Međunarodna naučna konferencija “Sistem nauke – faktor poticaja ili ograničavanja razvoja”
International Scientific Conference “Science system – a Factor of Stimulation or Limitation in Development”
Contributor(s): Miloš Trifković (Editor)
Subject(s): National Economy, Business Economy / Management, Higher Education , State/Government and Education, Methodology and research technology, Social development, Economic development, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Akademija Nauka i Umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine
Keywords: Science System; Scientific consensus; Economic development; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Science evaluation and funding; intellectual property rights; National science system; Science and University; SWOT analysis;
Summary/Abstract: The Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina (ANUBiH) continuously monitors and studies the development of science and the state of the innovation system in the country. The latest contribution to this process is the international conference “Science System - a Factor of Stimulation or Limitation in Development”, organized by the Department of Social Sciences. Data from statistical institutes in Bosnia and Herzegovina, all available international studies and analyses, answers of Bosnia and Herzegovina to primary and supplementary questions on science from Chapter 25 of the European Commission, medium-term development plans of various levels of state organization and ANUBiH research results, including the latest “Harmonization of the Science System in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, show that scientific research and technological-development work in Bosnia and Herzegovina are stagnating in the absolute sense, and regressing in relative sense. The title of the conference is based on this conclusion. Our studies confirm that the main reasons for the unsatisfactory state of science and technological development in Bosnia and Herzegovina are the absolutely insufficient funding, and a polycentric and atrophied innovation system.
Series: Posebna izdanja ANUBiH
- E-ISBN-13: 978-9926-410-72-8
- Page Count: 467
- Publication Year: 2021
- Language: Bosnian, English, Croatian, Serbian
Ograničenja naučnog konsenzusa - Uvodno obraćanje
Ograničenja naučnog konsenzusa - Uvodno obraćanje
(The limitations of scientific consensus - Key note address)
- Author(s):Dražen Prelec
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Higher Education , Methodology and research technology
- Page Range:9-15
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Scientific consensus; methods for reaching a consensus judgment; Condorcet’s ‘jury theorem’;
- Summary/Abstract:Zadovoljstvo mi je i čast doprinijeti konferenciji na temu “Sistem nauke - faktor stimulacije ili ograničenja u razvoju”, koju organizuje Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine. Nemoguće je precijeniti važnost I pravovremenost teme ove konferencije, koja postavlja najmanje dva različita pitanja. Prvo, “vanjsko” pitanje je: kako mjeriti utjecaj naučnih istraživanja na društvo u cjelini. Drugo, “interno” pitanje je kako bi naučni sistem trebao biti organiziran kako bi se povećala produkcija istinskog znanja. Iz programa je evidentno da će se o oba pitanja govoriti tokom konferencije.
Javno istraživanje i razvoj i nauka – privredne veze u ekonomskom razvoju: Implikacije za Bosnu i Hercegovinu
Javno istraživanje i razvoj i nauka – privredne veze u ekonomskom razvoju: Implikacije za Bosnu i Hercegovinu
(Public R&D and Science – Industry Links in Economic Development: Implications for Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Author(s):Slavo Radošević
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):National Economy, Business Economy / Management, Higher Education , Economic development, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:17-38
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:Research & Development; Science industry links; ‘Triple Helix’; Technology Upgrading;
- Summary/Abstract:Ovaj rad predstavlja trenutno razumijevanje uloge javnog istraživanja i razvoja (I&R) u ekonomskom rastu i veze nauke i privrede u ekonomijama srednjeg nivoa dohotka, poput Bosne i Hercegovine (BiH). U drugom dijelu predstavljamo konvencionalno viđenje veza nauke i privrede koje te veze razmatra prvenstveno u smislu jednosmjernog prijenosa znanja ili njegove komercijalizacije iz istraživanja i razvoja u sektor poslovnih preduzeća. Na osnovu uporednih podataka, koji uključuju i BiH, pokazujemo alternativni pristup i raspravljamo o njegovoj relevantnosti u kontekstu BiH. Naš zaključak je da bi veze nauke i privrede (VNP) trebale podržati ukupno unaprijeđenje tehnologija, a ne (tj. ne samo) rast zasnovan na istraživanju i razvoju. U sljedećem dijelu predstavljamo trenutno razumijevanje uloge javnog istraživanja i razvoja u ekonomskom rastu. Drugi dio istražuje ulogu javnog istraživanja i razvoja u kontekstu konvergencije, dok treći dio posebno istražuje ulogu veza nauke i privrede u kontekstu konvergencije. Četvrti dio predlaže “triple helix” pristup vezama nauke i privrede za konvergencijske ekonomije. Njegove karakteristike ilustrujemo kroz podatke za ekonomije centralne i istočne Europe. Konačno, peti dio daje zaključak sa implikacijama za BiH.
