Author(s): Sejdi Gashi / Language(s): Albanian
Issue: 48/2018
In linguistic realm of Istog with surroundings it is quite noticed the usage of " pre articled " nouns, especially those which show the origin of a human, exactly of an inhabitant , ex. i vréllsĭ (inhabitant of Vrella), i prĭgódsi (ihabitant of Prigoda), i lŭbóvsi (inhabitant of Lubova) i rakóshsĭ (inhabitant of Rakosh). It is still saved a number of gender-neutral nouns, especially those accompained with determiners, wheras exact gender-neutral nouns are: ujt and kry:t, so similar as in the spoken language of Deçan. Gender-neutral noun (kryt/kryet) moves to feminine during these noun cases : genitive, dative and vocative example: i,e kre:s, kre:s, pej kre:s, while in nominative and accusative case does not change gender. Neutral-Gender Nouns are also those nouns which derivate from adjectives ex: t’ kuçt, t’bárdh, t’ zi:t as well as the nouns which derivate Past Participle of the verb, for example: t’ rrítunit, t’ msúmit, t’ árdhnit, t’ pámit, t’shkúmit etc. All nouns belong to one of the genders , but in this speech , appears a type of nouns called ambigender (dual-gender) which change the gender when they pass from singular to plural and vice-versa, for ex. : mal- mâºle, breg-bríxhe, shtek-shtíxhe . As well as this, through this grammar shift, nouns whose plural is formed from suffixes - na, change too. example: bo:jbójna, u:j-újna, dry:-drýna, brî-brina etc. In some North-East gegë dialects, masculine nouns in the type of : káli, magári, déti, drúni, gúri etc. are formed only in definite form , whereas the same names in Istog are used in both forms , dependin in the context Ai e kĭsh ble: nĭ ka:l (indefinite form) Káli i tij e kĭsh kimën e ze:z! (indefinite form), etc. Those and other examples make us think that is not accurate Idriz Ajeti `s statement who declares that "These nouns in all Kosovo are pronounced all the same ". At masculine nouns which form their plural without an ending, are noticed some types of theirs , like : a) nouns that have equalized singular with plural form, by not changing even the accent for example: malsórmalsór, mertek-mertek, puntór-puntór, arsimtar-arsimtar, dru-dru, fërkëmfërkëm, dáj-dáj, hamar-hamar etj; b) some nouns which during the shift from singular to plural don´t take an ending but make the vowel of the word longer . Here are only masculine nouns which are formed with the suffix ak, ek and in indefinite form end in k , so when the consonant k doesn´t palatalize in palatal q , exactly with affricate ç, example: dyrek-dýrek, pishak-píshak etc. Pre verbal gender-neutral nouns, of the type: t bërtítnit, t íknit, t nxhéshnit, t écnit, t hâºŋrit, t pímit etj., as well as those which derivate from adjectives : t zít, t kèçt ect., don´t have a plural form, because when they are used in plural shift to feminine gender , although paralel uses of them are found: dý t bërtítne, dý t íkne, dý t nxhéshme, dý t écne, dý t hâºŋre, dý t píme etc. In Istog´s linguistic idiom is widely expressed the usage of vocative case , in the cases when someone calls someone else, or is directed for a request or a need he has. This case has the form of a definite nominative case, only that here is accompanied with relevant exclamations for both genders, for masculine: o, ore, more, whereas , for feminine these exclamtions take place: oj,moj, mori, example //O djalo-o/ŋutu more/ se na nxuni nâºta// Oj çíko / moj po a po nȋ:n mori/ bĭna dŏ u:j t ftŏft oj// etc.