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In the First Czechoslovak Republic, Slovakia remained its backward agrarian part because of its less developed economic structure. The Slovak agriculture suffered from unequal distribution of land, which caused the “hunger for land” among the poorest farmers – a majority of the Slovak population. The land reform, expected to solve this problem, was carried out according to laws issued by the Parliament, usually in agreement with the Agrarian Party’s policy. The study briefly outlines the development and results of the reform. It also shows the relations and political attitudes of Hlinka's Slovak People's Party and the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia to the land reform and its accomplishment in Slovakia. The focus is on the 1920s.
Pri vzniku slovenského agrárneho politického hnutia sa rozhodovalo nielen o konštituovaní agrárnej strany na Slovensku a jej ďalšom politickom osude, ale vzhľadom na jej význam na slovenskej i československej politickej scéne aj o smerovaní celého politického vývoja v medzivojnovom období a jeho neblahom vyústení v roku 1938.
This article provides a historical and cultural analysis of the phenomenon of identity formation of the Russian people on the basis of study of agriculture as a historical-geographical factor which had a significant influence on the processes taking place in the Russian plain at the appointed chronological period.
The Republic of Croatia is planning to build a canal to 2016 to connect the Danube (near Vukovar) and the Sava (near the village Sikirevci, near Slavonski Šamac). The canal will be 61.4 kilometers long. The idea of building a canal was 278 years old. The oldest documentation of the construction of the Danube–Sava originates from 1737. The multipurpose canal Danube–Sava should have three functions: to irrigate 35750 hectares of agricultural land, to carry out the surface drainage of around 173000 hectares and underground drainage of around 62 000 hectares, to serve for boating and tourism. The canal should shorten the path to Western Europe for 417 km (sailing time would be shorter for 48 hours), and a road to the east would be shortened by 85 km. It is assumed that the construction of the canal will contribute to the development of the river transport in the Republic of Croatia. There are many factors that are now threatening the Sava River as a natural resource: the work of industrial plants and oil industry, hydropower (in Slovenia), the discharge of wastewater, mining of river sediments, intensive farming and construction, the construction of the Sava–Danube canal and the restoration of the nautical road along the Sava. The World Conservation Union has launched a three-year project biodiversity Protection of the navigable area of the sava river basin. In December 2002, four countries signed an international framework agreement for the establishment of an international regime of navigation and sustainable water management of the river basin, and the measures to be taken against floods, ice hazards, droughts and pollution. The main challenge for the management of the Sava River is to enable economic development to sustainable use and protection of the natural resources in the basin. This project is expected to help to identify, define and manage the environmental and landscape diversity along the Sava River, in line with the EU directives on birds and habitats with the implementation and integration of the environmental values. It is assumed that the trenching of the canal will change the groundwater regime on the territory of Croatia. Possible change in the groundwater regime in Serbia could have disastrous consequences. On the territory of the Republic of Serbia, according to the Institute for Nature Conservation, there are nine natural areas, and four of them are along the river Sava: the Special Nature Reserves Zasavica, Obedska Bara, Morovićko-Bosutske forests and the landscape of outstanding features Veliko Ratno Ostrvo (Great War Island).
