11. mezinárodní vědecká konference - Didaktická konference 2017
11th International Scientific Conference - Didactic Conference 2017
Contributor(s): Jan Válek (Editor), Peter Marinič (Editor)
Subject(s): Logic, Preschool education, School education, Higher Education , Educational Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Organizational Psychology, Methodology and research technology, ICT Information and Communications Technologies, Pedagogy
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: Mathematics; number theory; physics; Didactics of mathematics; Developing students' creative approach; solving equations; teaching mathematics; Motivation;
Summary/Abstract: The field of didactics of mathematics, natural sciences and vocational education is an important area of education and training. Its importance is growing over time and, given the results of measuring different areas of pupil literacy, it can be assumed that it will not be otherwise in the future. The International Conference on Didactics, organized by the Pedagogical Faculty of Masaryk University, DTI University and The Unity of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists branch office Brno, is an important platform for sharing and developing the area of common interests of experts. The conference proceedings provide an overview of both the theoretical and practical problems in education, focusing on didactics of the above mentioned fields of study, and sharing good practice.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-80-210-8590-9
- Page Count: 180
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Slovak, Czech
O dvou problémech teorie čísel
O dvou problémech teorie čísel
(About two Problems of Number Theory)
- Author(s):Jaroslav Beránek
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Logic, Higher Education , Methodology and research technology, Pedagogy
- Page Range:7-14
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:binary system; recurrence relation; inductive method; irrational number;
- Summary/Abstract:The article is devoted to teaching of future teachers of Mathematics and contains some topics suitable for deepening and enlarging of their knowledge. The article deals with two problems from the international Mathematics competition Putnam Exam (the problem of harmonious triads and the Josephus problem). While solving these problems the binary number system is used among others.
Myšlenkové mapy ve fyzice
Myšlenkové mapy ve fyzice
(Mind maps in physic)
- Author(s):Roman CIBULKA
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Logic, Higher Education , Educational Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Methodology and research technology
- Page Range:15-21
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:methods of solving physical problems; mind map; software for creation of mind maps; examples of mind map;
- Summary/Abstract:Methods for solving physical problems are different. They serve a deeper understanding of natural facts and their laws, give students the necessary basis for a better understanding of current technologies. Mind maps can be a useful tool in teaching physics. The present contribution does not aim to acquaint students with the creation of mind maps in detail, but rather wants to show the use of this method for solving problems in PHYSICS. You can also learn about selected mind mapping programs in the best of what’s used.Mind map is the easiest way to get information into our brain and how to get information from it – is a creative and effective way to make notes that literally "map" our reflections.At the end of contribution, you will find examples of thought maps for a particular use in PHYSICS.
Klesají znalosti a dovednosti žáků i v jejich zájmové činnosti?
Klesají znalosti a dovednosti žáků i v jejich zájmové činnosti?
(Do pupils’ knowledge and skills decrease also in leisure time activities?)
- Author(s):Hana Cídlová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Maps / Cartography, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), Pedagogy
- Page Range:22-27
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:motivation; biology; geography; knowledge; skills;
- Summary/Abstract:Tourist race, organized by the Club of Czech Tourists, is annually attended by several hundred children and adults. Although it is based on cross-country running, a significant role is played by other competitive tasks, such as recognizing of shrubs and trees, recognizing of tourist signs, topographical signs, cultural-cognitive activity, work with a map and compass or outdoors estimating of distance. The temper of racing is very strongly motivating to cope with these tasks. The paper discusses the success of competitors in children’s categories in solving chosen biological and geographical tasks in Czech Cup of Tourist race in the years 2008-2016. Decreasing level of knowledge and skills of pupils is observed also in their leisure time activities.
