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The paper outlines how the application of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) helps the students with Mild Intellectual Disabilities (MID) in the education field. For this research six different Greek educational software products have been introduced ТО twelve students in a Greek school
This article presents some results of an empirical research on the topic of bullying at school. The results describe the sample according to the ways of bullying at school, the usual places where it occurs and the distribution of this phenomenon among the students in particular school in Sofia (Bulgaria). The results and analysis of the results are presented in two parts: general results and results by gender. Poll and statistical methods are used in the research. The results of the empirical research are representative for the studied school and orientative for the schools in Bulgaria.
The article presents data from the survey of 12-15 years-old students. The data show that students do not experience strong emotions during class. 79,1% of students would be absent from class if they are feeling tension. At the same time, 69,7% of students never or very seldom would be left demonstratively the classes. These data clearly show the attitude of students to control their negative emotions in accordance to the requirements of the teacher to them. The educational status of the mother doesn’t influence the type of emotional behavior.
Teza. Celem artykułu jest zebranie i omówienie wiedzy z zakresu psychologii osobowości w sporcie oraz propozycja nowego wykorzystania dotychczasowych osiągnięć nauki w praktycznym treningu sportowym. Autor powołuje się na badania z zakresu osobowości, nawiązując szczególnie do teorii cech osobowości, postulując, że pomiędzy osobami, które uprawiają sport amatorsko i profesjonalnie, istnieją większe niż przeciętne, różnice indywidualne w natężeniu cech osobowości.Omówione koncepcje. Autor odwołał się do modeli osobowości PEN Eysencka, NEOAC Costy i McCrae, 16FP Cattella, koncepcji biologicznej Greya oraz do artykułów opisujących badania relacji osobowości z predyspozycjami i osiągnięciami sportowymi. Przedstawiono argumenty przemawiające za znaczeniem natężenia cech osobowości, takich jak neurotyczność czy ekstrawersja, w doborze metod treningowych (dobór rodzaju bodźców wzmacniających lub ćwiczeń).Wnioski. Współczesna literatura z zakresu psychologii sportu czerpie niewystarczająco z wiedzy z pozostałych gałęzi tej nauki, takich jak psychologia osobowości. Brakuje badań, które pozwoliłby skontrolować wpływ cech osobowości na sposób uprawiania sportu, szczególnie przez sportowców amatorskich.Ze względu na specyficzną konfigurację cech osobowości ludzie w specyficzny sposób reagują na bodźce: neurotycy silnie reagują na zagrożenie karą i ich zachowanie skupia się na unikaniu jej, podczas gdy ekstrawertycy kierują się potrzebą osiągnięć i nagród. Neurotycy charakteryzują się podwyższonym poziom lęku oraz mniejsza tolerancją bólu. Autor postuluje wykorzystanie tej wiedzy w praktyce trenerów sportu.
The article explores the relation between education and learning as a means of its implementation and the new type of socio-historical inheritance at the end of the twentieth century, related to changes in the nature of scientific knowledge itself. In the emerging new pedagogical paradigm, the main task is the transition from a center of knowledge to culture-friendly learning, the intellectualization of the learning process, but also its euro-denomination, is becoming more and more intense. It raises the issue of changes in values and new cultural realities in the process of communication, which builds a new type of the whole personality whose mentality unites culture and education. Innovative approaches to humanistic pedagogy and practice are aimed at developing the principles of developing learning, collaboration and creativity.
The article presents results of a research of the influence of ego states and parental education on the self-esteem of seventh grade students. The sample includes 339 students from 13 to 15 years. The obtained results represent the dominance of the Natural Child ego-state and Nurturing Parent ego state, manifested by characteristics such as attachment, amiability, adaptability and spontaneity. The self-esteem of the students that took part in the survey is rather average, as higher education degree of the parents defines higher self-esteem in adolescents. The results show significant effect of the Adult ego-state, Natural Child and Nurturing Parent ego- states, along with the education of the father on adolescent self-esteem. The personal characteristics of spontaneity, organization, logical thinking, persistence, conscientious and productivity, along with the education level of the father, slightly but significantly increased the self-esteem of the students. The obtained results are applicable in individual and group work with students to develop their personal qualities and self-confidence, as prerequisites for improving their academic achievement, social relationships and mental well-being.
