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Green finance is one of the many terms used to describe activities on the two-way interaction between the environment and financial investment. It has become increasingly known as an expression over the last decade for the reasons of many national green investment banks and all the growing green debt markets. Green finance is directly related to concepts such as climate finance and sustainable financing.
Currently, EU member states use different kinds of economic instruments of environmental protection. Besides their environmental impact, the main reason for economic instruments implementation is their fiscal impact, precisely revenues of public budgets. The main goal of this paper is to find similarities in EU-28, to find the groups of countries with the same fiscal impact of economic instruments on public budget revenues. The method of cluster analysis is used, based on EUROSTAT and EEX data sets for the year 2016. Three categories of economic instruments’ revenues (per capita) are selected as a base for cluster analysis, with available data for all EU-28 countries – energy taxes without EU ETS, EU ETS and transport taxes. We can distinguish six clusters in total, precisely group A characteristic by low tax revenues and low EU ETS revenues, group B with high tax revenues and low EU ETS revenues, group C with low tax revenues and high EU ETS revenues, group D represented by middle tax revenues and middle EU ETS revenues, group E and group F, both represented by one country with extremely high tax revenues. Generally, countries of Central and Eastern Europe are not grouped only in one group, they have all low tax revenues, but there are differences in EU ETS revenues. Focusing on northern countries of EU, they are characteristic by rather higher or high tax revenues, but they are also split into different clusters.
Since many years in the European Union more attention has been paid to environmental taxes (also fees and other charges) as an important source of public revenues. It is argued that the increase in environmental taxes should raise the quality of the environment while at the same time ensuring budgetary implications. Despite the existence of non-assignment rule in the public finance there is no doubt that in the case of environmental taxes, fiscal targets are related to non-fiscal objectives. Consequently, the state demand for this source of revenues should stem from the necessity for environmental protection. The objective of the paper is to examine to what extent revenues from environmental taxes are allocated to finance environmental protection in the EU countries. The research is based on the Eurostat data on environmental tax revenues and environmental protection expenditures of the general government sector and covers the period 2006 to 2015. In most EU countries less than a half of environmental tax revenues has been spent on environmental protection. The average ratio of environmental protection expenditures to environmental tax revenues in the particular EU countries varies from 10.1% to 55.4%. In order to test the linear relationship between environmental taxes and expenditures it has been conducted the Pearson correlation analysis. A statistically significant, strong and positive relationship between these variables has been observed. The result could be interpreted in two ways: - more environmentally related taxes imply greater spending on environmental issues or - the growing need to comply with the EU obligations concerning environmental protection entails an increase in environmentally related tax burden.
Slovakia lags far behind the developed EU countries in environmental infrastructure facilities and municipal waste management. Cohesion policy 2007-2013 represented an important tool for improving the quality and completion of environmental infrastructure in the regions of Slovakia. The paper pointed out the regional disparities by selected components of environmental infrastructure, waste production and management, and evaluated the contribution of cohesion policy 2007-2013 to their mitigation on the example of Slovakia and its regions. The standard method - Gini coefficient was used to determine regional disparities followed by comparative methods for the development of selected indicators in 2007 and 2015 and the contribution of EU cohesion policy 2007-2013. The development of environmental infrastructure has been supported from the Operational Program Environment, priority axes 1 and 4, in the total financing 831.5 million Eur. Efficient use of EU funds have contributed to the increase the share of the population connected to the water and sewage network, separation and recovery of municipal waste, remediation of environmental burdens and recultivation of landfill sites. In the reporting period, the regional disparities have mitigated according to the analyzed indicators in all regions of Slovakia.