Fyzikální cvičebnice aneb jak to udělat přehledněji
Fyzikální cvičebnice aneb jak to udělat přehledněji
(Physical practice book or how to make it clearer)
- Author(s):Michaela Drexler
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Educational Psychology, Methodology and research technology, Pedagogy
- Page Range:37-41
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:physical practice book; eye-tracking; layout;
- Summary/Abstract:This article discusses teaching texts, their elements and their layout. Based on the collection of secondary data and the use of previous researches as well as teacher´s practice, the article provides a proposal for a better structure of textbooks. The part of the article is a description of the eye tracking method, which is currently the most sophisticated method for evaluating the layout used not only the textbooks.
Rozvíjanie tvorivého prístupu študentov k riešeniu rovníc
Rozvíjanie tvorivého prístupu študentov k riešeniu rovníc
(Developing students’ creative approach to solving the equations)
- Author(s):Dalibor Gonda
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Logic, Educational Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Pedagogy
- Page Range:42-47
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:method of substitution; creativity; equation; autonomy; transformation;
- Summary/Abstract:Many researches show that pupils prefer learning how to solve the math problems by heart even in learning mathematics. It is necessary to look for ways of teaching mathematics leading to a departure from such a trend. One of the options is the frequent assignment of substitution-related tasks. This method develops pupils’ creativity. Many tasks offer several possible substitutions. Pupils learn to create a substitute expression. The substitution method allows the task to be transformed, thus creat connections between the different areas of mathematics and offer pupils new insights into the use of already acquired knowledge.
Príčiny miskoncepcií základných geometrických útvarov u žiakov na prvom stupni základných škôl
Príčiny miskoncepcií základných geometrických útvarov u žiakov na prvom stupni základných škôl
(The causes of misconceptions of basic geometric figures in primary school)
- Author(s):Ján Gunčaga, Štefan Tkačik
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Preschool education, School education, Pedagogy
- Page Range:48-59
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:geometry; misconception; basic geometric figures; pre-school students; primary school pupils;
- Summary/Abstract:The process of basic identification and sorting of planar geometric figures is a prerequisite for the further development of pupils in the process of acquiring additional knowledge about them and their properties (see Musser, Burger, Peterson, 2001). The aim of this article is based on research within the VEGA project no. 1/0440/15 point to misconceptions about the circle, square, triangle and rectangle of preschool and pupils in the last grade of primary school. We try to identify the causes and formulate recommendations for teachers.
Elementarné matematické zakonitosti ako podstata edukácie finančnej gramotnosti
Elementarné matematické zakonitosti ako podstata edukácie finančnej gramotnosti
(Basic mathematical rules as the essence of learning financial literacy)
- Author(s):Lívia Hasajová
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Logic, Cognitive Psychology, Pedagogy
- Page Range:60-67
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:financial literacy; activating forms; experiential learning; flexibility; creative thinking; problem solving; analysis, synthesis;
- Summary/Abstract:Among the new trends in developing financial literacy in economic subjects, we include activating forms of teaching. These stimulate interest, support pupils’ learning experience, develop autonomy, flexibility and creative thinking. By applying activation methods, we teach the learner to understand the problem solved more clearly and require students to apply problem solving, analysis, synthesis, and creative thinking.
O vyučovaní matematiky s dôrazom na interdisciplinaritu
O vyučovaní matematiky s dôrazom na interdisciplinaritu
(The need of the teaching mathematics with an emphasis on interdisciplinarity)
- Author(s):Lýdia Kontrová
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Logic, Pedagogy
- Page Range:68-76
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:interdisciplinary connections; dynamic mathematical models; population growth model;
- Summary/Abstract:Mathematics occupies a very important position in the Modern World. It may be remarked that Mathematics plays a vital role in technical professions and latest researches. Years ago, people believed that Mathematics is a classroom discipline. Now we realize Mathematics is a tool, rather than a discipline. This argument comes because; Mathematics is now the main ‘ingredient’ of any Applied Sciences. The paper emphasizes a growing need to develop such teacher`s skills which enable him/her to perceive and subsequently present a discussed issue in a broader context, and implement facts and knowledge from various scientific fields into science teaching. A teacher’s didactic mastery lies in his/her ability to see and point out the possibilities of interdisciplinary connections in teaching-learning process.