Bu çalışmanın en temel amaçlarından birisi, ücretli bir işte çalışmak kadına her zaman kazandırmakta mıdır sorusuna yanıt aramaktır. Genel olarak kadınların ücretli çalışan olmaları halinde hak kullanımlarının genişleyeceği, kazandıkları ücretin bir kısmı üzerinde söz sahibi olabilecekleri, doğurganlık, nasıl giyinileceği, kamusal alan kullanımı, oy ve miras hakkı gibi konularda fayda görecekleri düşünülmektedir. Bu yaklaşımın özünü oluşturan liberal düşünce kadınların ücretli çalışan olmaları ile toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizliklerinin azalacağı ve yoksulluğun kadınsılaşan yönünün gerileyeceğini iddia etmektedir. Çalışmada görüşülen kadınlar kentsel alanların periferinde yaşayan, eğitim ve beceri düzeyi düşük kadınlar olup kendi yapabilirlikleri üzerinde sosyo-kültürel engel ve baskıların fazla olduğu, kentsel iş piyasası çeşitlenmesinin az olduğu alanlarda yaşamaktadırlar. Genel olarak 18 yaşın altında evlenmiş ve Türkiye ortalamasının bir hayli üzerinde çocuk doğurmuşlardır. İçinde bulundukları yoksullukla baş etme mekanizmalarından birisi olarak ücretli gezici tarım işçiliği yapmaktadırlar. Bir yandan tarlada çalışmakta diğer yandan toplumsal cinsiyete bağlı her türlü sorumluluğu oldukça ilkel şartlarda sürdürmektedirler. Tüm bu sorumlulukları ve çalışma zorunluluğunu sıkı ataerkil baskı altında gerçekleştirmektedirler. ”Namus”, “iffet” gibi beden denetiminde sık kullanılan araçlar, bir yandan kadınların yaşamlarını bedenleri üzerinden kontrol altına alırken, diğer yandan ise kadın emeğinin gizlenmesini kolaylaştırmaktadır. Bu yüzden yeniden üretim altında kategorize edilen ücretsiz, görünmez emek, beden denetiminden soyutlanarak tam olarak anlamlandırılamamaktadır.
Türkiye 1950’li yıllardan itibaren artan bir içgöç hareketliliğine sahne olmuştur. 1950’li yıllara kadar % 80’in üzerinde seyreden kırsal nüfus oranı, bu yıllardan sonra hızlı bir düşüş göstermiş, 2012 yılı itibariyle % 22,7’ye kadar gerilemiştir39. Bu olguda hızlı nüfus artışı ve tarım sektöründe artan makineleşmenin yanı sıra son yıllarda gelişen ulaştırma altyapısına bağlı olarak artan sosyal hareketliliğin de etkisi vardır. Bir diğer göz ardı edilemeyecek faktör ise 1980’lerin ortalarından itibaren özellikle güneydoğu Anadolu bölgesinde etkisini iyiden iyiye hissettiren terör ve güvenlik sorunudur.
At the end of the First World War, when the Yugoslavs were finally united, one of the most serious problems facing the newly formed state was that of land tenure and agrarian reform. Almost 80 per cent of the population was engaged in agriculture, for industry had been only slightly developed in the sections formerly under foreign domination. Moreover, every degree of land reform or its total absence could be found. In the former Kingdom of Serbia, feudalism had been abolished when freedom from the Ottoman Empire was attained in 1833. Estates of Turkish landlords were confiscated without indemnity, and former Serbian serfs became peasant farmers in their own right. When additional territory was conquered from the Turks in 1878, confiscation of estates again took place, although this time the Turkish landowners were compensated for their loss.
The essay is a critical text tackling the clean–eating diet popularity and its negative effect on the animal rights movement due to misinterpreting veganism as a health issue and hijacking of the term vegan in the plant–based diet. Different aspects of the plant–based diet are covered taking into account the global impact of both plant–based and meat diets on the environment and worker rights in the developing and the developed countries, the way the plant–based diet and veganism are often falsely depicted as elitist, hindering inclusiveness of marginalized groups, and the role of women in the animal rights movement.
Critical animal studies represent an autonomous interdisciplinary field which aims to explore human–animal relations through a combination of activism and scientific consideration. The uniqueness of this approach lies in exactly this treatment of the animal issue which is, at the same time, political and critical and is based primarily in the effort to denaturalize the oppression and violence committed against animals and to disprove fundamental conceptions of human–animal relations which have produced harmful deterministic dualisms in understanding the natural world, such as anthropocentrism and cartesianism. In their study of structural and social preconditions for inequality and oppression, approaches like critical animal studies, feminism, ecofeminism, environmentalism, racial and gender studies, (…) encounter many points of convergence from which to oppose the dominant discourse that produces otherness, at the same time complementing, reinforcing and building on each other in recognition of the universal character of their respective basic principles and the need for a more holistic approach which would enable these fields of study to transcend their individual limitations and blend into a single entity with a shared purpose and responsibility. This paper analyses the symbiotic connection between critical animal studies and ecofeminism and indicates to the potential of academic anarchism as a tool which opens up a space for discussion and recognition of the interdependence of animal, human and ecological issues as a response to the acute global ecological and human crisis.