Dünya nüfusunun giderek artması, tüketimdeki değişen alışkanlıklar, sanayideki ilerlemeler; küresel ya da yerel demeden su sorunlarına sebep olmaktadır. Oysa ki su, sürdürülebilir kalkınmada stratejik bir kaynaktır. Bu nedenle suya olan ihtiyaç giderek artmaktadır. Su, yetişkin bir insan vücudunda %50-%70 oranında bulunmaktadır. Aynı zamanda yetişkin bir insanın ihtiyaç duyduğu günlük su miktarı 2,5 litredir (Bilim ve Teknik, 2014). Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (TÜİK) 2040 yılına gelindiğinde tahmini Türkiye nüfusunun 100 milyon olabileceğini öngörmektedir (TÜİK, 2018). Devlet Su İşleri (DSİ) ise, nüfus 100 milyon olduğu takdirde kişi başı kullanılabilir su miktarının 1.120 m3/yıl dolayında olabileceğini söylemektedir. Bu miktarın da mevcut olan su kaynaklarının 20 yıl sonrasına dahi herhangi bir şekilde tahrip edilmeden aktarılmasıyla mümkün olacağını belirtmektedir. Ancak bu durum gerçekleşse bile, Türkiye su fakiri ülkeler arasında yer almaya devam edecektir.
Forest fires have a negative impact on the economic, social and environmental condition of individual countries and entire geographical areas. To solve these problems, significant human, financial, material and scientific resources are allocated, the existing concepts and methodological approaches in determining the risk of forest fires are analyzed.
İnsanoğlunun çevre üzerindeki tahrip edici etkileri, çevreyi odak noktasına alan tüm çalışmaları önemli hale getirmeye başlamıştır. Bu bağlamda örgütler de çevre odaklı yapılar oluşturmanın adımlarını incelemeye ve uygulamaya başlamışlardır. Örgütlerdeki çalışanların davranışlarını inceleyen örgütsel davranış alan yazını ise, örgüt içindeki çalışanların çevre dostu davranışlar sergilemesine odaklanmıştır. Son yıllarda örgütsel davranış alan yazınında yeşil konsepti üzerine yapılan araştırmaların önemli bir yere sahip olduğu görülmektedir.
Since Slovakia's accession to the EU, European funds have become an important source of financing for regional development, which are provided on the basis of elaborated regional development programs at various hierarchical levels. The Environment area has become an inevitable priority area of each such document responding to the current state and quality of environmental components in accordance with sustainable development. The aim of the paper is to evaluate the allocation of funds for the Environment priority area in the Nitra Self-governing Region during 2014 – 2018. The funds were identified for individual measures according to the districts of the region while the focus of projects and sources of their financing were also evaluated. Several methods were used, such as system analysis (grouping and evaluation of information), comparative analysis in creating own databases, mathematical-statistical methods, etc. During the individual years, an average of more than 50 million euros were addressed to the Nitra Self-governing Region. The largest districts of the region (Nitra, Levice and Komárno) received the most funds (59.7 %). In 2018, more than half (52.9 %) of funds came from the European Structural and Investment Funds from the Operational Program Research and Innovation and 37.8 % from the Operational Program Quality of Environment.
In this study, a literature review on the process that transforms from traditional marketing to green marketing has been made and the green marketing classification has been evaluated comparatively. For this purpose, a wide range of national and international articles published in marketing, business and management journals between 1992-2022 were scanned. The findings obtained from the review constitute the main theme of this study.
Since organizations are social systems that interact with the environment, the development of green environmental awareness among the organization is inevitable in order to make natural resources sustainable. Regardless of the sector, organizations must develop an awareness of environmental problems. Today, environmental awareness is very important in order to provide competitive advantages and to make this superiority sustainable. Therefore, green organization functions have taken the place of classical functioning in organizations. Green organizations have a strategic importance in terms of using resources economically, developing green awareness towards nature and making this awareness sustainable. In this way, while the costs of the organizations decrease, the corporate image is also positively affected. While the main purpose of the top management in traditional management approaches was to produce and market the needed product or service, today, in addition to this purpose, environmental awareness has been added as an extension of corporate social responsibility. In this direction, in addition to the basic objectives of the organizations, it is ensured that they use their resources economically with green environmental awareness, reduce their costs and contribute to the sustainability of the resources. In this section, under the title of green organization, it is emphasized the place and importance of some functions in the management of organizations such as human resources management, production and marketing. At the same time, it is aimed to investigate the current studies on green organizations in the literature. According to the result, green environmental policies come first among the corporate social responsibilities of organizations. A green organization with environmentally friendly strategies, sustainability and green behavior is a beacon of hope for future generations. Sustainable green strategies give organizations a competitive advantage.
