Съвременното книгоиздаване: реалност, тенденции и прогнози
The Modern Book Publishing: Reality, Trends and Perspectives
Proceedings of the National Scientific Conference "The Modern Book Publishing: Reality, Trends and Perspectives", organized by the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication 19 - 20 May 2023.
Contributor(s): Vesselina Valkanova (Editor), Efrem Efremov (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies, Theory of Communication
Published by: Факултет по журналистика и масова комуникация, Софийски университет „Св. Кл. Охридски”
Keywords: book; publishing; reading; education; media; trends; Bulgaria
Summary/Abstract: Here is the volume of articles, collecting the reports and research of the participants in the National Scientific and Practical Conference, organized by the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication of Sofia University on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the specialty "Book Publishing" at the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication of Sofia University. "Modern Book Publishing. The content of this collection is impressive in its range and scope - from the tradition and new challenges of book publishing and education in book studies and book publishing, through communication and transformations of the book, to the preservation of the literary heritage, reading, and readers. The Modern Book Publishing: Reality, Trends and PerspectivesThe Modern Book Publishing: Reality, Trends and PerspectivesA volume of articles, collecting the reports and research of the participants in the National Scientific and Practical Conference, organized by the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication of Sofia University on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the specialty "Book Publishing" at the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication of Sofia University. "The Modern Book Publishing: Reality, Trends and PerspectivesThe".The content of this collection is impressive in its range and scope - from the tradition and new challenges of book publishing and education in book studies and book publishing, through communication and transformations of the book, to the preservation of the literary heritage, reading, and readers.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-619-7567-17-5
- Page Count: 312
- Publication Year: 2024
- Language: Bulgarian
Книгоиздаването, четенето, книгата – развитие, тенденции, подходи и перспективи на практиките и обучението
Книгоиздаването, четенето, книгата – развитие, тенденции, подходи и перспективи на практиките и обучението
(Book Publishing, Reading, the Book – Development, Trends, Approaches, and Perspectives of Practices and Education)
- Author(s):Vesselina Valkanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Media studies, Communication studies, Theory of Communication, Higher Education
- Page Range:9-14
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:book; publishing; academic; education
- Summary/Abstract:Undoubtedly, book publishing has established itself as a serious academic discipline, it did not remain just a postgraduate, practical, professional training. The reasons are clear - the responsibilities and challenges facing the profession are growing, and better education is required to practice it. People involved in the profession are charged with responsibilities to readers and especially to young audiences. For 25 years now, book publishing education and the trained professionals of the FJMC have brought a higher professional culture to Bulgarian book publishing.
Защо трябва във Факултета по журналистика и масова комуникация да се преподава книгоиздаване
Защо трябва във Факултета по журналистика и масова комуникация да се преподава книгоиздаване
(Why does Book Publishing belong at the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication)
- Author(s):Georgi Lozanov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
- Page Range:17-25
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:book; book publishing; media; screen; image; word; ideology
- Summary/Abstract:The article goes back to the debates of why and how book publishing is being taught at the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication at Sofia University. First, the text examines the question of book publishing as theory and practice and the way its problems and history are being taught and articulated within a specific academic context. From there, the article proceeds to pose the problem of book publishing’s place as a university discipline within the Faculty’s program. The answers to these concrete questions are placed in the broader context of the book as mass media which doesn’t belong to mass media discourse as well as in the context of the book’s conflict with the computer screen and more generally the book’s position after the pictorial turn at the beginning of the 21st century. In this way, the text examines the transformations within mass media’s discursive strategies and their role in entering a “post-ideological” period of contemporary culture, education, and politics, if thought from a historical point of view. Furthermore, the text examines the correlated problem of media consumers’ autonomy and their “becoming- mediums” from the point of view of communication systems and their discursive strategies.
