Vplyv kognitívneho vyčerpania na sylogistické usudzovanie
The article is concerned with the effect of induced ego depletion on participants ability to solve syllogistic reasoning tasks. We used incongruent Stroop task to induce ego depletion in half of participants (n = 34). The control group (n = 33) solved similar task, that was not depleting. The results showed, that participant´s ability to solve syllogisms, that only required intuitive reasoning, was not affected by ego depletion. However, in syllogistic tasks, that required deliberate resoning, depleted participants achieved worse scores than control group, although the difference did not reach statistical significance. The results are compared to our previous findings (Šrol & Konrádová, 2015) and conclusions of other studies in the field. In the last section of the article we discuss the potential applications of ego depletion paradigm in the research of intuitive and deliberate reasoning and decision making.