Eszmék, forradalmak, háborúk. Vadász Sándor 80 éves
Sándor Vadász was 80 years old in 2010. His colleagues greeted him with studies. At the end of the volume there is an interview with professor Vadász about his life.
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Sándor Vadász was 80 years old in 2010. His colleagues greeted him with studies. At the end of the volume there is an interview with professor Vadász about his life.
The book presents the results of new research in Slovak history in the field or period called “the long 19th century”, i.e. dating from the rule of Joseph II. in the late 18th century until the First World War. The focus of research was on the themes and domains which were either neglected in the past or needed reconsidering. The book centres on five fields and is composed of five chapters. The first chapter is called “The Nation and the national issue”. It presents new aspects by exploring one of the most principal themes of 19th century. In his study, László Vörös reflects about the modern concept of the nation, which won recognition by the most contemporary historians, ethnologists and sociologists: the nation as an imagined community and an imagined tradition which is connected with the modernisation epoch. Nationalism is specifically an urban phenomenon. In the Slovak historiography, the national movement had been explored mostly in the rural area, in the peasant milieu, because the majority of the Slovak ethnic population was composed of peasants. Eva Kowalská aimed to change this perspective and concentrated on explaining urban aspects of Slovak nationalism. In case of Slovakia, these aspects are more interesting since the Slovaks in the 19th century had no important central city, and only small towns in the countryside (like Turčiansky Sv. Martin), had tried to compensate this lack. In his contribution, Peter Macho summarises how the symbol of the Tatra mountains as well as other Slovak geographic-territorial symbols were present in the Slovak nationalist discourse. Peter Šoltés elaborates on the theme and the activities of the Slovak Evangelical intelligentsia in the first half of the 19th century. The second chapter “The National movement in foreign and domestic politics” deals with the important connection of nationalism and politics. Slovak foreign political thought was traditionally orientated toward the Russian Empire. In his contribution, Dušan Kováč shows the other side of the Slovak foreign orientation: their attitude to the Western powers England and France. Dušan Škvarna attempts at a reconsideration of the role and inspiring function of the Slovak National Council, established during the 1848 revolution. The Swiss political scientist Josette Baer, a specialist in the field of Slavonic and lately mainly of Slovak political thought, presents her analysis of the early political activities of Vavro Šrobár (an important personality of Slovak politics in the 20th century), especially his leading role in the so-called “Hlasist movement”. The third chapter is dedicated to the juridical system and economic issues. Tomáš Gábriš presents a very useful survey of the juridical system in Hungary and its changes in the era of modernization during the 19th century. His paper shows that in Hungary the tendency to modernize was clashing with very difficult obstacles, mainly ideological and political ones. The attempt to create the centralised “nation state” in Hungary restrained the most important liberal-democratic reforms of the juridical system. In her contribution, Eva Ondrušová deals with the traditional studies of economic cameralism and its influence on the economic theory and practise in the 19th century. Ľudovít Hallon and Miroslav Sabol follow the history of the Pittel and Brausewetter architectural company, which was much closely connected with and active in the very broad Pressburg (Bratislava) area. Very new themes are presented in the forth chapter named “Society, social life and environment”. Gabriela Dudeková outlines the system of poor relief in the Habsburg monarchy; her focus is on the mechanisms how the authorities denied social care to specific groups in Hungary. Slovak emigration to America is a very traditional issue in Slovak historiography. Igor Harušťák tries to consider this problem in the broader Central- and East-European context. Prior to 1989, research about the nobility as a social strata was neglected in Slovak historiography. Even after 1989, this theme was intensively researched mainly in the period of middle ages and the early modern times. However, from the social point of view, important and interesting issues are e. g. the nobility’s life style as well as the attempts of these “high society” members to preserve their status in the modern 19th century. Daniel Hupko deals with these issues focussing on the example of Lucia Wilczek. Roman Holec presents a completely new approach in his contribution about the changes in the relationship ‘man – animal’ as manifestation of a new attitude to nature during the 19th century. The last chapter of this volume is dedicated to “The Churches in the social – modernizing processes “.Ingrid Kušniráková analyses the controversial interferences of Joseph II. into the life of the Roman Catholic Church, especially the closing-down of some cloisters. Tomáš Králik focuses on the relations of the Vienna court to the St. Elisabeth convent in Pressburg (Bratislava). The chapters of this collective monograph will serve as a basis for the draft of a new synthetis on Slovak history in the “long 19th century”.
