Author(s): Madžida Smajkić / Language(s): Bosnian
Issue: 1/2020
The theme of this paper is to address all aspects related to storage as well as addressing its importance in institutions whose primary role is the preservation of cultural heritage. The general guidelines for a storage space, its storage units, the method of equipment and materials used in the storage, as well as the instructions on how to establish its safety and protection, were considered individually. A storage space for a collection refers to the physical space where collections are housed when neither on display nor part of a research project. The term storage refers to the description of the different types of furniture, equipment, methods and materials used for the premises dedicated to store a collection. Many collections are housed most of the time in storages. The purpose and aim of the storage is to protect objects from the harmful effects of the environment, accidents, disasters, and theft, and preserve them for the future. For these reasons, the storage space for collections is not a space where nothing happens, but rather a space where collections are actively protected.A storage is the heart of every heritage institution because it is a vital part and generally contains a large part of collections. It also plays an essential role in the development of the heritage institution and its activities, which is closely linked to other activities such as research, counseling, exhibitions, conservation and loans of items to other museums and exhibitions. The area of storage that ensures the preservation and accessibility of collections, as well as the result of proper care and management of collections in the storage, is an important segment for an institution that adheres to its role as a hub of knowledge, research and inspiration. A preventative conservation program for collections refers to measures and actions aimed at avoiding or reducing future deterioration or loss, and good organization and storage management are the first level of defense against the deterioration of collections. In a well planned and organized storage, most forms of deterioration will be slowed down or avoided. Expensive and complicated conservation treatments are of little use if the items are treated and stored in an unsuitable storage space. Heritage institutions can only exhibit a small percentage of items from their collections, so most of the items must be in storage. These items in the storages are just as valuable as the ones on display, and require the same quality and long-lasting protection, consisting of indirect activities related to cultural properties and goods.