In the challenging time of the pandemic and immediately after it, radical changes were further complicated by the current war conflict in Europe and all the consequences arising from it. They impose obligation to think differently and redefine social and economic priorities. The current crisis and the challenges ahead require that fundamental strategic goals and action directions be identified at both macro and micro levels. It seems that every economy and the entities that make it up have to rely more than ever on their production capabilities and allocate their available resources to those branches and activities that are key to preserving the sustainability of the national economy and an acceptable social standard. The paper focuses on agriculture and energy as two pivotal branches in a time of uncertainty, instability and scarcity. The analysis will focus on pointing out the necessary directions and priorities in the sectoral policies of the Western Balkans countries.
After the detailed analysis of the records of the Slavonian estates in the middle of the 18th century, the author has depicted the development of the allodial economy. This was done by applying several models of the data analysis. Furthermore, the results of this data analysis is compared with the historiographical literature on the similar subject with the aim to give comparison of the development of the allodial economy on the estates in Croatian and Slavonian counties. The research results show that the allodial economy on the Slavonian estates in the middle of the 18th century was underdeveloped, i.e. that Slavonian estates in that period were in the first stage of development. This is possible to argue considering the fact that more than 75% of all financial assets was used in constructing the housing and farm buildings such as barns and granaries. Furthermore, the research results show that the allodial income was never higher than 25% of income from a particular estate, and it was usually lesser than 20%. Therefore, the author argues that the differences in the amount of income are connected with the presence of the estate’s owner on the estate, because if the owner was present on the estate the income was higher. Finally, the research results of the analysis of the allodia economy also show the differences in the development of the estates. These differences can be most likely connected with the differences of the socio-economical and natural precondition, what can be seen in the development of the various types of the agricultural production.
The paper aims to reveal the meanings attached to agricultural land by its owners and municipal representatives. The way farmland is used influences how municipalities can reduce the negative impacts of climate change on their territory. Therefore, the paper seeks to further capture the motivations for farming by local owners and their connection to the environmental context. The research is based on personal questionnaire survey with landowners and interviews with municipal representatives in three model localities in the Czech Republic (Pohořelice, Valašsko-Kloboucko and Tišnov). According to the findings, the land is perceived as a valuable commodity, associated with heritage and tradition. From the point of view of local owners, it was associated with an investment, from the point of view of municipalities as a means of influencing the future direction of the municipality. The link between land ownership and environmental issues (e.g. the ability to influence the effects of climate change manifestations at the local level) was very weak.
The article is focused on the regeneration process of agricultural brownfields in the South Moravian Region. The selected area was intensively used for agriculture in the past, and as a result of deagrarization, a large number of brownfields originated in this area. Unused and abandoned buildings bring many problems, they are often demolished, and subsequently, new buildings are built in their place. Regeneration, which is usually more complicated than demolition and new construction, can be a much better option, however, its result can be far more valuable. During regeneration, many circumstances can be encountered that contribute to the successful restoration of the site, as well as obstacles that need to be overcome. Therefore, the aim of the article is to find, with the help of semi-structured interviews with stakeholders, the most common factors and obstacles associated with the successful regeneration of the agricultural brownfields in the South Moravian Region and suggest possible recommendations for streamlining regeneration processes. The research showed that an essential prerequisite for successful regeneration is the preparatory phase, in which a decision is made on the meaningful use of the brownfield. The next necessary step is resolving the property law relationship, securing financial resources, processing project documentation, and examining all risks that could complicate the regeneration activities. After that, it depends mainly on the involved stakeholders, their motivation, mutual cooperation and a thoughtful procedure that bring the whole project to successful completion and subsequent operation.