Bratislav Ivanov is a Bulgarian author of works in areas of linguistics and culture of Japan and a translator from Japanese language. He graduated in Japanese Language and Literature from the Moscow State University. He took his specialization at the Japanese Language Institute. He is the author of many Japanese language articles and books, as well as a series of translations of classical Japanese poetry. He is the first classical Japanese language teacher at Sofia University. Bratislav Ivanov teaches Theoretical Grammar of Japanese Language at Sofia University and Veliko Tarnovo University "St. St. Cyril and Methodius". At present, he is the director of the Bulgarian-Japanese Educational and Cultural Center at the 18th School "William Gladstone" in Sofia. In 2009, Bratislav Ivanov was awarded the oldest Japanese Order - the Order of the Rising Sun - for contributions to the Japanese language studies and his teaching in Bulgaria.
Upravo doneti Zakon kojim se rehabilituju svi “ideološki” protivnici komunizma, počinje sa datumom od 6. aprila 1941. što je istovremeno i njegov najzanimljiviji deo. Imali smo priliku da slušamo predlagače i zagovornike zakona1 koji su svojom srčanom odbranom ratnih “ideoloških” protivnika komunizma, nedvosmisleno potvrdili da je čitava stvar i smišljena isključivo zbog njih, a da ih oni posle 1945. ustvari i ne zanimaju, odnosno, da su samo “kolateralna šteta” pokušaja rehabilitacije kvislinga iz vremena Drugog svetskog rata. Saopštili su nam i da bi čitav komunistički period trebalo jednostavno proglasiti zločinačkim čime bi, misle oni, po automatizmu bili rehabilitovani svi njegovi “ideološki” protivnici, a oni ratni proglašeni borcima za pravednu stvar. Zato možemo očekivati da će (kao što se već desilo sa četnicima) ovog puta “demokratama” biti proglašeni nedićevci i ljotićevci, pa će po automatizmu “demokrate” postati i balisti, hortijevci, ustaše, i na kraju, sam nemački Rajh. Svi oni zaista jesu bili “ideološki” protivnici komunizma, ali je, sasvim sigurno, Hitler bio najveći. Zato nije slučajno danas, njihov “ideološki” antikomunizam i početak i kraj svake argumentacije, uz prećutkivanje da su kao protivnici komunizma bili i aktivni protivnici celokupne antihitlerovske koalicije čiji je komunizam bio sastavni deo. Prećutkuje se i da je njihov “ideološki” antikomunizam u tadašnjem shvatanju pojma podrazumevao veličanje nacizma, antidemokratiju, i na prvom mestu, antisemitizam, “slučajno”, baš u vreme kada su milioni Jevreja ubijani u “Velikom Nemačkom Rajhu”.
Događa se da neki stvaraoci u nauci dobiju još za života izabrana i sabrana dela. Nekima se to dogodi vrlo pozno, a nekima nikada. Delo onih stvaralaca koje smrt pokosi u naponu snage, kada njihovo delo još nije fizički doseglo obim izabranih i sabranih dela, najčešće ostane rasuto i bez uvida u njegovu celinu, biva čitano parcijalno, samo iz profesionalnih potreba, u vrlo uskom krugu posvećenih. Više razloga deluje na odnos jedne kulture, jedne naučne zajednice, prema pojedinačnom udelu u njoj. Ima, dakako, efemernih rezultata, i što je kultura bogatija, margina je zbog oštrijih kriterija veća. Ima i nemara, ali i profesionalnog egoizma, lične surevnjivosti i taštine, često u kombinaciji sa manjom ili većom pozicijom u društvenoj moći. Međutim, postoji i spontana, samopodrazumevajuća marginalizacija određenog stvaralaštva. Ona potiče iz dugotrajne koncentracije na zadate ciljeve kakvi su, najpre za usmenu istoriju a zatim i za srpsku istoriografiju, bez sumnje bili i ostali – oslobođenje i ujedinjenje srpskog naroda u jednu državu. Iz perspektive nacionalne ideologije, monističko mišljenje o istoriji naroda predstavlja conditio sine qua non ostvarenja pomenutih ciljeva. Samim tim, odstupanje od njega je izdaja a najmanje što njemu sleduje je zaborav.
