Konaklama Hizmetlerinde DavranışsalNiyeti Etkileyen Hizmet Kalitesi Boyutları
The different models and sizes have been developed to explain the relationship between perceived service quality has been in the measurement of service quality and the levels of different expectations. In this study, Servqual Scale that has been found in 1991 by Parasuraman et al. had worked and had developed during continuing years on it was called "Service Quality Dimensions" they refered to as "Physical Features, Reliability, Responsiveness , Trust and Empathy" based on customers' behavioral intentions affect and the only specific accommodation services to aimed to improve service quality dimensions . The model has been developed for this study and related data have been analyzed on the basis of "Structural Equation Modeling ". According to all inclusive system of hotels have supplied to German and Russian tourists staying in those hotels in Antalya have created sample size of this study. The sample size with 95% confidence interval and an accuracy of 5 % was determined as 384. The research model of structural equation modeling will be used to test the sample sizeof 300 is adequate, but the return of 372 questionnaires were provided. In the pilot study, “convenience sampling" in the main study, " simple random sampling " method was used. According to study's findings, service quality factors that were "physical properties ,responsiveness and reliability", important for customer accommodation services again or to prefer this experience share with others and related services not recommend to others in the direction of behavioral intentions is effective on the reveal , because businesses these factors to develop a more rigorous and planned also the need arises to work