Книгоиздаването през 21-вата година на XXI в
Книгоиздаването през 21-вата година на XXI в
(Book Publishing in the 21st Year of the 21st Century)
- Author(s):Georgi Alexandrov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
- Page Range:26-37
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:book publishing; book consumption; publishing trends; reading attitudes; COVID-19 pandemic
- Summary/Abstract:The study focuses on book consumption in 2021 in the United States and several European countries in three aspects – sales data, reading attitudes, and publishing trends. Data on publishing production in Bulgaria is also covered. The objective of the study is to establish the factors that contributed to the increased levels of book consumption, as well as to establish whether it results from long-term trends or simply from temporary circumstances. The methodology includes a summary of empirical data, PEST analysis, and secondary analysis of sociological research. It is shown that the pandemic had a positive impact on book consumption in all three media formats – print books, e-books, and audiobooks. Several factors are outlined that have impacted the activity of publishers and consumers within the temporal and territorial scope covered by the study. Sustainable trends in publishing that were carried on and accelerated during the pandemic, are also outlined. Some conjectures on the near future of the book industry in the context of the war of Ukraine are also made.
Закон за фиксирана цена на книгата – ограничаване на свободната конкуренция или защита на културните ценности
Закон за фиксирана цена на книгата – ограничаване на свободната конкуренция или защита на културните ценности
(Fixed Book Price Law – Restriction of Free Competition or Protection of Cultural values)
- Author(s):Victoria Biserova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
- Page Range:38-46
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:fixed book price; retail price; reduced prices; bookselle; publisher; VAT
- Summary/Abstract:The use of fixed prices for books in the European Union is a well-known regulatory instrument. Fixed book prices could be regulated by an arrangement between publishers and retailers or by a law that establishes a more or less fixed price for each book on that market. The implementation of a reduced VAT rate for books in Bulgaria, this is probably the next necessary step for Bulgarian book publishing and book trade.
Походът на мумините: глобалният триумф на един локален медиен феномен
Походът на мумините: глобалният триумф на един локален медиен феномен
(The March of the Moomins: The Global Triumph of a Local Media Phenomenon)
- Author(s):Simona Kaleva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
- Page Range:47-59
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Moomins; literary agency; foreign sales; publishing strategies; Tove Jansson
- Summary/Abstract:This article aims to present publishing and foreign sales strategies that lead to the creation of a global phenomenon. Tove Jansson’s characters began their adventures in 1945 when the first book in the series was published. The idea of an unusual fairy-tale that could deafen the echo of the war, found its expression in The Moomins and the Great Flood. From a forgotten draft on the author’s desk, the tale transformed into a series of stories about the Moomins and their valley. Gradually Tove Jansson and her characters become an emblem of the Scandinavian literary world, and today – 78 years later, they triumph in the global media scene. The literary agency that represents the author has a key role in the process of promoting and developing the characters.
Пандемични и постпандемични промени в световното книгоиздаване: тенденции и прогнози
Пандемични и постпандемични промени в световното книгоиздаване: тенденции и прогнози
(Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Changes in Global Book Publishing: Trends and Predictions)
- Author(s):Tania Venelinova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
- Page Range:60-67
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:book publishing; e-books; print books; COVID-19 Pandemic; economic environment
- Summary/Abstract:After the events of the first quarter of 2020, book publishing is facing numerous challenges related to the economic and social changes that resulted from the COVID-19 Pandemic. After initially optimistic statistics at the end of 2020, book publishing in many countries faced problems in 2021. The closure of physical bookstores, the inability to organize large-scale book publishing forums, difficulties in supply chains, and the complexity of the economic environment are the main problems that book publishing is facing after the first year of the pandemic. With the improvement of the pandemic situation in the second half of 2022, the book publishing industry is clearly stating its desire to return to “normal”. Data from the end of the past year reported that it is difficult and slow for the industry to return to the market values of pre-2020. This report summarizes the difficulties facing book publishing in the period 2020-2022 and predicts the trends for the recovery and development of the industry in the coming years.
Издателското редактиране – професионализъм и практика
Издателското редактиране – професионализъм и практика
(Publishing Editing – Profеssionalism and Practice)
- Author(s):Zoya Krachunova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
- Page Range:68-79
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:editing; standards; professionalism; practice
- Summary/Abstract:v the need for knowledge of established standards for bibliographical citation in scholarly works in different areas of knowledge. v the uncritical borrowing of common and professional vocabulary and normative documents.