Enflasyon dünyanın bilhassa günümüzde önemli sorunlarından biri olmaya devam etmektedir. Covid-19 pandemi sürecinden itibaren tedarik zincirinde yaşanan olumsuz gelişmeler dünyada olduğu gibi ülkemizde de fiyatların artmasına neden olmuştur. Pandemi krizine bir de Rusya ile Ukrayna arasındaki savaşın eklenmesi, ABD ve AB ülkelerinin Rusya’ya uyguladığı ambargolara karşılık olarak Rusya’nın doğalgaz vanalarını kapatması, OPEC ülkelerinin petrol üretimini belirli bir seviyede tutma arzusu ve üretime kota getirmeleri dünyada enerji fiyatlarının, tahıl sevkiyatının kısıtlanması ise gıda fiyatlarının yükselmesine neden olmuştur.
6 Şubat 2023 tarihinde Kahramanmaraş, Gaziantep, Malatya, Diyarbakır, Kilis, Şanlıurfa, Adıyaman, Hatay, Osmaniye ve Adana olmak üzere on ilde ciddi can ve mal kayıplarına neden olan Türkiye saati ile 04.17’de ve 13.24’te Kahramanmaraş Pazarcık ve Kahramanmaraş Elbistan merkezli (sırasıyla Mw 7,8 ve Mw 7,7) iki deprem meydana gelmiştir. Söz konusu depremlerde en kritik konulardan biri ilgili kırıkların Türkiye aktif fay haritası ile birbirini üzerlemeyerek farklı alanlardan geçmesidir (İTÜ, 2023). Yeni bir bilgi olarak ele alınan bu durum depreme dair tüm unsurların da farklı açılardan ele alınmasının gerekliliğini ortaya koymaktadır.
Environmental pollution and inflation are among the most important problems for developing countries. In recent years, it has been stated that there is a relationship between instability in inflation and environmental pollution. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of inflation instability on CO2 emissions for the Turkish economy. In this context, the period of 1974-2015 was analyzed by using the Bayern-Hanck (2013) cointegration test and, FMOLS and CCR estimators. According to the results, inflation instability has positive impact on CO2 emissions. It is also seen that the increase in energy consumption, trade openness and economic growth cause increase in CO2 emissions. The development of the financial sector is negatively related to CO2 emissions. In conclusion, we can say that a stable inflation and a strong financial system will contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions. For this reason, the authorities will be able to gain in both respects by implementing policies to ensure stability in inflation which also contribute to the reduction of environmental pollution.
The EU Green Deal aims to transition to a circular economy in order to prevent the climate crisis and to use resources efficiently, especially by supporting changes in production with digital solutions. It is predicted that many sectors will be affected by these changes and will face threats and opportunities. Since the Turkish white goods sector is an important exporter of the EU, it has to adapt to this change in order to maintain its competitiveness and gain an advantage. This study evaluates the current situation of the sector and evaluates the applicability of green and digital transformation in the sector by using SWOT and PEST analysis methods. As a result of the analyses made, it was determined that Turkey's technological infrastructure should be strengthened for the development of the Turkish white goods sector, exchange rate fluctuations had a negative impact on the development of the sector and thus slowed down the adaptation to the green and digital transformation process. It has been concluded that the Green Deal and digital transformation are a priority issue for the protection and development of the mature ecosystem of the Turkish white goods industry in the international market.