Learning, creativity, and innovation are considered as the axis of the activities of all educational and entrepreneur-based institutions. Learning style of students as one of the factors effective in learning and academic progress has always been taken into consideration. By identifying the learning style and rate of creativity of individuals, each style can be a more appropriate teaching method adopted by teachers and also a more correct method of learning by learners. Accordingly, the main goal of the present article is to identify the differences of learning styles of individuals in different academic majors and the rate of the creativity of individuals in each learning style. The present methodology employed in this research is of descriptive-correlational research design. The statistical population consists of all the last-year students at the high school level in the city of Ghaen. The statistical sample consisted of 115 girls and 117 boys selected by classified sampling. Kolb’s learning style inventory and Abedi creativity were used to collect the required data. These two tools are standardized, therefore their validity is verified. On the other hand, the reliability of the Kolb’s inventory and that of Abedi’s creativity were 0.74 and 79.5, respectively. To analyze the data obtained by Chi-square tests, one-way analysis of variance, Pierson covariance, and stepwise regression were employed. The results show that there is a meaningful difference between the creativity of the students with diverging and assimilator learning styles. Learning styles of students of different branches are also different. Creativity of the students of Mathematicsis more than that of the Humanities and there is also a meaningful negative relation between concrete experiential learning methods and creativity (r=0.702 and p<0.01).
The article aims to explore the social distance of high-school students towards certain vulnerable categories (people with disabilities, those of different religions, those without income, foreigners, refugees, Romani, people infected with HIV, homosexuals), as well as identifying the manner in which these social categories are discriminated against at school and in other public places. In the context of the current study, social distance is expressed through the level of acceptance by the respondents of persons from the aforementioned categories, as neighbours, classmates and friends. Our study shows the students' reluctance to co-exist with certain categories of vulnerable persons by stigmatizing and using social exclusion (homosexuals, Romani, people infected with HIV, immigrants). These aspects draw attention to the need to fight against ethnocentric, xenophobic or homophobic attitudes in school. At the same time, the study shows that the manifestation of intolerant attitudes coincides in many cases with the posture of victim of discriminatory manifestations.
The objectives of the research consist in carrying out a synthesis-analysis of the epistemological history of the pedagogy in Russia, by capitalizing on the epistemological valences identified and sressing the impact of the valences of the Russian pedagogy on the epistemic development of the education sciences. The historical research methodology was used to highlight the evolution of the domain in conceptual and institutional plan, in synchronic and diachronic perspective. The paper aims to capture the specificity of education in Russia that is anchored, equally, in the problems of modernization, but also in the maintenance of its own cultural and psychosocial identity. The stages of education development, the periodizations made by pedagogues and historians of pedagogy, the features of the four education reforms, the roles of personalities in the development of education, significant pedagogical ideas that have revolutionized pedagogy / didactics in the world are reviewed.
Our work is based on a common sense observation of the relational difficulties betweenparents and teenagers, trying to place emphasis on their perspective on the familyenvironment. The psycho-social investigation followed the analysis of student opinionregarding the quality of the family environment as a whole, as well as on the following levels:the frequency and quality of communication, manifestation of affection, mutual gratificationand encouragement, giving the right to an opinion and the exercising of autonomy. A deeperknowledge of the problems which could influence adolescent behaviour could serve as astarting point for practical attempts at educational counselling.
One of the important components considered in this research approach is given by the study on teaching-learning strategies, methods and techniques in the lessons aimed at organizing economic activities. It is understood that such a topic takes into account, on the one hand, a series of aspects related to an economic issue, and on the other hand, issues of a methodological / didactic nature found in the teaching-learning-assessment activity. At the same time, the approach that is intended to be highlighted reflects the practical-theoretical dimension of such a possible approach in class.Under these conditions, the research approach assumed involves an analysis focused, on the one hand, on the theoretical aspects related to the approached topic, and on the other hand, on the conceptual-theoretical operationalization with practical implications. In other words, there is an interest in valorizing and capitalizing on the contents approached both theoretically and practically. Therefore, it is considered that we will analyze, from a theoretical and pragmatic perspective, the strategies, methods and teaching-learning techniques at the level of economic-themed classes, also revealing the impact it has in the economic-educational dimension.
This article analyzes the general scientific and philosophical approaches to the training of teaching staff of preschool education. The essence of the concept of "methodological approach" has been revealed, as did the main approaches to training future educators. Author determined and allocated philosophical, interdisciplinary, systemic, synergistic, functional, personal, activity, axiological, and competency approaches.
In this paper entitled BULLYING in schools - Activities through which teachers can prevent Bullying at school, we propose to present a worrying reality of our day by proposing some preventive ways that could come in support of a worrying phenomenon, which has increased in size in schools in Romania. We consider that the teaching staff also plays an important role in trying to stop this phenomenon, by implementing some active-participatory activities in the classroom, activities that we intend to highlight in this paper.
