Заглавията на преводната белетристика и жанровото съзнание в епохата на Българското възраждане
The main problem of this paper is to comment on different origins of genre ideas in the period of Bulgarian national revival. Fundamental object for observation are titles and subtitles of fiction translated into Bulgarian in the 19th century. The article takes into account Gerard Genette’s theoretical model and approves of understanding that titles and subtitles are constructions. It is paid attention to different types of titles, which are representative of the period, as well as to their structural elements and functions too. The titles and subtitles including genre nominations are of a special interest for this article. They are treated as an indication about genre understandings of the time. The main conclusions, made after the classification and researching the titles of different kind of translated novels and stories are formulated in the end of this text.