In 2011, Egyptians overthrew their authoritarian president, Hosni Mubarak. Since then, tumultuous shifts in civilian rule and military interventions have marred Egypt’s transition to democracy, prompting speculation about the potential for reversion to an authoritarian system. How revolutionary was Egypt’s change and how much of it remains? Among the most basic barometers of overall systemic revolutionary change is the education system and, more precisely, the way history is taught. “History is written by the victors,” Winston Churchill was to have remarked, and so history is often rewritten after a revolution. The victors usually want the old narrative removed and their own, new vision presented in textbooks, as they are understood to shape young people’s understanding of the past and present, thus they are conducive to the survival of the new regime.
This anthology book is published on the occasion of the bicentennial of the birth of Friedrich Engels, an exceptional thinker and theorist of the revolution. Editors Maroje Višić and Miroslav Artić gathered renowned domestic and international scientists who tried to reevaluate Engels' works and his scientific contribution. The idea behind the book is to point out the everlasting value and significance of Engels’ revolutionary philosophy. Contributing authors offered analytical reading of Engels' ideas, addressing pressing issues in economics, politics, religion, feminism, ideology and in other segments of contemporary society. The papers in an anthology are organized under the chapters: The Reception of Engel’s Philosophy, Actuality of Engels Today with subchapters on working-class and precariat, peasantry as the subject of change, early Christianity as an inspiration; and the last chapter is Revalorization of Family and State. The first chapter tackles the questions if Engels was more than an interpreter of Marx or simply the first Marxist who contributed to the banalization of Marx. It then investigates reception of Engels’ philosophy in ex-Yugoslavia specifically and in philosophical theory in general. The second chapter demonstrates actuality and relevance of Engels today by discussing the topics of working-class and precariat, by making comparison between early industrial society and contemporary society and by tracking development of socialism from utopia to a science. Chapter also deals on the peasantry whose role as a subject of change is thoroughly problematized. Special part of the chapter is dedicated to the influence of the practice of early Christianity on the formation of Engels’ revolutionary idea and to what extent original Christian community served affected the development of Engels’ thought. Final chapter brings papers that, under new circumstances, re-examine the understanding of the state-family relation and their dynamic. This comprehensive anthology attempted to revalorize and appraise Engels’ own contribution to science and philosophy 200 years after his birth. For this it was necessary to “divorce” Engels from Marx so that the fallacy of statement that Engels was second violin to Marx becomes striking.Chapter one tackle the question of whetherEngels was more than an interpreter of Marx or simply the first Marxist to contribute to the banalization of Marx.= Engels' reception is then examined both in the former Yugoslavia and in philosophical theory in general.Special part of the chapter is dedicated to influence of the practice of early Christianity on the formation of Engels’ revolutionary idea. That is, to what extent the examples of the original Christian communities influenced the development of Engels' thought
U ovoj knjizi donosimo transkript nekoliko izlaganja sa konferencije koju je Documenta organizirala u Zagrebu u rujnu 2013. godine s ciljem predstavljanja višegodišnjeg snimanja i objave intervjua na web stranici Uz komentare i pitanja nekih od sudionika konferencije, u knjizi možete pročitati uvodni tekst koji je na konferenciji izložila urednica kolekcije Maja Dubljević, te transkript izlaganja Vesne Jakumetović iz Vukovara, Ane Raffai iz Zagreba, te Đorđa Gunjevića iz Pakraca. Predstavljamo vam i dvije studije slučaja u kojima su korišteni snimljeni intervjui - studiju slučaja publicistkinje i istraživačice, Vesne Kesić „Španovica / Novo selo / Španovica: Znalo se? Nije se znalo?“ te studiju slučaja povjesničara Marka Smokvine “Stara Gradiška kao paradigma hrvatske povijesti 20. stoljeća”.