Reforma evaluacije i finansiranja nauke prilikom kretanja sa razine niskog učinka
Reforma evaluacije i finansiranja nauke prilikom kretanja sa razine niskog učinka
(Reforming Science Evaluation and Funding when Starting from a Low Performance Level)
- Author(s):Štěpán Jurajda
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Higher Education , State/Government and Education, Methodology and research technology
- Page Range:39-50
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Science evaluation; Science policies; Funding systems; Czech Republic;
- Summary/Abstract:Mnoge postkomunističke zemlje u zadnje vrijeme uživaju brzu ekonomsku konvergenciju ka svojim zapadnoevropskim susjedima, ali s druge strane došlo je do iznenađujuće male konvergencije u smislu učinaka naučnog istraživanja. U 2015. godini tek oko 3% početnih grantova Evropskog istraživačkog vijeća (ERC) poticalo je od novih članica EU. Kao što su to pokazali, na primjer, Jurajda et al. (2016), postsovjetske zemlje Evrope još uvijek znatno zaostaju u pogledu visokokvalitetnih akademskih rezultata, posebno u društvenim i medicinskim naukama, koje su ključne za kvalitetu lokalne uprave na mnogim razinama. Izdavanje publikacija u postkomunističkim zemljama također je snažno fokusirano na kvantitetu, a ne na kvalitetu. Ukratko, bibliometrijski dokazi ukazuju na to da nekoliko naučnih područja u ovim zemljama dosljedno nisu u stanju dostići naučne standarde EU-15 (na svjetskom nivou).
Uticaj prava intelektualnog vlasništva na nacionalne sisteme nauka
Uticaj prava intelektualnog vlasništva na nacionalne sisteme nauka
(Impact of Intellectual Property Rights on the National Science System)
- Author(s):Joseph Straus
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):National Economy, Government/Political systems, Higher Education , State/Government and Education, Comparative Law
- Page Range:51-77
- No. of Pages:27
- Keywords:University-Industry-Government Relations; Intellectual Property Rights and National Science Systems;
- Summary/Abstract:Nakon izlaganja o postupcima razvoja i korištenja vakcina protiv COVID-19 u 2020. godini, kao primjera uspješne saradnje između akademske zajednice, industrije i vlada u podršci istraživanju i pretvaranju njegovih rezultata u inovacije potpomognute patentima, ovaj rad se okreće nacionalnim naučnim sistemima. Prvo se bavi pionirskom ulogom izveštaja “Nauka, beskrajna granica” (“Science the Endless Frontier”) iz 1945. godine, koji predstavlja Magna cartu američke nauke i njene politike patenata. Pomenuti su i kasniji razvoji u SAD-u koji otkrivaju postupni zaokret od poticanja prijenosa znanja i tehnologije sa institucija koje finansira država na industriju, dopuštajući to samo u obliku neekskluzivnih licenci, do nametanja obaveze komercijalizacije rezultata istraživanja javnom istraživačkom sektoru, dopuštajući ekskluzivne licence i prijenos prava intelektualnog vlasništva privatnim kompanijama, a sve uz prepoznavanje i očuvanje akademske slobode i istraživanja. Dalje, rad tematizira razvoj na razvoj događaja u zemljama u kojima su zakonodavci generalno slijedili američki model. Naposlijetku, ovaj prilog govori o sistemu prava intelektualnog vlasništva u svjetlu specifičnih potreba akademskih istraživača.