Vplyv dobrého vzťahu učiteľa matematiky a žiaka na úspěšnost vyučovania matematiky na stredných školách
Vplyv dobrého vzťahu učiteľa matematiky a žiaka na úspěšnost vyučovania matematiky na stredných školách
(The impact of a positive teacher-student relationship on the efficacy of teaching secondary school mathematics)
- Author(s):Tomáš Lengyelfalusy, Marcela Pjatková
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Logic, Personality Psychology, Organizational Psychology, Pedagogy
- Page Range:77-87
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:personality of Maths teacher; teacher-student relationship; teaching mathematics; efficacy in teaching mathematics;
- Summary/Abstract:In the contribution we discuss the significance of Mathematics teacher’s personality, their relationship with students and the impact of positive Maths teacher relationship with their students on their success in learning mathematics. In this short article, we attempted to integrate our personal experience with the latest principals in pedagogy and teaching mathematics, as well as to offer a complex overview of the presented topic.
Metodologické kořeny didaktických problému ve vzdělávání ekonomicky zaměřených předmětů
Metodologické kořeny didaktických problému ve vzdělávání ekonomicky zaměřených předmětů
(Methodological roots of didactical problems in economic subjects’ education)
- Author(s):Peter Marinič
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):School education, Methodology and research technology, Pedagogy
- Page Range:88-93
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:economics; economic methodology; didactics; education;
- Summary/Abstract:There are common accepted idea in focus on education of pupils in the field of economic subject and their importance and influence in the context of general education and general literacy of the population. However, the more important question is the methods of this education and its implementation to the education process, especially in the primary and secondary level of education. Those didactical problems are consequences of the methodological approach of the economics as a science itself, especially in comparison with the nature sciences. In this context, there are roots of this problems as the methodological problems of the economics itself analysed in the article.
Miskoncepce ve fyzice vlivem historického vývoje fyzikálních pojmů a terminologie
Miskoncepce ve fyzice vlivem historického vývoje fyzikálních pojmů a terminologie
(Physics misconceptions due to the historical development of physics concepts and terminology)
- Author(s):Tomáš Miléř
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Logic, School education, Educational Psychology, Pedagogy
- Page Range:94-101
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:physics concepts; terminology; education;
- Summary/Abstract:Contemporary physics and its terminology is based on efforts of many generations of scientists seeking the essence of natural processes. Although physics concepts form a consistent system, current terminology is sometimes misleading and evoke wrong ideas. The paper deals with the development of terms WORK, ENERGY and HEAT in relation to physics education and improvement of students’ physics thinking.
Několik poznámek k cyklografii
Několik poznámek k cyklografii
(Some notes about cyclography)
- Author(s):Jitka Panáčová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Methodology and research technology
- Page Range:102-108
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:cycle; directed line; isotropic line; directed plane; basic conic C; C – conic area;
- Summary/Abstract:In the paper there are briefly described basic problems of cyclography (one-to-one correspondence of the set of all points of the 3 E onto the set of all directed circles – cycles – of the proper plane of the 3 E. The article summarizes principles and applications of cyclography method, and in the end introduces its historical development.
Společenství praxe jako prostředek zlepšování kvality výuky technických předmětů na středních školách
Společenství praxe jako prostředek zlepšování kvality výuky technických předmětů na středních školách
(Community Practice as a tool for improving the quality of teaching technical subjects at secondary schools)
- Author(s):Pavel Pecina
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):School education, Methodology and research technology, Pedagogy
- Page Range:109-116
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:project of community practice; technical subject; quality of teaching of technical subject; development of hospitals; methods of activating teaching;
- Summary/Abstract:The contribution is devoted to the issue of community practice in teaching technical subjects at secondary schools. The solved issue is of interest to the project “Community Practice as a Means of Development of Key Competencies”, which is solved at MU Faculty of Education since January 1, 2017. In the first part we focused on the project objectives in the field of technical subjects. In the next part, attention is devoted to the research aimed at improving the quality of teaching of technical subjects through developing hospitals and the application of teaching activation methods.