An intellectual biography of one of the most influential Chinese political and social thinkers at the turn of XIXth/XXth centuries.
The lexicon is divided into four chapters. The first one is a detailed introduction, where we present a professional background of our topic, the significance of our research, the structure of our work, as well as the used literature and sources, in addition to an overview of the Arab-Hungarian relations. In the second and longest chapter, we portray biographies of the Arab personalities. In the third one, we examine the most important historical events in the Arab world, such as the Arab-Israeli wars, the nationalization of the Suez Canal, and the parallel crisis of 1956. In the last chapter, we briefly introduce concepts related to the stories and biographies found in the volume.Only a few results of Arabic historiography have been integrated into modern Hungarian research. Therefore, we consider it a priority to fill this gap. The aim of this work is to create a lexicon in which we gather – in the form of articles – the most eminent Arab personalities (approximately 1000), who were/are decisive in political, economic, military or even cultural life and others associated with the Arab world.
Analogia sugerată de titlu a mai fost făcută. Potrivit lui Kundera, relația aceasta nu este întâmplătoare, ci consecința unui proiect: „Europa Centrală tânjea să fie o versiune concentrată a Europei înseși”. (II, 223) Mai mult decât atât, habsburgii au modelat Europa prin chiar eșecul lor, încât așa se explică asemănarea: „ au reușit să construiască o federație a unor națiuni egale, iar eșecul lor este răspunzător de dezastrul întregii Europe”. (II, 226) Jean Clair, în schimb, este atent la proiecția inversă, dinspre prezent către trecut. Creatorii vienezi fuseseră cunoscuți în Europa unul câte unul, dar fenomenul global al culturii vieneze n-a intrat în conștiința continentală decât atunci când s-a ajuns la un nou sfârșit de secol. întrebarea pusă de Jean Clair e retorică: „Oare trebuia, pentru ca să luăm cunoștință de această extraordinară unitate culturală a lumii vieneze [...], să atingem noi înșine sfârșitul secolului?” (I, 46-47)
Revista noastră evocă activitatea unui grup de cercetare, ilustrată deocamdată printr-un număr de sesiuni de comunicări științifice, cărți, traduceri. Ne-am propus să redescoperim „cea de a treia Europă”, pusă în umbră de superstiții politice, culturale, literare, ocultată de fanaticii naționalismelor de pretutindeni. E greu să descoperi relațiile adevărate, reale, profunde care s-au creat în spațiul Europei Centrale în ultimele două secole ; dar și mai greu este să studiezi aceste relații din unghiul de vedere al unui spațiu deseori considerat unilateral - spațiul Banatului, al Transilvaniei, al României. O impresionantă cantitate de documente se oferă cercetării : de-a lungul timpului, acest spațiu s-a constituit ca un model de conviețuire. Pentru Lumea de mâine, acest spațiu oferă enorm. Deci nu numai studiu pur și simplu, ci o încercare de a interveni în agitata lume de azi cu o propunere de Model ; o încercare de a defini și de a fixa un șir de repere. Activitatea intelectuală se complinește cu acțiunea, în tentativa de a solidariza un șir deforțe cărturărești, capabile a inaugura un comparatism recuperator și, prin aceasta, modelator. Cei care scriu revista sunt, în marea lor majoritate, tineri sub treizeci de ani. Vrem ca revista să afirme un spirit tânăr, dezinhibat, viu, dinamic. Nu în ultimă instanță, un grup- -model, pentru care cercetarea să însemne creație. în rest, despre proiectele grupului A TREIA EUROPĂ (bibliotecă central-europeană, dicționare ale literaturilor central-europene, traduceri, simpozioane, conferințe ș.a.) s-a scris. Revista e, în felul ei, documentul, mărturia, liantul, manifestul. Apariție semestrială, ea dă sens și ritm unei acțiuni - sperăm - de durată. Să fie într-un ceas bun.