Kriza etički neutralne znanosti
Kriza etički neutralne znanosti
(The Crisis of Ethically Neutral Science)
- Author(s):Mile Babić
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Ethics / Practical Philosophy, Contemporary Philosophy, Philosophy of Mind, Higher Education , Philosophy of Education
- Page Range:79-98
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:science; crisis of ethically neutral science; global power; global responsibility; fundamental ethical imperative; new idea of brotherhood;
- Summary/Abstract:Današnja kriza morala u znanstveno-tehničkoj civilizaciji vodi nas u zajedničku propast, jer je suvremena znanost (koja je slobodna od morala) nerazdvojivo povezana s tehnikom, pa se može nazivati tehnoznanost. Kao takva ona ima danas monopol na znanje o svijetu te zbog toga posjeduje najveću moć u dosadašnjoj povijesti i u tijesnoj je sprezi s nosiocima moći: s ekonomijom, politikom, medicinom, medijima, državama i međunarodnim kompanijama. Imati najveću zamislivu moć (koja, po Kantu, kvari slobodu umnoga rasuđivanja), a pritom biti slobodan od morala koji ograničuje tu moć, znači pretvoriti svijet u svijet najmodernijeg barbarstva i nasilja, uništenja i samouništenja. Samo moralno odgovorna znanost sposobna je za budućnost i ona je pretpostavka civilizacije sposobne za budućnost. Samo odgovorna znanost može spriječiti pretvaranje znanosti u sveobuhvatnu dogmu. Stoga znanost mora biti slobodna od svake ideologije koja prikazuje stvarnost crno-bijelom tehnikom te tako proizvodi taštinu, mržnju i nasilje. Globalna znanost zahtijeva globalni etos (globalnu odgovornost). Znanosti je stalo do istine koja nas oslobađa od laži i povezuje nas u jednu zajednicu. Temeljni etički imperativ primum non nocere (‘najprije ne škoditi životu’) vrijedi svuda i zauvijek. Etički odgovorna znanost zahtijeva promjenu svijesti pojedinca i ponovno otkrivanje ideje bratstva. Nijedno ljudsko djelovanje postojeću stvarnost ne smije razarati i uništavati, nego je mora usavršavati.
Finansiranje istraživanja i razvoja u svijetu, jugoistočnoj Evropi i Bosni i Hercegovini
Finansiranje istraživanja i razvoja u svijetu, jugoistočnoj Evropi i Bosni i Hercegovini
(Financing research and development around the world, in Southeast Europe and in Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Author(s):Fikret Čaušević
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):National Economy, Business Economy / Management, Economic history, Economic policy, Comparative politics, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today)
- Page Range:99-118
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:research and development (R&D); financing; world; Southeast Europe; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Economic Complexity Index;
- Summary/Abstract:Ovaj rad analizira finansiranje naučnog i istraživačkog rada, počevši od globalnog i regionalnog konteksta, završavajući sa specifičnostima i ulaganjima za ove namjene u Bosni i Hercegovini. U prvom dijelu analiziran je globalni kontekst, koji sadrži i analizu deset zemalja s najvećim ulaganjima za ove namjene, kao i strukturom izvora finansiranja po sektorima. U skladu s posljednjim dostupnim podacima UNESCO-a, koji se u vrijeme pisanja ovog rada na globalnom nivou odnose na 2018. godinu, vodeće zemlje po relativnom ulaganju u istraživanje i razvoj bile su Južna Koreja i Japan, dok po apsolutnim iznosima dva vodeća mjesta zauzimaju SAD i Kina. Drugi dio ovog rada fokusiran je na uporednu analizu ulaganja u istraživanje i razvoj u zemljama centralne i jugoistočne Evrope. U ovoj grupi zemalja dominira Slovenija, koju slijede Republika Češka i Mađarska. Treći dio je u cijelosti posvećen specifičnostima Bosne i Hercegovine, kao i nekim od ključnih faktora vrlo niskog nivoa ulaganja za istraživanje i razvoj u ovoj zemlji. U četvrtom dijelu prezentirani su neki od uspješnih primjera bosanskohercegovačkih kompanija po ključnim industrijskim granama u kojima je Bosna i Hercegovina ostvarila natprosječne rezultate u poređenju sa zemljama jugoistočne Evrope, u kontekstu niskih ulaganja u istraživanje i razvoj, s jedne strane, i vrlo dobrih izvoznih rezultata mjerenih Indeksom ekonomske kompleksnosti i Indeksom kompleksnosti proizvoda, s druge strane.