Издателска дейност в библиотеките в Сърбия: развитие, тенденции, предизвикателства
Издателска дейност в библиотеките в Сърбия: развитие, тенденции, предизвикателства
(Publishing Activity in Libraries in Serbia: Development, Trends, Challenges)
- Author(s):Elizabetha Georgiev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
- Page Range:80-88
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:libraries; Serbia; publishing; books; magazines; National Library; “Detko Petrov”
- Summary/Abstract:Libraries in Serbia, as book publishers, play a significant role in promoting the work of both local authors and some literary genres that are not so interesting to larger publishers. The report will present their publishing activity, their tasks in publishing literary and other magazines, their publishing policy, and data on what book production they have, with an emphasis on the task of the National Library of Serbia in popularizing these publications. In the second part of the report, the publishing activity of the “Detko Petrov” Library in Tsaribrod will be presented. This library boasts 87 titles of various publications. The books, in addition to Serbian, are also published in Bulgarian, so at the moment, the Tsaribrod Library is the leading publisher of publications in Bulgarian in Serbia.
Дизайн и композиция на книгата – развитие, стилове и трансформации
Дизайн и композиция на книгата – развитие, стилове и трансформации
(Book Design and Composition – Development, Styles and Transformations)
- Author(s):Vesselina Valkanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
- Page Range:91-100
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:visual communication; book design; convergence; convention; traditional design; modernism; postmodernism
- Summary/Abstract:The article analyzes the development of the design and composition of the book, as well as the styles through which the visual presentation of the book passes from the 15th century to the present day. The focus of the research is the transformations of the oldest media and the complex and non-linear visual development of the book. Highlights include overviews of issues such as constancy, continuity, and consistency in book design, the role of the grids and modular systems, as well as the historical background of contemporary postmodern design with all the transformations of the environment affecting the compositions and visual packaging of books.
Съвременни тенденции в коричния дизайн на книгата в дигитална среда
Съвременни тенденции в коричния дизайн на книгата в дигитална среда
(Modern Trends in Book Cover Design in the Digital Environment)
- Author(s):Maya Stoyanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
- Page Range:101-116
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:book cover design; design trends; digital publishing; graphic design
- Summary/Abstract:The article examines the current trends in book cover design. Online channels of distribution and sale of books are becoming more and more significant and determining the profits of the book trade industry with each passing year. For these reasons, new trends and contemporary patterns in the cover design of books offered for sale in the digital space are becoming increasingly important. There are not a few consumers who orientate themselves about the qualities of a given book by its appearance, by the design of its cover. The offering of books for sale in an online environment imposes some specifics, regarding the vision of the book as a commodity, and these specifics in their cover design are presented in the study.
Дигиталните процеси като начин на съхранение на българското шрифтово наследство
Дигиталните процеси като начин на съхранение на българското шрифтово наследство
(Digital Processes аs а Way оf Preservation оf the Bulgarian Typography Heritage)
- Author(s):Zaharina Petrova-Prodanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
- Page Range:117-128
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:digital recovery; old bulgarian font; historical typography; cultural heritage; variable font; augmented reality
- Summary/Abstract:This report examines the latest digital processes as a reliable way to preserve the Bulgarian typography heritage. Compared to the analog-created fonts from the second half of the 20th century, used primarily for artistic and scientific purposes, their modern interpretations have a much wider field of application, because they cover the advertising industry, cinema, television, web space, and social media. The report examines several examples of technological innovations such as variability in font design, animation of typographic objects, and augmented reality. Through them, the latest generation of type designers not only express an interest in the cultural heritage on the field but also successfully transfer it to the digital environment, which is increasingly displacing traditional methods of communication.
Илюстрациите към „Мечо Пух“ и „Пипи Дългото чорапче“ в българските издания от втората половина на ХХ век – полъх от Запада в света на социалистическото дете
Илюстрациите към „Мечо Пух“ и „Пипи Дългото чорапче“ в българските издания от втората половина на ХХ век – полъх от Запада в света на социалистическото дете
(The illustrations of „Winnie-the-Pooh“ and „Pippi Longstocking“ in the Bulgarian editions of the second half of the 20th century – a breeze from the West in the world of the socialist child)
- Author(s):Katerina Gadjeva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
- Page Range:129-148
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Astrid Lindgren; Ingrid Vang Nyman; Alan Milne; Ernest Shephard; illustration for children; socialist literature for children; translated literature for children
- Summary/Abstract:The article examines the first Bulgarian editions of two favorite books of young and old – „Winnie the Pooh“ and „Pippi Longstocking“ – and focuses on the inseparable relation between text and image. Alan Milne and Astrid Lindgren worked closely with the artists who illustrated their works, and as a result, the painted images attracted children’s attention no less than the written stories. The main question for the publication will be how these world-famous images were perceived by Bulgarian children in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s when almost all books in the country were illustrated by artists who worked according to the standards of socialist ideology.