Europa Centrală - nevroze, dileme, utopii inaugurează o colecție editorială, „A treia Europă”, lansată la Polirom (seria teoretică) și, în paralel, la Univers (seria de ficțiune). O antologie de acest gen, reunind nume și texte consacrate ale domeniului, se dorește în primul rînd un instrument de lucru operativ și eficient, delimitînd - pe cît posibil- un cîmp de studiu, aproximînd o paradigmă, configurînd, cu alte cuvinte, o serie de repere în funcție de care s-ar putea dezvolta o strategie de cercetare. Pornind de la aceste premise, s-ar părea că oportunitatea și utilitatea unei asemenea antologii nu riscă să fie pusă la îndoială. Și totuși. E, încă, Europa Centrală o temă de actualitate? Mai poate fi interesat cititorul român de o asemenea problematică?
A ruined city. Upon liberation of Shusha from occupation, the first noticeable side that was felt was a large number of signs of vandalism, barbarism, and hatred for Shusha. After the devastation caused in Aghdam and Fuzuli, at first it seemed strange to face brutality here again. As during the occupation years, this city had been the residential area where families had continuously been living and hoilding prestigious events. Most importantly, researchers and politicians have been mouthfully talking about “native Shushi” (that’s how s call Shusha - G.A.) and counting it to be very important for s in each their opportunity. However, hypocrisy is felt more clearly as we pass by every building which is turned into a ruin, and as we walk through the streets with full of residential houses which are full of bushy and grass-covered yards, without ceilings and floors, without doors and windows, and with half ruined by the invaders walls.
Türkler dünyanın dört bir köşesinde çeşitli medeniyetler kurmuş, maddi manevi en köklü tarihe sahip milletlerden biridir. Türklerin hakimiyet anlayışına bağlı olarak sürekli fetih hareketleri, farklı kültürlerle kaynaşmasına zemin oluşturmuş, buna rağmen kendi öz kültürlerini korumayı başarmışlardır. Buna bağlı olarak hemen hemen tüm coğrafyalarda atalarımızın kültürel izlerine rastlamak mümkündür. Bir millet maddi ve manevi kültürel kalıntılarını araştırıp, üzerinde analiz ve keşifler yaparak, kendi milletine ve dünya kamuoyuna takdim ederse o milletin ilim, sanat ve fikir hayatı hak ettiği konuma doğru yol alabilir. Ulusal tarihin araştırılması ve öğretilmesi, Türk milli bilincinin oluşması bakımından büyük önem arz etmektedir. Bir ulusu, ulus yapan en önemli unsurlardan biri o ulusun tarihidir. Bir milletin en önemli kültür hazinesi, hafızasıdır. Toplumda ulus bilincini oluşturmak, uluslararası ilişkileri ve siyaseti belirlemek, toplumda milli birlik ve beraberliği sağlamak açısından ulusal ve uluslararası tarih çalışmaları önem arz etmektedir. Ulusal tarih bilincine büyük önem veren Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Türk Tarih Tezi başlıklı bir çalışma hazırladı. Daha sonra tarih çalışmalarının derinleştirilmesi, teoriden pratiğe geçirilmesi, Türk tarihi araştırmalarının metodolojik şekilde yapılması arzusuyla “Genel Türk Tarihi Kürsüsü”nü, İstanbul Darülfünun’da oluşturdu. Milli Eğitim Bakanı Hamdullah Suphi ve Mehmet Fuat Köprülü tarafından 20 Mayıs 1925 tarihinde Türkiye’ye davet edilen Zeki Veli Togan bu kuruluşun kürsü başkanı olarak seçildi. Daha sonra 1946 yılında Ankara Üniversitesi, Dil ve Tarih Coğrafya Fakültesi Tarih Bölümünde, Genel Türk Tarihi kürsüsü kuruldu. Bu kuruluşlar aracılığıyla birbirinden değerli tarih araştırmacıları yetişti ve Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nde modern tarihçiliğin doğuşuna katkı sağlandı.
