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Objectives of this article refer to ways to increase self-confidence in students from different universities in Transylvania manifested by the values of self-depreciation, infatuation and self-esteem. These are realized through the use of complex exercises on music in the form of dance-therapy and body technique.Purpose: elaboration of an action strategy to modify the self-depreciation, self-esteem, infatuation.Hypothesis: by introducing the exercises of body technique and dance-therapy, the aim is to modify the components of the ASSI psychological test: self-depreciation, infatuation and self-esteemMaterial and Methods: statistical processing was performed with the program Stats Direct v.2.7.2. The graphical representation of the results was done with the Excel application (from the Microsoft Office 2010 package). The tests used are: ASSI and an intervention program based on exercises in body technique and dance therapy.The subjects participating in the experiment with a duration of 6 months by 200 students at the Technical University Cluj-Napoca, and the extension from Baia-Mare and from the Academy of Music "Gheorghe Dima" from Cluj-Napoca.The period: of development was between October 2019 and March 2020.The results: of this study are due to the intervention program through exercises in body technique and dance therapy performed by the experimental group compared to the control group. In the case of A-SN it is a good correlation but of the opposite direction, which means that if (A) self-depreciation decreases then (SN) self-esteem increases. In the case of I-SN it is an acceptable correlation and of the same meaning, which means that if (I) the infatuation increases and (SN) the self-esteem increases, were observed statistically significantly significant differences between the two times (p <0.001).Conclusions: Statistically significant differences were observed in the indicators of the ASSI tests (self-depreciation, self-esteem, infatuation) which indicates, that our intervention program in the preliminary study had a positive and measurable impact on students in terms of improving self-depreciation and infatuation, as well as increasing self-esteem.
Îmi amintesc cum stăteam la Replika în curte și eram bombardată cu idei. Era începutul rezidenței mele, alături de dramaturga Alexa Băcanu. Apucasem să expun doar câteva lucruri la care mă gândisem: tema educației sexuale în România și comunicarea între părinți și copiii lor.
Și de aici a început documentarea. Știm că în școală nu se întâmplă de obicei, dar într-un fel sau altul, tinerii află totuși despre sex. Care sunt sursele? Sunt ele de încredere? Le oferă toate informațiile necesare? La nivel de țară, răspunsul la ultimele două întrebări e nu. Suntem pe primul loc în Uniunea Europeană la numărul de mame minore. Ăsta e unul dintre primele lucruri pe care le-am aflat în timpul documentării.
“Totul e foarte normal” nu beneficiază de un decor în sensul comun al cuvântului, ci de o configuraţie a spaţiului de joc și un raport între acesta şi auditoriu, care determină şi servesc conceptului spectacolului. Tema de la care am plecat a fost declanşarea comunicării pe teme tabu între generaţii într-o formulă ludică, prietenoasă şi jovială cu care să rezoneze ambele categorii de vârstă.
This paper presents the possibilities for analysis and prevention of the challenge of burnout in modern organizations; as dynamic and complex systems that should adequately respond to changing environmental conditions. The various definitions and interpretations of the phenomenon in the work environment are considered. The interconnection between professional burnout and work from distance in an electronic environment also stands out.