От хартия: Изобразителни възможности на пластичния хартиен обект в илюстрацията и дизайна на книги
От хартия: Изобразителни възможности на пластичния хартиен обект в илюстрацията и дизайна на книги
(Paperwork: Depictive Features of Paper Objects in Illustration and Graphic Design)
- Author(s):Kapka Kaneva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
- Page Range:149-161
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:paper; paper object; paper sculpture; illustration; book design
- Summary/Abstract:The result of my creative work in the field of book design for the last nearly 10 years is many digitally edited photographs of one or more paper objects, under various light sources. “Paper object” here refers to a paper sculpture, relief, or cutout of paper or cardboard, created by cutting, folding, plastic modeling, etc., to be photographed and turned into (a part of) an illustrative image. The paper analyzes examples of my work in the field of paper sculpture for book covers (with emphasis on the objects created for the covers of the book series El Árbol de los Clásicos for the Spanish publishing house Oxford University Press); in illustration (paper plastic in children’s illustration and illustration for adults) and in 3D (paper sculpture, reliefs, and shadow book spaces).
Експерименталните форми на типографията в печатната книга – средство за интерактивна комуникация с читателя
Експерименталните форми на типографията в печатната книга – средство за интерактивна комуникация с читателя
(The Experimental Forms of Typography in the Printed Book – Vehicle for Interactive Communication to the Reader)
- Author(s):Boyana Pavlova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
- Page Range:162-178
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:experimental typography; unconventional layout; graphic design; printed book; interactive communication
- Summary/Abstract:experimental typography; unconventional layout; graphic design; printed book; interactive communication experimental forms are all the unconventional typographic layouts in the printed issues, that break the established functional and/or aesthetic norms. Design approaches of this kind could be found in different authors’ creative work – poets, writers, and artists. This text analyses the hybrid novel “House of Leaves” by Mark Z. Danielewski, the children’s book “Alphabeasties and Other Amazing Types” by Sharon Werner and Sarah Forss, and the typographical interpretation of Eugène Ionesco’s antiplay “The Bald Soprano” by Robert Massin. In these artworks, the visual aspect of the typography is an inseparable part of the whole meaning. The experimental forms of typography provide a common visual-linguistic content, which provokes the reader to participate in the process of decoding and interpreting the artwork. The reader is not just a recipient of the message; he is an active participant in its construction.
Авангардната традиция в съвременните европейски илюстрирани издания за деца
Авангардната традиция в съвременните европейски илюстрирани издания за деца
(The Avant-Garde Tradition in Contemporary European Illustrated Editions for Children)
- Author(s):Dora Ivanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
- Page Range:179-185
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:collage; contemporary book illustration; avant-garde; dadaism; surrealism
- Summary/Abstract:This study traces the delicate connections of artistic techniques and authorial approaches originating from the avant-garde art movements of the first half of the 20th century (Dadaism and Surrealism, in particular) in contemporary book publishing. The emphasis falls on the work of prominent European illustrators from the beginning of the 21st century, working in the field of children’s illustrated books and picture books. Particular attention is paid to the collage technique used in the construction of images and the interrelationships between the illustrations and the other elements in the book. Selected published illustrations by Sara Fanelli (b. 1969), Michaela Kukovičová (b. 1968), Pawel Pawlak(b. 1962), and Lyuba Haleva (b. 1974) are examined in detail, looking for the formalistic and semiotic connections between their illustrations and the avant-garde movements, as well as the relevance it bears to young audiences.