The book is interdisciplinary and it comprises of different chapters written by different scholars. The chapters have been written on applied linguistics, sociology, history, economy and political science.
Dvadeset i osam godina nakon počinjenog genocida nad Bošnjacima u Republici Bosni i Hercegovini, koji je kulminaciju imao u Srebrenici i oko nje, na prostoru tzv. sigurne zone Ujedinjenih nacija, u julu 1995. godine, i danas su evidentne posljedice u socijalnom, ekonomskom, demografskom, kulturnom i svakom drugom razvoju Srebrenice i okoline. Agresija na Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu od 1992. do 1995. godine i počinjeni genocid nad Bošnjacima ostavili su nesagledive posljedice gotovo u svim aspektima rada i življenja. Te posljedice posebno su indikativne na prostoru Srebrenice, koja se i nakon dvadeset i osam godina od agresije i genocida suočava s problemom razvoja i opstanka povratničkog bošnjačkog stanovništva. Počinjeni zločin genocida nad Bošnjacima u Srebrenici doveo je do dugoročnih socijalnih, ekonomskih, demografskih i kulturnih posljedica za život ljudi nakon agresije. Prva posljedica je radikalno smanjenje stanovništva, koje je s 37.382 u predratnom vremenu spalo na 13.409 osoba u cijeloj općini Srebrenica. U gradu Srebrenica i u mjesnim područjima općine Srebrenica tokom rata je uništena privreda i komunalna infrastruktura. Uništeni su gotovo svi kulturni i prateći objekti. Proces obnove u navedenim aspektima, iako se odvija uz pomoć međunarodnih organizacija, nije uspješno završen.
There are very few books on Croatian history in English, especially those covering the entire history of Croatia and the Croats from prehistory to the present day. For this reason, the researchers at the Croatian Institute of History, the largest and most important historiographical institution in the Republic of Croatia, decided to write a history according to the best academic standards, i.e. objectively and impartially described, and explain the most important processes, events, movements, organizations, political parties, and individuals in Croatian history that significantly influenced its course. The many centuries of Croatian presence in this area at the crossroads of Central and South-Eastern Europe have been crucially determined by the constant interaction of Croats with their immediate and more distant neighbours. It is equally important to keep in mind that the supreme political (state) centre of the Croats and the Croatian state was not always within the Croatian ethnic and political area. Consequently, the political, social, and economic development of the Croats was often influenced by external factors, so it is sometimes difficult for the uninitiated reader to understand the main historical factors and causes that have unquestionably shaped Croatian history until the present day.
The international scientific conference "Dissidence in Contemporary History" was held on November 19, 2009, at the Croatian Institute of History in Zagreb. The conference was organized by the institute's project "Power and Society: The Communist System of Governance in Croatia 1945-1990", and the immediate impetus for its organization was given by Mr. Daniel Ivin. The organizing committee conceived of the topic of dissidence to be approached exclusively analytically, with an emphasis on the following questions: methodological problems, historical-political framework, the system in Croatia and Yugoslavia, the attitude of foreign countries towards dissidents, individuals, social groups and movements in Croatia, the relationship between politics and culture and "case studies".
Some time ago, Dr. sc. Milan Kruhek, a former director and longtime employee of the Croatian Institute of History, turned seventy. With his dedicated scientific work, as well as his many years of leading the Department of Medieval History at the Croatian Institute of History, Dr. sc. Milan Kruhek has gained a reputation, both in Croatia and abroad, as one of the leading experts on Croatian medieval and early modern history. Precisely for this reason, and at the suggestion of the employees of the Department of Medieval History, the director of the Croatian Institute of History, Dr. sc. Jasna Turkalj, decided to honor him with a collection of papers in his honor.