Cities around the world are growing and under varying degrees of control they grow through the surrounding landscape, merging and absorbing areas that were originally rural or agricultural. These areas, with some exceptions, have hitherto been understood only as free undeveloped land suitable for further urbanization, without examining their importance in terms of their natural, recreational, and cultural value. The article deals with the development of cities in relation to fragments of post-agrarian structures in the landscape and focuses on the postagrarian landscape overgrown into the city. The aim of the article is (within the existing research gap) to analyze the issue of post-agrarian areas and landscapes within existing urban units, especially about the metropolitan areas of Central European cities, and to propose ways to protect these areas as recreational areas for city inhabitants as well as an important cultural heritage. The article is based on an analysis of professional literature and two case studies Prague - Trojmezí and Berlin - Malchow, where it is shown how the future use of these areas can be solved by landscape studies. A specific and sensitive solution of post-agrarian areas by landscape plan / study and nature-friendly solution can at least partially correct the existing negatives and this semi-natural background of the city can ensure in the developing urban whole both a contribution to the development of community and organic agriculture, as well as recreational functions in the area where it is possible to walk a dog, ride a horse or mountain bike, and at the same time not to leave the comfort of the overall urbanity of the city.
The aim of the paper is to evaluate the shopping behavior of consumers in Slovakia (n=1004) and their perceptions of products sold in large stores and farmers' markets. In search of specifics, we proceeded to consumer segmentation by gender and income. To test the hypotheses we used the Chi-square, Mann-Whitney U and KruskalWallis tests. Consumers choose large supermarket and hypermarket stores for the most frequent purchases of food and other daily consumer goods. According to consumer perceptions, these stores do not offer healthier and better quality food, but cheaper. Differences in such perception were not confirmed between men and women. The claim that supermarkets and hypermarkets offer healthier and better quality food depends on different income groups of consumers. Research shows that consumers 'perceptions of farmers' markets do not depend on gender and income. An exception is the statistically significant relationship between men and women and their perception that products sold at farmers' markets are cheaper than in regular shops. In general, consumers agree that products sold at farmers' markets are healthier and better quality than products in regular shops. At the same time, they disagree that products sold at farmers' markets are cheaper than products in regular shops.
Women working in the agricultural sector have various problems. Most of these women work in their own jobs as unpaid family workers. In rural women, the risk of poverty is greater. Women who do not have a family’s land go to daily work in fields and gardens to contribute to the family budget. Women who are temporarily indifferent and work without any social security in these jobs are exposed to various dangers. In this study; The working conditions and living conditions of women agricultural workers who went to daily work in Çağlayancerit district of Kahramanmaraş province were examined. Within the scope of the research, face-to-face interviews were conducted with 20 women working in fields and gardens and the data were reached. The number of surveys was planned for 100 people, but data were obtained by applying a survey to 80 women. According to the data obtained in the research, it is seen that temporary agricultural worker women work in unregistered, socially unsecured jobs. It has been determined that these women, seasonal agricultural workers, gwho are daily, went to work in surrounding provinces and districts such as Malatya, Adıyaman, Gaziantep and Kahramanmaraş. Although most of the women working in daily jobs have a low level of education, a little high school graduates and university graduate women were also found. The work of women with high school and university education in these jobs prevents girls from being sent to school in families. Agricultural worker women go on the road at midnight to go to jobs nearby provinces and travel with inappropriate service vehicles. They work long hours in insufficient conditions in terms of hygiene and occupational safety in fields and gardens. Within the scope of the research, it was determined that women working in daily agricultural work dealt with intermediaries instead of employers. These people, who are instrumental for women to find a job, receive a significant part of the wages as a share. Women are at risk of occupational accidents. It has been determined that there are no necessary inspections and regulations regarding people working in the daily agricultural sector. It has been determined that a very large part of the women who go to Daily work are far from meeting their basic needs. It is also seen that these women working in fields and gardens are ignorant of insurance and other issues, especialy in occupational safety. Face with deep poverty, it is necessary to take steps to improve and record the working conditions of these women.