The actual study is proposing to analyze the concept of error in education and to apply some strategies in order to guide the process of education. Teaching with mistakes, reverse marking, self-correction, the possibility of correcting in equal ways, are some suggestions which can be applied at the classroom. The end of the study reveals the fact that an important place in this ecuations is occupied by the teacher’s attitude which have a huge impact in pupils’ life.
The present paper follows some aspects such as: the importance of the relationship between parent and child, the communication between parent and child, as well as the role of discipline in developing the child's behavior. The parent is the main factor that helps in the formation and development of the child's personality, so that the parent must be present at all the stages that a child goes through. The relationship between the child and the parent is very important and must be based on trust, cooperation and respect and the parent is responsible for how he / she manages certain conflicts that may arise, how to solve certain situations and the penalties he / she will choose to sanction the mistakes of the child. Also, the child must see the parent as the best friend, confess with anything and seek advice in any problem and in turn, the parent must give unconditional support to the child.At the same time, emphasis will be placed on certain ways of disciplining children, on the causes that can lead to conflicts between parents and children, as well as on the monitoring, punishments or rewards used by parents in the process of educating children. In order to achieve positive results, each parent adopts a certain style that he or she considers appropriate for raising and disciplining his or her child.
In the article named The necessity of French Teaching in education system we propose to approach french studying’s importance in schools. Moreover, french is a precise and melodious language which can translate the most profound undertones of thinking and of human sensivity. It represents the third spoken language on Internet, after English, Germain and Spanish. Also, French is one of the two official languages from the majority of issential institutions such as: United Nations Organisations, European Union, European Council, Unesco and Red Cross. French is efficient, because teacher doesn’t have to stop to promote its wealth, to convey to pupil the entire value and beauty. To the same extent, the educator always encourages the pupil to act in teaching-learning process and constantly involves him in order to the encrease of motivational level for french learning.
The article is the third part of a study concerned with vocabulary in autism spectrum disorders. The subject of interest in this article is the category of relations and its lexical exponents. The author presents various types of linguistically expressed relations. She discusses how they are represented in the language of people with autism spectrum disorders and devotes a separate fragment to parts of speech. The acquisition of relational concepts and their lexical exponents is a significant development challenge; especially difficult for people with autism. In the category of relations the differences between the vocabularies of typically developing people and people with autistic disorders are the most pronounced. Other conclusions from the analysis carried out are in line with those in the second part of the study concerning the category of things and events.
The article presents a study of syntactic competence in primary language pathology, comprising 170 children mastering Bulgarian language. Recruited respondents from the experimental and control groups are divided into three age groups, respectively 35 children between 4 and 5 years, 30 between 5 and 6 years and 20 children in preschool age (6 - 7 years). The first section examines the identified issues from theoretical perspectives. The methodology and objectives of the study are then described step by step and the results are analysed. In the conclusion, in addition to the summary, an attempt is made to outline the main aspects for the design of a future study, which would rely not so much on quantitative data, but on the classical tradition of longitudinal studies, allowing direct qualitative observations on the norm and specific language disorder.
This study analyses the relationship between failure and success from two perspectives: creative psychology and sociology of creation. By starting from Angelo Mitchievici’s recent book, “Farmecul vieților distruse. Câteva reflecții despre ratare” [The Charm of Failed Lives] (2022), which explores one of the favorite themes of decadent literature and art (failure), I aim to highlight the most relevant existential postures in a writer’s life: the anti-bourgeois aristocratic posture (the dandy) and the proletarian-democratic posture (the bohemian). It is not by chance that Mitchievici dwells on the works the Romanian-French writer Emil Cioran, who tried to build an image of a secluded writer, close to anonymity, avoiding to cultivate both the bohemian and the dandy style, by adopting a lifestyle shaped by the cult of work and discipline, in the spirit of the Protestant ethics theorized by Max Weber. Mitchievici explains very convincingly how, once he emigrated to Paris, Cioran completely abandoned the Romanian language, in which he was convinced he was failing as a writer, in order to devote himself exclusively to writing in French, with the idea of conquering global glory. In addition to Cioran, the authors in focus are Francis Scott Fitzgerald, Shakespeare, Voltaire, Flaubert, Dino Buzzatti, Mihail Sadoveanu, Mircea Cărtărescu, etc., which provides the critic with the opportunity to reconnect with his former books (e.g. “Decadență și decadentism în contextul modernității românești și europene”, 2011) and to show a refined and mature essayist’s vein.