Uloga i značaj kompanija u oblikovanju i funkcionisanju inovacionog sistema
Uloga i značaj kompanija u oblikovanju i funkcionisanju inovacionog sistema
(Role and importance of companies in shaping and functioning of the innovation system)
- Author(s):Zijada Rahimić
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):National Economy, Business Economy / Management, Methodology and research technology, Social development, Economic development, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:119-142
- No. of Pages:24
- Keywords:innovation system; knowledge economy; research and development; Global Innovation Index; Global Competitiveness Index;
- Summary/Abstract:Kontinuiranim jačanjem istraživačko razvojnih aktivnosti i inovativnih sposobnosti kompanije postižu dugoročno održive konkurentske prednosti na sve kompleksnijim i neizvjesnijim tržištima današnjice. Istovremeno, stvaranjem novog znanja, inovativnom primjenom postojećih znanja i tehnologija, te olakšavanjem njihovog transfera doprinose izgradnji ekonomije znanja i konkurentnosti zemlje. Jedan od stubova ekonomije znanja jeste efektivan inovacioni sistem, u kojem posebno mjesto i ulogu imaju kompanije. Cilj rada je predstaviti i analizirati doprinos kompanija efikasnom funkcionisanju inovacionih sistema, ispitati vezu i uticaj inovativnosti i izdataka za istraživanje i razvoj na globalnu konkurentnost. Kao metodološki okvir za analizu efekata inovacijskih sposobnosti korišten je Globalni indeks inovacija (GII), kao i Indeks globalne konkurentnosti (GCI), u kojem inovacije i sofisticiranost predstavljaju jednu od tri kategorije konkurentnosti. U fokusu analize bio je odnos između inovacijskih inputa i inovacijskih outputa, kao i odnos između GII i GCI Bosne i Hercegovine, zemalja zapadnog Balkana i grupe odabranih zemalja Evropske unije (EU). Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da postoji statistički signifikantna veza između inovacijskih inputa i outputa. Evidentne su razlike u jačini veze između varijabli inovativnosti i konkurentnosti za zemlje zapadnog Balkana i za izabrane zemlje članice EU. Takođe je utvrđeno da izdaci za istraživanje i razvoj značajno utiču na vrijednost indeksa konkurentnosti.
Uticaj razvoja scienciometrije na izgled i funkcionisanje sistema nauke u svijetu i pojedinim državama
Uticaj razvoja scienciometrije na izgled i funkcionisanje sistema nauke u svijetu i pojedinim državama
(Influence of development of scientometrics on the outlook and functioning of the science system in the world and in individual countries)
- Author(s):Enver Zerem, Suad Kunosic
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Higher Education , State/Government and Education
- Page Range:143-162
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:internationally recognized criteria; academic community; education; ranking web of world universities;
- Summary/Abstract:Društveni značaj i kvalitet naučnog istraživanja u velikoj mjeri ovise o korisnosti rezultata istraživanja za društvenu i naučnu zajednicu. Nedostatak sredstava i želja da se sredstva dodijele visokokvalitetnim istraživanjima čine sve značajnijim procjenu kvaliteta istraživanja i valorizaciju znanja. Međutim, vrlo je teško primijeniti kriterije koji mogu objektivno procijeniti naučna istraživanja, pružajući precizne kvalitativne i kvantitativne podatke na kojima bi agencije za finansiranje mogle temeljiti svoje odluke. Proizvod naučnog istraživanja uglavnom su informacije objavljene u naučnim časopisima. One su temelj širenja znanja i osnovni kriterij za akademsku i naučnu evaluaciju, regrutovanje sredstava za naučna istraživanja i napredovanje u karijeri. Pored evaluacije naučnih publikacija, postoji širok spektar drugih aktivnosti koji odražavaju naučni kredibilitet znanstvenika, kao što su: broj i kvalitet grantova za naučnoistraživačke projekte, liderstvo u nacionalnim ili međunarodnim akademskim društvima, članstvo u redakcijama uglednih časopisa, mentorstva u doktorskim disertacijama i slično. Mada su te aktivnosti važne i daju kredibilitet znanstveniku, relevantni scientimetrijski sistemi pokrivaju samo publikacije, izostavljajući druge kriterije od naučne važnosti, u ocjenjivanju prilikom akademskog napredovanja znanstvenika, kao i konkursima za dobijanje grantova za finansijsku potporu naučnim istraživanjima. Razlog tome je činjenica da su ove aktivnosti, bez obzira na važnost, vrlo heterogene, sa specifičnim karakteristikama i zahtijevaju veoma raznolike parametre za ocjenu. Stoga, za ove aktivnosti ne postoje univerzalni kriterijumi vrednovanja i njihov se kvalitet, uglavnom, procjenjuje individualno, ovisno o namjeni procjene. Bez obzira na manjkavosti, sistemi rangiranja univerziteta su važni komparativni parametri za procjenu kvaliteta naučne i edukativne vrijednosti univerziteta.