İnsanlık tarihi boyunca önemini koruyan en temel faktörlerden biri olan tüketim alışkanlıklarının, dünya ekonomisinde meydana gelen dönüşümlerle bağlantılı olarak hem bireysel hem de toplumsal açıdan değiştiği görülmektedir. Bununla birlikte insanların ve toplumların tüketim alışkanlıklarının yıllar içerisinde değiştiği görülmektedir. Bu doğrultuda özellikle Sanayi Devrimi ile birlikte insanların adeta tüketim hırsı ile kuşatılması ve kullanılan ürünlerin belirli bir süre sonra atık haline gelmesi, doğrusal ekonomi kavramı ile açıklanmaktadır. Bu yaklaşımda, elde edilen ürünlerin belirli bir süre kullanıldıktan sonra atılması, aslında tüketim hırsı ile kuşatılan insanın sürekli yeni bir şeyler tüketmesi anlamına gelmektedir. Ancak elde edilen bir ürünün kullanıldıktan sonra atılması, aslında ülke ekonomileri için bir kayıp anlamına gelmektedir. Ülkelerin ekonomik anlamda bu kaybını en aza indirebilmek amacıyla hem insanların sürekli tüketebilecekleri hem de ülkelerin tüketim sonucunda ortaya çıkan atığı tekrar hammadde olarak değerlendirebilecekleri yeni bir sistem inşa edilmiş ve bu sistem döngüsel ekonomi şeklinde kavramsallaştırılmıştır.
The relevance of the results is due to the need to solve a set of problems related to both the expansion of the range of marketable products obtained from waste from coniferous plants and the reduction of environmental damage to the environment by wood processing enterprises. A process for the extraction of a complex of coloring substances from the bark of larch, fir and Siberian spruce was developed and implemented in laboratory conditions with an environmentally safe and cheap solvent – water. The modes of concentration and drying of natural dyes without loss of their color characteristics and other consumer properties have been developed. The possibility of using the obtained dyes for dyeing both natural and synthetic fibers is shown. The study of their biocidal activity in relation to sanitary indicative microorganisms made it possible to create textile materials with bactericidal properties.
Modern societies face serious global environmental problems related to the environmental impact arising from the processes of production and consumption of goods and services. Economic growth as a factor necessitates the development of strategies for managing processes related to the prevention and protection of the environment from harmful influences, on the one hand, and efficient use of natural resources, on the other.Object of the present report research is the sludge from the wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), as the elaboration affects aspects of their management and the possibilities for their subsequent utilization in the agriculture.The purpose of this report is, based on an analysis of the current situation in the management of sludge from wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), on one side, and based on modern practices of their utilization, on the other, to identify the possibilities for their subsequent application in Bulgarian agriculture.In accordance with the purpose that is set, a descriptive-analytical method will be used for the report elaboration, through which an overview of the sector will be made, as well as the current practices for the utilization of WWTP sludge in agriculture in the countries of the European Union. The analysis can support stakeholders in developing sustainable strategies applicable to the conditions for both sectors development, in the context of the circular economy principle.
The present paper aimed to present some highlights of the current research trends in jackfruit waste utilization. A significant portion of jackfruit is unfit for consumption and is discarded by households and processing industries as waste, a large proportion of which is the peel and seeds. The study has shown that the development and implementation of valorization strategies for the sustainable conversion of jackfruit waste into valuable products and materials with diverse applications can be highlighted as a major research priority.
The report examines changes in the dynamics of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agrifood production in Bulgaria, focusing on the production of cereals and food of animal origin. Emissions reductions are mostly due to production reductions, but modern practices are needed to transform production relations in the agrifood sector in order to reduce GHG emissions. The food sector must increase its responsibility in relation to climate change, but this requires the introduction of circular models, the development of the bioeconomy and carbon farming.