgaria. The modern political uses of ethno-religious differences, in our opinion, do not lead to the need to discover new mechanisms of coexistence, but require the study of already acquired historical experience and the interweaving of these methods in new realities.
At the end of 1917 and the beginning of 1918, the process of the nationalization of army units took place on the Romanian Front of the Russian army. In conditions of army disintegration, in order to keep the front fighting against the Central Powers, the Russian Command planned to create two Ukrainian, two Polish, one Muslim corps, as well as Belarusian, Lithuanian, Moldovan, and Siberian military units. During the nationalization of troops on the Romanian Front, the entire corps and divisions, as well as smaller military units were given over to Ukrainization, Polonization, Muslimization, etc. Based on archival documents, the article identifies the numbers of major military units, smaller units and subdivisions intended for nationalization, and traces the course of nationalization. The causes of failures of the nationalization process were determined, and the fates of the nationalized formations of the Romanian Front were traced.
Technoexportstroy has long been publicly considered as an extraordinary successful company, with a high contribution to the social and economic progress of the developing countries recently liberated from their colonial or mandate status, as well as a provider of generous foreign currency incomes to the state treasury. This romantic image has been sustained by Todor Zhivkov public statements, too. This paper aims to explore the scale and profitability of the company’s performance, the opportunities it had and whether the latter led to breakthroughs or losses, the extent to which the reported results were due to an independent initiative and activity. In order to achieve these goals, a critical analysis has been performed, comparing the data in the preserved archival documents of the organization with those of the BCP leadership, the Ministry of Foreign Trade, as well as with the information in some foreign specialized sources, which, also based on their economic interest in the developing countries, had been publishing up-to date information about the contracts signed for the construction of industrial sites.
The text aims to present a translation of a document from September 1451, defining the boundaries of the land of Krichim as mulk of the Grand Vizier Chanderli Khalil Pasha, contextualizing the information in it with the published and commented so far about the region as the economic base of the mulk. Waqf, as well as a horizontal structure in which interactions between the settlement and the network of religious infrastructure are visible.