Създаването на национален електронен архив – неясни перспективи
Създаването на национален електронен архив – неясни перспективи
(The Creation of a National Electronic Archive – Uncertain Prospects)
- Author(s):Antoaneta Totomanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Library and Information Science, Archiving, Information Architecture, Electronic information storage and retrieval, Communication studies
- Page Range:189-197
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:electronic documents; network resources; legal deposit; national bibliography; national electronic archive
- Summary/Abstract:The article substantiates the need to create conditions for depositing, registration, storage, and provision for the use of electronic documents distributed on the Internet. Their belonging to the national documentary heritage has been proven. The difficulties in depositing network resources are shown. The uncertain prospects for the creation of a national electronic archive in the country are outlined.
Фототипната книга: от историята към перспективата
Фототипната книга: от историята към перспективата
(The Phototype Books: From History to Perspective)
- Author(s):Yanitsa Radeva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
- Page Range:198-205
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:phototypes; books; history; modernity
- Summary/Abstract:The report examines phototype publications from the past few years and traces their features. Among them are the album “Half-a-century Bulgaria 1878–1928”, “Critical History of Bulgarian Literature in the period between the Two World Wars (1919–1944)”, as well as two editions of the National Library – “Mecho” by Angel Karaliychev and “Poems “(1904) by Peyo Yavorov. The report also provides a brief historical review of the phototype book in Bulgaria.
Дигитализиране на книгата: Аудиоформатите и тенденциите, подкрепящи създаването им
Дигитализиране на книгата: Аудиоформатите и тенденциите, подкрепящи създаването им
(Book Digitizing: Audio Formats and Tendencies Supporting their Creation)
- Author(s):Adelina Hristova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
- Page Range:206-214
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:audiobooks; publishing global market; Audible; Spotify; artificial intelligence (AI); Naturalread; Acapela
- Summary/Abstract:Through a brief discussion of theoretical frameworks regarding “reading” with our ears and an overview of the market and technology trends within the book publishing industry, this paper argues for the case of book digitizing, especially the case for creating audiobooks. The need for this digital format is established through several methods. First, research papers are incorporated into the paper. Also, statistical reports of the growing audiobook market share are used to support the main argument. To further strengthen the argument, a review of platforms for creating audiobooks, including artificial intelligence (AI) involvement, is offered based on the author’s personal experience to show that current technology can easily help this process.
Георги Юруков – недооцененият и забравен издател
Георги Юруков – недооцененият и забравен издател
(Georgi Yurukov – The Underapprecieted and Forgotten Book Publisher)
- Author(s):Malina Dimitrova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
- Page Range:215-228
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:fiction publishing; history of literature; book science; Tapestry of famous contemporary novels
- Summary/Abstract:The article offers documentary evidence directly related to the publishing family Yurukovi and the book series “Tapestry of Famous Contemporary Novels” they published. This documentary material has not previously been presented in its full form to academic audiences. These sources make it possible to reconstruct the family’s activity and Georgi Yurukov’s contribution in particular. Without claiming to be exhaustive, the article proposed here aims to systematize in one narrative Georgi Yurukov’s partially traceable but undoubtedly intriguing biography, as well as his activity and contributions to book publishing and in the wider cultural development of Bulgaria during the first half of the 20th century. Through the factual data, new details related to the problems of book publishing and book distribution in Bulgaria during the considered period are introduced.
Силата на книгозавъра. Приносът на проф. д-р Алберт Бенбасат за утвърждаването и развитието на специалност „Книгоиздаване“ в СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“
Силата на книгозавъра. Приносът на проф. д-р Алберт Бенбасат за утвърждаването и развитието на специалност „Книгоиздаване“ в СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“
(The Power of the Bookosaurus. Prof. Dr. Albert Benbasat’s Contribution to the Establishment and Development of the Book Publishing Course at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”)
- Author(s):Yulia Yordanova-Pancheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
- Page Range:229-239
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Bibliosaurus; book publishing; university course; scientific contribution; Digitosaurus
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents a creative portrait of the doyen of the “Book Publishing” course at Sofia University, Prof. Dr. Albert Benbasat, in the professional spheres in which he worked and which contributed to his becoming one of the leading teachers in the course. The article traces Prof. Dr. Benbasat’s formation as a specialist in the field of the humanities, in particular in philology, as a literary historian and a critic, as well as his gradual specialization in the field of public communications and information sciences as he became a researcher of books and book publishing. His academic work as a lecturer in the “Book Publishing” course at the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” is presented, with an emphasis on his scholarly contributions in the field. In addition to his academic career, his practical work as a curator at the National Literary Museum is also examined, as well as his activities as Head of the “Philological Sciences” Editorial Office at the University Publishing House of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and as a Managing Director of Museum affairs in the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria. His creative presence in contemporary Bulgarian fiction and journalism is also discussed.