Teškoće u unapređenju nauke i oblikovanju sistema nauke i univerziteta kao nosioca tehnološkog razvoja u Bosni i Hercegovini
Teškoće u unapređenju nauke i oblikovanju sistema nauke i univerziteta kao nosioca tehnološkog razvoja u Bosni i Hercegovini
(Difficulties in Advancement of Science and Shaping the System of Science and University as a Carrier of Technological Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Author(s):Dejan Milošević, Benjamin Fetić
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Higher Education , History of Education, State/Government and Education, Methodology and research technology, Present Times (2010 - today)
- Page Range:163-180
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Bosnian-Herzegovinian universities; science; research; development; technology;
- Summary/Abstract:Osnovna funkcija univerziteta, pored obrazovanja, je naučnoistraživački rad. Na bosanskohercegovačkim univerzitetima je naučnoistraživački rad zapostavljen. Dva su osnovna razloga za to. Prvi je nedovoljno finansijsko ulaganje u nauku i istraživanja, a drugi je nedovoljno razvijena svijest o značaju naučnoistraživačkog rada, kako u bosanskohercegovačkom društvu, tako i na samim univerzitetima. U ovom radu je ukazano na to šta je potrebno uraditi da se ova druga teškoća prevaziđe. Pored toga, analizirane su mogućnosti unapređenja nauke i oblikovanja sistema nauke na bosanskohercegovačkim univerzitetima, kako bi oni postali i istraživački univerziteti. Na naučnoistraživački rad se nadovezuju istraživačko-razvojni rad, tehnološki razvoj, saradnja s privredom i razvoj naučno-tehnoloških parkova. Ove djelatnosti su još manje zastupljene na bosanskohercegovačkim univerzitetima nego naučnoistraživački rad. U ovom radu je ukazano na načine kako prevazići te teškoće, kako bi istraživački univerziteti postali nosioci tehnološkog razvoja Bosne i Hercegovine.
SWOT analiza inovacionog sistema u Bosni i Hercegovini
SWOT analiza inovacionog sistema u Bosni i Hercegovini
(SWOT Analysis of the Innovation System in Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Author(s):Miloš Trifković, Dženana Husremović
- Language:Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):National Economy, Higher Education , State/Government and Education, Methodology and research technology, Social development, Economic development, Socio-Economic Research, Sociology of Education
- Page Range:181-222
- No. of Pages:42
- Keywords:Bosnia and Herzegovina; knowledge society and economy; innovation system; SWOT analysis of innovation system; general development strategies; sectorial strategies of innovation system development;
- Summary/Abstract:Aktualna globalna pozicija Bosne i Hercegovine potvrđuje nalaz prethodnih istraživanja da u našoj državi ne postoji jedinstven ili barem harmonizovan i efikasan inovacioni sistem, primjeren potrebama razvoja društva i ekonomije znanja. Prvi koraci u utvrđivanju razloga ovakvog stanja su SWOT analize položaja i uloge inovacionog sistema u okviru opšteg strateškog planiranja i sektorskog planiranja istraživanja i transfera tehnologije. Najvažniji rezultati dobiveni iz tih matrica su diskutovani u radu. Oni su potom uspoređeni sa rezultatima naših najnovijih istraživanja. Prvi rezultat je sažeta SWOT matrica inovacionog sistema. Rezultate razrade pojedinih faktora smo prikazali u detaljnoj SWOT matrici zasnovanoj na elementima snage. I ova matrica je pokazala da je ujednačeno i stabilizirano visoko obrazovanje najvažniji element snage inovacionog sistema. Zbog toga su obilježja univerziteta kao subjekta inovacionog sistema posebno razmotrena.
The limitations of scientific consensus - Key note address
The limitations of scientific consensus - Key note address
(The limitations of scientific consensus - Key note address)
- Author(s):Dražen Prelec
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Higher Education , Methodology and research technology
- Page Range:229-236
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Scientific consensus; methods for reaching a consensus judgment; Condorcet’s ‘jury theorem’;
- Summary/Abstract:It is a pleasure and honour to contribute to the conference on “Science System — a Factor of Stimulation or Limitation in Development,” organized by the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. One cannot overstate the importance and timeliness of the conference topic, which raises at least two distinct questions: The first ‘external’ question is how to measure the impact of scientific research on society as a whole; the second, ‘internal’ question is how the scientific system should be organized to maximize the production of genuine scholarship. From the program, it is evident that both questions will be discussed during the course of the day.