K didaktikám …
K didaktikám …
(To Didactics…)
- Author(s):Petr Sládek
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Logic, Higher Education , Pedagogy
- Page Range:117-121
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:subject didactics; basic orientation; science;
- Summary/Abstract:Despite long-standing efforts of the stable fixing of subject / didactics as scientific disciplines this fact is not always accepted among academicians and experts in disciplines of relevant subjects (not just mathematics, natural sciences and engineering). Last but not least, there is a dilemma about who is good subject didactician. The contribution raises some questions that are not yet sufficiently answered.
Vplyv používania IT na rozširovanie matematických poznatkov počas štúdia na VŠ
Vplyv používania IT na rozširovanie matematických poznatkov počas štúdia na VŠ
(The impact of IT use on expanding mathematical knowledge while studying at university)
- Author(s):Milan Stacho, Darina Stachová
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Higher Education , ICT Information and Communications Technologies, Pedagogy
- Page Range:122-128
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:information technology; internet; motivation; loss of skills;
- Summary/Abstract:The introduction of information technologies in schools brought not only new dimensions for acquiring information and expanding horizons, but also certain pitfalls that may surprise students. It is rather hard to say whether the use of information technologies in teaching and in daily life has more positives or negatives. This article discusses nnegative aspects of the use of communication technologies in teaching of mathematics at universities.
Studie o tom, proč se základy teorie věd téměř neučí
Studie o tom, proč se základy teorie věd téměř neučí
(Why the Basics of Science Theory Almost Does not Teach)
- Author(s):Jindřiška Svobodová, Jan Novotný
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Philosophy of Science, Higher Education , Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology
- Page Range:129-134
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:science education; theory of science;
- Summary/Abstract:The scientific method represents a way of critical thinking. Science strengthens the ability to have an opinion founded more facts than personal feelings. We assume that scientific thinking provides many skills for cognitive development of every person. Those skills can be transferred to other learning and general social contexts. Our research study presents the university students opinions and ideas which could help identify the causes of the problem why students get taught so little about the science as whole?
Modelování chemických pojmů
Modelování chemických pojmů
(Chemical Terms Modeling)
- Author(s):Jiří Šibor
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):School education, Pedagogy
- Page Range:135-143
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:graph models; chemical terms; system approach; synergetic;
- Summary/Abstract:Modeling of chemical terms was prepared. Processing and utilization of an elementary school terms was used. The system approach to the chemistry was used. The execute subjects are role and distribution of chemistry, mass, atom composition including radioactivity, chemical bonds, chemical reactions, periodic system, mixtures, inorganic or organic compounds and natural compounds.
Integrovaná tematická výuka jako motivační prvek přírodovědné výuky na základní škole
Integrovaná tematická výuka jako motivační prvek přírodovědné výuky na základní škole
(Integrated Thematic Education as a Motivation of Teaching Science Subjects at Primary School)
- Author(s):Monika Šindelková, Irena Plucková, Martina Zouharová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Logic, School education, Pedagogy
- Page Range:144-147
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:integrated thematic education; motivation; science education;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper deals with integrated thematic education at primary school. It can be inspiration for teachers and pupils of the second grade primary school. It points out that an important element in education is motivation. Important aspects of motivation are research, exploration and experimentation. The paper contains the structure of project day "Great Egg Robbery" at primary school. Topic of integrated thematic education is current theme. The research focuses on the use of integrated thematic education at primary schools.