Продуцентски модели в издателската дейност на президентското семейство Обама
Продуцентски модели в издателската дейност на президентското семейство Обама
(The Production Model in Publishing Founded by the Obamas)
- Author(s):Maya Vasileva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
- Page Range:243-255
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:political values; convergence production model; publishing; books; reading
- Summary/Abstract:The 44th President of the United States Barack Obama, and his wife and former First Lady, Michelle Obama have strong voices and public positions in promoting reading, sharing educational experiences, publishing their memoirs, and creating diverse content based on listed and nominated books. Well-known as the president who inspired the world to believe in democracy, Barack Obama has demonstrated presidential power in gaining political values and captivating audiences all across the world with his charisma, dubbed “The Obama’s syndrome” – an enhanced combination of race, identity, public service devotion, empathy, and shared understanding. Reflecting on her unusual role as First Lady during her husband’s presidency, Mrs. Obama has become a global celebrity and iconic woman, establishing herself as a powerful advocate for girls and young women and their healthier, more active lives. Obama’s’ Higher Ground Production company, founded in May 2018, has launched scripted and unscripted film and television projects, a range of original family programming, in multi-year deal partnerships with the technological giants of Netflix, Spotify, and Audible. As global bestselling authors, co-founders of a production company, and multi-platform content creators, the Obamas have consolidated a convergence production model in publishing and promoting books in television programs, podcasts, book tours, and various book formats. Elevating political values for new change and hope, the presidential family draws public attention to untold stories and diverse voices in the entertainment industry – as often referenced in their memoirs – to inform, inspire, and entertain.
Дигиталната реклама и инфлуенсърите в съвременното книгоиздаване
Дигиталната реклама и инфлуенсърите в съвременното книгоиздаване
(Digital Advertising and Influencers in Contemporary Book Publishing)
- Author(s):Nikola Vangelov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
- Page Range:256-265
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:digital advertising; marketing; social networks; booktubers; influencers; publishing
- Summary/Abstract:With the digital ocean of information placed in business websites, social networks, blogs, vlogs, and even virtual worlds, communicating books before publishing houses is indeed hard. Digital advertising comes to the rescue by considering the product's characteristics and efficiently promoting it to the target audience through the target communicative channels. The object of analysis is influencers and digital advertising. The main channels of reaching the target audience are analyzed through content analysis while taking into account digital advertising as a persuading marketing communication that aids in promoting and selling books.
Стимулиране на интереса към книгата: Стратегии за маркетинг на съдържание в социалните мрежи и тяхното приложение в популяризирането на нови заглавия
Стимулиране на интереса към книгата: Стратегии за маркетинг на съдържание в социалните мрежи и тяхното приложение в популяризирането на нови заглавия
(Stimulating Interest in Books: Strategies for Content Marketing on Social Networks and their Application in Popularizing New Titles)
- Author(s):Maria Markova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
- Page Range:266-274
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:social media; content marketing; promoting new book titles
- Summary/Abstract:With the increasing consumption of digital content, social networks have become an increasingly important channel for reaching readers and promoting new book titles, both fiction and non-fiction. In this evolving landscape, effective content marketing strategies can play a critical role in attracting readers and sustaining interest in literature. This report provides a theoretical overview of content marketing strategies, practical examples of their application, and an analysis of their effectiveness in the context of book promotion. The report will delve deeper into the topic, starting with an introduction, research methodology, presentation of findings, discussion of the significance of the findings, and suggestions for future research directions. Data has been processed through content analysis of specific social platforms and groups. Additionally, the report will present a comprehensive bibliography and include supplementary resources from internet pages and materials that support this work. By combining theoretical and practical elements, as well as empirical research, this report offers important opportunities for publishers, authors, and marketing professionals seeking to expand their reach and engage readers in a digital environment. This report examines the impact of social media on literary publishing, with a focus on the influence of specific internet platforms on business objectives. The increasing importance of certain genres, the publication of quality content, and the growing reliance on social media are driving the transition to the digital realm. Furthermore, the analysis highlights three key challenges facing today’s publishers: dependence on social media and platforms for audience acquisition, the need to publish compelling content amidst extensive catalogs, and the saturation of some platforms with new and engaging content.