Public R&D and Science – Industry Links in Economic Development: Implications for Bosnia and Herzegovina
Public R&D and Science – Industry Links in Economic Development: Implications for Bosnia and Herzegovina
(Public R&D and Science – Industry Links in Economic Development: Implications for Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Author(s):Slavo Radošević
- Language:English
- Subject(s):National Economy, Business Economy / Management, Higher Education , Economic development, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:237-258
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:Research & Development; Science industry links; ‘Triple Helix’; Technology Upgrading;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper presents the current understanding of the role of public R&D in economic growth and the science–industry links from middle-income economies like Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). In the second part, we present the conventional view on science–industry links which see these linkages primarily in terms of a one-way transfer of knowledge or its commercialisation from R&D to the business enterprise sector. Based on the comparative data, which also includes BiH, we show an alternative approach and argue about its relevance in the context of BiH. Our conclusion is that science–industry links (SIL) should support technology upgrading and not (or not only) R&D based growth. In the next section, we present the current understanding of the role of public R&D in economic growth. Section two explores the role of public R&D in the catching up context, while section 3 explores specifically the role of science-industry links in catching up context. Section 4 proposes a ‘Triple Helix’ approach to science - industry linkages for catching up economies. We illustrate its features within the data for the central and east European economies. Finally, section 5 concludes with implications for BiH.
Reforming Science Evaluation and Funding when Starting from a Low Performance Level
Reforming Science Evaluation and Funding when Starting from a Low Performance Level
(Reforming Science Evaluation and Funding when Starting from a Low Performance Level)
- Author(s):Štěpán Jurajda
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Higher Education , State/Government and Education, Methodology and research technology
- Page Range:259-270
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Science evaluation; Science policies; Funding systems; Czech Republic;
- Summary/Abstract:Many post-communist countries recently enjoyed rapid economic convergence towards their Western European counterparts, but there has been surprisingly little convergence in scientific research performance. In 2015 only about 3% of the European Research Council’s (ERC) Starting Grants originated from the EU’s new members. As demonstrated by, e.g., Jurajda et al. (2016), the post-soviet countries of Europe are still lagging far behind in terms of high-quality academic output, in particular in social and medical sciences, which are critical for the quality of local governance on many policy levels. Post-communist countries’ publication output is also heavily focused on quantity as opposed to quality. In short, bibliometric evidence implies that several fields of science in these countries are consistently unable to catch up to EU-15 (world-level) scientific standards.
Impact of Intellectual Property Rights on the National Science System
Impact of Intellectual Property Rights on the National Science System
(Impact of Intellectual Property Rights on the National Science System)
- Author(s):Joseph Straus
- Language:English
- Subject(s):National Economy, Government/Political systems, Higher Education , State/Government and Education, Comparative Law
- Page Range:271-298
- No. of Pages:28
- Keywords:University-Industry-Government Relations; Intellectual Property Rights and National Science Systems;
- Summary/Abstract:After using the 2020 developments of the COVID-19 vaccines as an example of successful cooperation between academia, industry and government for supporting research and translating its results into innovations assisted by patents, the article turns to the national science systems. First, it addresses the pioneering role of the 1945 “Science the Endless Frontier”, the Magna Carta of American Science and its patent policy. Retraced are the subsequent US developments revealing a gradual turn from incentivizing knowledge and technology transfer from government funded institutions to industry by allowing it only in the form of non-exclusive licenses, to imposing the public research sector an obligation to commercialize its research results by allowing exclusive licenses and assignments of intellectual property rights to private business. This all by recognizing and preserving academic freedom and inquiry. Next, it pays attention to developments in countries where legislators followed overall the US model. Finally, the contribution discusses the intellectual property rights system in the light of the specific needs of academic researchers.