Profesní portfolio učitele
Profesní portfolio učitele
(The Profesional teacher´s portfolio)
- Author(s):Kateřina Šmejkalová, Monika Šindelková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Educational Psychology, Psychology of Self, Pedagogy
- Page Range:148-154
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:professional portfolio; pedagogical practice; teacher’s work presentation; selfreflection;
- Summary/Abstract:The new career charter of the teaching profession in the Czech Republic will be implemented from September 2017. The paper describes the portfolio as a tool for professional and personal growth of the teacher, but also as a source for the evaluation of teaching work. The authors point out possible risks in the processing of the portfolio. The features and goals of the portfolio are further characterized in the text. The authors present the individual phases of the portfolio and describe how it is possible to work with the material included in the portfolio. Systematically arranged material in the portfolio should help the teacher to better present his work. The teacher will be able to return back to his / her present activities in his / her portfolio. The portfolio should not only be about the knowledge and skills, but also the developing attitudes of the teacher. An example of pedagogical practice is the possibility of presenting the teacher’s work. This is mainly about the inclusion of examples of typological or extraordinary practices in the portfolio.
Motivational simple experiments in science education
Motivational simple experiments in science education
(Motivational simple experiments in science education)
- Author(s):Josef Trna
- Language:English
- Subject(s):School education, Educational Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Pedagogy
- Page Range:155-160
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:cognitive motivation; science education; simple experiments;
- Summary/Abstract:The motivational role of school experiments in science education is still growing. Motivation in education is realized using cognitive motivational teaching techniques. Several cognitive motivational teaching techniques are based on observation and experimentation. From the pedagogical constructivist point of view it is important to develop appropriate school experiments for school practice. Presented cognitive motivational teaching techniques are based on special kinds of simple experiments such as: experiments of everyday life, entertainment-edutainment experiments, problem experiments, experiments supported by ICT etc. All presented simple experiments are developed by a use of design-based research including action research in school practice at primary and lower secondary schools.
Pojmové mapy a ich využitie vo vyučovacom procese
Pojmové mapy a ich využitie vo vyučovacom procese
(Mind maps (Mental maps) and their use in teaching)
- Author(s):Andrej Vanko
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Logic, School education, Educational Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Pedagogy
- Page Range:161-167
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:mathematics; geometry; mental map; term; perception; hierarchy;
- Summary/Abstract:In this article, we are describing history of mind maps, usage in real world and at last how they can be applied for teaching geometry in high school. We will be describing who first thought about idea of mind maps and why mind maps were figured out, what was purpose of mind maps. Than we will speculate about how people perceive the world and how they can so easily remember so much things, understand patterns in the world and add new terms to already learned pool of terms and understand these terms. After this we will show some examples of mind maps and what needs to be done to create good mind map. In the end of article, we will show mind map created from concrete theme in geometry and way how to explain this map for students.
Kritizujeme RVP oprávněně?
Kritizujeme RVP oprávněně?
(Do we criticize Framework Education Program rightfully?)
- Author(s):Jan Válek
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):School education, Educational Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Pedagogy
- Page Range:168-176
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Framework Education Program; PISA; TIMSS; criticism;
- Summary/Abstract:An obligatory curriculum document, the Framework Education Program (FEP), is constantly under criticism of the extent to which the level of knowledge, cognition and skills of students in each school is shattered at the same level of education. Although the FEP is upgraded, this situation does not improve. Upgrading leads to extensions of expected outputs and curriculum, but there is no reduction in unnecessary content. Changes in linkages between disciplines if they are, are only minimal. Through a metaresearch survey, we summarize the data that can shed light on the Framework Education Program.
Úloha hier v popularizácii matematiky
Úloha hier v popularizácii matematiky
(Role of games in the popularization of mathematics)
- Author(s):Vladimíra LAŠŠÁKOVÁ, Mária Čujdíková
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Logic, ICT Information and Communications Technologies, Pedagogy
- Page Range:28-36
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:popularization of mathematics; educational game; escape rooms; ICT in mathematics;
- Summary/Abstract:This article is about the role of games in the popularization of mathematics. It deals with actual examples of mathematical concepts that appear in popular games. The paper focuses on the task of mathematics in escape room games, computer, and console games.