Как чете Поколението Z
Как чете Поколението Z
(How Does Generation Z read)
- Author(s):Milena Ilieva-Momchilova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
- Page Range:275-287
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Generation Z; digital age; print books; libraries; e-books; marketing; social media
- Summary/Abstract:For each generation, there are studies, findings, and generalizations. Generation Z (Gen Z) has also not escaped this ritual of research and findings. The subject of the report is the scientific view of Generation Z and what are the actual reading trends of this group of people who are gaining more and more purchasing power and it is obvious that the age group is more connected to the Internet than the previous generations. The subject of this work is an analysis of studies and reports by Wattpad and Wakefield Research, which collected data on the state of reading among people aged 26 and under to give a real picture of reading trends among Gen Z, from how much they read to how diverse they read, where they get their recommendations from (watching them, BookTok), even what genres they prefer as well as what marketers and marketers need to know about how Generation Z differs from previous generations. The goal of the post is, by analyzing the data, to highlight how optimization tactics can be improved so that each content is placed on Gen Z‘s radar.
Как притурката „Параграф 22“ на седмичното издание „Банкеръ“ стимулира читателския интерес
Как притурката „Параграф 22“ на седмичното издание „Банкеръ“ стимулира читателския интерес
(How the Banker Weekly’s Paragraph 22 Gadget Drives Reader Interest in Joseph Heller’s Book of the Same Name)
- Author(s):Teodora Georgieva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
- Page Range:288-300
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Paragraph 22 (Catch-22); Banker Weekly; book publishing business; journalistic investigation; book publishing marketing
- Summary/Abstract:This research examines if it is possible that a successful media product, that is inspired by a classic novel, can trigger the book publishers’ interest in reissuing it. A quantitative empirical analysis was conducted based on 80 book publishers, obtained through an online questionnaire. The results of this study show that a successful media product cannot stimulate the republishing of a classic novel, that is named after. This study examines also the factors that influence the book publishing business when it comes to paying in advance for a journalistic investigation and publishing it.
Четенето като лайфстайл – как издателите на домакински издания в периода 1900-1944 г. създават литературния вкус на читателите си
Четенето като лайфстайл – как издателите на домакински издания в периода 1900-1944 г. създават литературния вкус на читателите си
(Reading аs а Lifestyle – How the Publishers оf Contemporary Home Editions Create тhe Literary Taste оf their Readers)
- Author(s):Billiana Raikova-Kovachev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
- Page Range:301-310
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:modernization; women’s magazines; trends; reading; literature; lifestyle
- Summary/Abstract:The modernization of Bulgarian society began with the Renaissance and developed to its maximum after the Liberation. The economic development of the new Bulgarian state is rapidly taking a European path of development, creating new conditions, new relations, and paradigms and inviting the then Bulgarians to seek education, development, and lifestyle like their European contemporaries. A product of the elitist environment from which their publishers originate, women’s magazines become a factor in the development of their female readers. It covers not only the manifestation of modern women in their family environment but also the creation of new habits, and a new living and social environment, inherent to European women. The presumption is that through the wife and mother, a publication can reach all members of the family and positively influence them. Home editions sow culture, have an imperceptible and elegant educational impact, and create new horizons and new, European values. In addition to their educational household value, household editions are also a great factor in the spread of pure literature. They are the bearers and one of the biggest pioneers for the spread of fiction in the deepest strata of society and the path to be taken to raise the need for native literature. Women’s magazines create and educate the literary taste and reading habits of several generations of readers, turning reading into a habit not only for free time but also a lasting lifestyle trend for contemporary Bulgarian society.