The Crisis of Ethically Neutral Science
The Crisis of Ethically Neutral Science
(The Crisis of Ethically Neutral Science)
- Author(s):Mile Babić
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Ethics / Practical Philosophy, Contemporary Philosophy, Philosophy of Mind, Higher Education , Philosophy of Education
- Page Range:299-319
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:science; crisis of ethically neutral science; global power; global responsibility; fundamental ethical imperative; new idea of brotherhood;
- Summary/Abstract:Current crisis of morality in scientific and technical civilization leads us to a common ruin because modern science (which is free of morality) is inextricably linked to technology, and can therefore be called technoscience. As such, today it has a monopoly on knowledge of the world and therefore has the greatest power in history and is in tight collusion with the holders of power: the economy, politics, medicine, media, countries and multinational corporations. To have the greatest imaginable power (which, according to Kant, corrupts the freedom of mental reasoning), while being free from the morals that limit that power, means to turn the world into a world of the most modern barbarism and violence, destruction and self-destruction. Only morally responsible science is capable for future and it is the premise of a civilization capable of the future. Only responsible science can prevent science from turning into a comprehensive dogma. Therefore, science must be free from any ideology that depicts reality in black and white and thus produces vanity, hatred and violence. Global science requires a global ethos (global responsibility). Science cares about the truth that liberates us from lies and connects us into a single community. The fundamental ethical imperative primum non nocere (“first, do no harm”) is valid everywhere and forever. Ethically responsible science requires a change in the consciousness of the individual and a rediscovery of the idea of brotherhood. No human action should undermine and destroy existing reality, but rather improve it.
Financing research and development around the world, in Southeast Europe and in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Financing research and development around the world, in Southeast Europe and in Bosnia and Herzegovina
(Financing research and development around the world, in Southeast Europe and in Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Author(s):Fikret Čaušević
- Language:English
- Subject(s):National Economy, Business Economy / Management, Economic history, Economic policy, Comparative politics, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today)
- Page Range:321-340
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:research and development (R&D); financing; world; Southeast Europe; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Economic Complexity Index;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper analyses the financing of research and development, starting from the global and regional contexts and moving on to the specifics of such investment in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The first section presents an analysis of the global context and of the 10 highest investing countries, as well as a breakdown of the sources of such financing by sector. Based on the most recent data from UNESCO, which were for 2018 at the time of writing, South Korea and Japan invested most in research and development in relative terms, while the US and China did so in absolute terms. The second section contains a comparative analysis of investment in research and development by the countries of Central and Southeast Europe. This group is led by Slovenia, followed by the Czech Republic and Hungary. The third section is dedicated to the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina and certain factors affecting the country’s very low level of spending on research and development. The fourth section presents a number of successful examples of investment by Bosnian companies in key branches of industry where the country has achieved above-average results for the Southeast European region, as well as very good export results, as measured by the Economic Complexity and the Product Complexity indices.
Role and importance of companies in shaping and functioning of the innovation system
Role and importance of companies in shaping and functioning of the innovation system
(Role and importance of companies in shaping and functioning of the innovation system)
- Author(s):Zijada Rahimić
- Language:English
- Subject(s):National Economy, Business Economy / Management, Methodology and research technology, Social development, Economic development, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:341-364
- No. of Pages:24
- Keywords:innovation system; knowledge economy; research and development; Global Innovation Index; Global Competitiveness Index;
- Summary/Abstract:By continuously strengthening research and development (R&D) activities and innovative capabilities, companies are achieving long-term sustainable competitive advantages in today’s increasingly complex and uncertain markets. At the same time, by creating new knowledge, innovative application of existing knowledge and technologies, and facilitating their transfer, they contribute to building a knowledge economy and the country’s competitiveness. One of the pillars of the knowledge economy is an effective innovation system, in which companies have a special place and role. The aim of this paper is to present and analyse the contribution of companies to the efficient functioning of innovation systems, to examine the relationship and impact of innovation and R&D expenditures on global competitiveness. The Global Innovation Index (GII) and the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI), in which innovation and sophistication represent one of the three categories of competitiveness, were used as a methodological framework for analysing the effects of innovation capabilities. The focus of the analysis was the relationship between innovation inputs and innovation outputs, as well as the relationship between the GII and GCI of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the countries of the Western Balkans and the group of selected countries of the European Union (EU). The research results show that there is a statistically significant relationship between innovation inputs and outputs. There are obvious differences in the strength of the link between the variables of innovation and competitiveness for the countries of the Western Balkans and for selected EU member states. It was also found that R&D expenditures significantly affect the value of the competitiveness index.
