Vocalire: les 7500 mots essentiels pour l’enseignement du vocabulaire français ou son auto-apprentissage en autonomie (colleges, lycees, français langue seconde ou etrangere)
The main points covered in this article are: 1. The genesis of VOCALIRE: its filiation with an earlier work by the same authors, the Dictionnaire du Français Usuel, of which it is an abridged version, but also its grounding on its own original research. 2. The originality of a method of teaching French vocabulary based not on themes but on the constitution – from a limited number of words of very high frequency – of whole networks involving their multiple meanings, derivatives, and other words semantically linked. 3. The structure of the articles, in which the main sections have complete sentences for titles. Good examples will explain their usefulness for teaching or independent learning, and demonstrate that this is in no way a dictionary in the usual sense of the word.