Influence of development of scientometrics on the outlook and functioning of the science system in the world and in individual countries
Influence of development of scientometrics on the outlook and functioning of the science system in the world and in individual countries
(Influence of development of scientometrics on the outlook and functioning of the science system in the world and in individual countries)
- Author(s):Enver Zerem, Suad Kunosic
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Higher Education , State/Government and Education
- Page Range:365-384
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:internationally recognized criteria; academic community; education; ranking web of world universities;
- Summary/Abstract:The social significance and quality of scientific research largely depend on the usefulness of research results for the social and scientific community. The lack of funds and the desire to allocate funding to high-quality research projects make the assessment of the quality of research and the valorization of knowledge increasingly important. However, it is very difficult to apply criteria that can objectively assess scientific research, providing precise qualitative and quantitative data on which funding agencies could base their decisions. The product of scientific research is mainly information published in scientific journals. They are the basis for the dissemination of knowledge and the basic criteria for academic and scientific evaluation, fundraising for scientific research and career advancement. In addition to the evaluation of scientific publications, there is a wide range of other activities that reflect the scientific credibility of scientists, such as: number and quality of grants for scientific research projects, leadership in national or international academic societies, membership in editorial boards of reputable journals, doctoral dissertation mentorships and the like. Although these activities are important and give credibility to the scientist, the relevant scientometric systems cover only publications, neglecting other criteria of scientific importance in evaluation for purpose of academic advancement of a scientist, as well as competitions for grants for financial support of scientific research. The reason for this is the fact that these activities, regardless of their importance, are very heterogeneous, with specific characteristics, and require very diverse parameters for evaluation. Therefore, there are no universal evaluation criteria for these activities and their quality is generally assessed individually, depending on the purpose of the assessment. Regardless of the shortcomings, university ranking systems are important comparative parameters for assessing the quality of scientific and educational value of universities.
Difficulties in Advancement of Science and Shaping the System of Science and University as a Carrier of Technological Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Difficulties in Advancement of Science and Shaping the System of Science and University as a Carrier of Technological Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina
(Difficulties in Advancement of Science and Shaping the System of Science and University as a Carrier of Technological Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Author(s):Dejan Milošević, Benjamin Fetić
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Higher Education , History of Education, State/Government and Education, Methodology and research technology, Present Times (2010 - today)
- Page Range:385-402
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Bosnian-Herzegovinian universities; science; research; development; technology;
- Summary/Abstract:The primary function of the university, in addition to education, is scientific research. At Bosnia and Herzegovina universities, the scientific research has been neglected. There are two basic reasons for that. The first is insufficient financial investment in science and research, and the second is an underdeveloped awareness of the importance of scientific research work, both in the society of Bosnia and Herzegovina and in universities themselves. This paper indicates what needs to be done to overcome this latter difficulty. In addition, the possibilities for improving science and shaping the science system at universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina to make them research universities were analysed. Scientific research work builds on research and development work, technological development, cooperation with the economy and the development of science and technology parks. These activities are even less represented at universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina than scientific research work. This paper shows the ways how to overcome these difficulties, so that research universities become carriers of the technological development of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
SWOT Analysis of the Innovation System in Bosnia and Herzegovina
SWOT Analysis of the Innovation System in Bosnia and Herzegovina
(SWOT Analysis of the Innovation System in Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Author(s):Miloš Trifković, Dženana Husremović
- Language:English
- Subject(s):National Economy, Higher Education , State/Government and Education, Methodology and research technology, Social development, Economic development, Socio-Economic Research, Sociology of Education
- Page Range:403-446
- No. of Pages:44
- Keywords:Bosnia and Herzegovina; knowledge society and economy; innovation system; SWOT analysis of innovation system; general development strategies; sectorial strategies of innovation system development;
- Summary/Abstract:The current global position of Bosnia and Herzegovina confirms the findings of previous research that in our country there is no single or at least harmonized and efficient innovation system, appropriate to the needs of the development of knowledge society and the knowledge economy. The first steps in determining the reasons for this situation are SWOT analyses of the position and role of the innovation system within the general strategic and sectorial research and technology transfer planning. The paper discusses the most important results of matrices obtained and compares them with the findings of our latest research. The first result is a concise SWOT matrix of the innovation system. The results of the elaboration of individual factors we present in a detailed SWOT matrix based on elements of strength. This matrix also showed that uniform and stabilized higher education is the most important element of the strength of the innovation system. Therefore, the paper specifically discusses characteristics of universities as subjects of the innovation system.