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The article presents a quantitative research study that revealed the specificity of collaboration between teachers and support teachers in meeting the special educational needs of students in the context of inclusive education. The contribution of the paper is to expand the understanding of ways of collaboration for inclusive practices between teachers and support teachers in the Republic of Moldova. The results obtained illustrate the perspectives and factors that contribute to the development of partnership teaching practices in the inclusive classroom
Communication is a psychosocial interaction through which subjects transmit information and expect feedback, fulfill their goals, direct and control their own activity, that of a person or a group. To communicate effectively and expressively with oneself and others (Gh. Dumitriu 1998), means to convince, to be able to develop the thinking, affectivity and personality of others, to inform intelligibly and to understand correctly the meaning of the message, to notice and be aware of reactions, attitudes and behavioral changes in the receptors or audience. Communication, in general, and educational communication, in particular, are related to the phenomenon of social influence and persuasion. The teacher is the one who exerts influence through democratic behaviors that allow him to build a relationship based on mutual respect, self-disclosure and valorization, a context that facilitates the harmonious growth and development of the autonomous and creative personality. Among the sources of power that the teacher exercises in the educational context, we emphasize the importance of manifesting the power of reference that involves creating relationships based on affectivity and emotional support, the power of expertise based on shared competence of the teacher, legitimate power, specific to the teaching role, sources generating greater satisfaction than the one-way use of coercive power. The main component of education, communication, has always been an indispensable support for education. Receptive to the progress of human communication, the school has never ceased to approach and integrate intelligently
Motivation is one of the most important prerequisites for school learning. The channeling efforts towards the construction and endowment of a school, towards the training of teachers are in vain without a solid motivation for students' learning. Self-regulation of learning also includes that of motivation (self-motivation). This requires students to have motivational learning strategies and tools used to maintain or increase their motivation while completing a learning activity. Parents consider a child motivated when he wants to have good results at school, does not expect to be "pushed" from behind and is appreciated by teachers. Among the motivational strategies and tools used at home and at school, the following stand out: increase hope; communication; engaging the imagination; encouraging self-motivation and involving the child in decision making; cultivating effort. At school, the teacher's enthusiasm and motivation are directly restricted to the student's motivation. Cooperative learning implies the hypothesis, according to which, the way in which the activities are involved determines the quality of the interaction between the students, the results of the activities being consequences of the interaction between them. Thus, one of the main elements to be created in the classroom is positive interdependence or cooperation
This article reviews the literature on the skills of emotional intelligence to reduce stress, anxiety, fear, as well as the synthesis of scientific studies that have highlighted the mental pressure and challenges that adolescents go through during the coronavirus pandemic, as well as emphasizing the importance given to the support and emotional psychoeducation of adolescents to maintain mental health. The phenomenon of emotional intelligence is known worldwide and studied by many researchers. The data show that emotional education leads to academic performance, preventing problems, improving behavior or social relationships.
Cyberbullying is a negative social phenomenon that takes place online. It consists of harassing technology users through various means and various platforms. Frequent exposure to this phenomenon can cause emotional, mental and social problems for victims, witnesses and aggressors.In the current pandemic context, when education has shifted to the online environment, and students spend a significant amount of time using different devices and online platforms, the number of cyberbullying cases is constantly increasing. There is currently little research describing how this phenomenon influenced online aggression.In preventing and eliminating this phenomenon, teachers play an important role, due to the time they spend with students and the impact they can have on them.In order to identify teachers' perceptions of this phenomenon during the pandemic and how they manage it in the classroom, we conducted a qualitative research on 10 teachers from primary and secondary schools. The results of the research were interesting and offered a new perspective on this phenomenon during Covid-19 crisis.
The use of information technology in the activity and professional development by the teachers represents an extinguished necessity of the current stage. The new technologies come to the aid of the teacher, in the exercise of his profession. Using them makes the teacher's work more efficient, it helps him save time and space in making the necessary documents for carrying out, in good conditions, the activity. The development of information technologies has boosted the professional training of teachers for the use of TIC tools. Traditional teaching methods are not replaced by technology, but this can improve both the course material and the relationship between students and the teacher. Educational institutions must take advantage of the opportunities offered by technology and create programs, special software to offer the student an interactive, rich and varied learning experience. Technology is everywhere around us, and this must determine us, those responsible for the educational act in schools, to change the way students assimilate information during class hours.
Article indicates the elements of the development of the human personality and what is the significance of the visual arts in shaping personality, as a tool and method of interaction in the development of an integrated personality and learning visual artistic culture. Visual arts are treated here as a basic form of expression and the expression of individual psychological development, and thus one of the ways of knowing mental development. The issues are complemented by an analysis of selected cases where activity was used as a result of surgery to change attitudes, verification of self‑esteem, improve social relationships and the development of the capacity of perceiving reality, concentration, development of visual memory, imagination and creative thinking.
This paper presents an analysis of the history textbooks published and used in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the period 2000–2017 in order to answer how the results of historiographic research on Bosnia and Herzegovina have been incorporated into textbooks content. Considering that the textbook in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as in most European countries, continues to serve as a basic teaching tool in history teaching, and in some ways represents a canonized knowledge, an official version of the past that is recommended or better created by national authorities an attempt was made to look at what historiographical reflections on Bosnia and Herzegovina were given in them. The specificity of textbook and educational policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina is reflected in the deep division on the ethnonational principle and the additional fragmentation caused by the administrative organization of Bosnia and Herzegovina after the Dayton Agreement. Instead of a unique historiography on Bosnia and Herzegovina, we come across different approaches in the textbooks. In some of them, information on the past of Bosnia and Herzegovina is rather modest or almost omitted, and emphasis is given to the history of the neighboring countries of Serbia or Croatia or of the Serbian or Croat people. The paper seeks to see what kind of message the past has sent to textbook generations through their education and the role it plays in the future of this country. In examining how the historiography of Bosnia and Herzegovina is contained in the textbooks, based on the analyzed 32 history textbook, we find only a partial answer, which is primarily caused by the different interpretation of national history by the three curricula for which the textbooks were designed. Thus, in Serbian language textbooks, national history is primarily presented as the history of Serbia and Serbs, and partly of Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Similar is the practice in Croatian textbooks, dominated by the history of Croatia and Croats, while there is very little mention of Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Teaching units related to Bosnia and Herzegovina are represented by 10–20% of the total material and presented with only a few lessons.
The Republic of North Macedonia has undergone a turbulent period since its independence. This is a period in which education, and especially History as a subject, has also undergone significant changes in content. First it strengthened ethnocentrism, patriotism and national romanticism, in which the Macedonian people were the bearers of all the processes of origin and development of the state, but also of civilizational processes and movements significant for the whole world. In defence of the Macedonian national identity, Albanians, Turks, Bosniaks, Serbs, Roma and other peoples who live with the Macedonian people and whose homeland, same as for the Macedonians, is the NR Macedonia, regardless of their national or religious affiliation, were often marginalized. NR Macedonia is therefore making efforts to disperse teaching content that creates divisions and prejudices. That is why the curricula today envisage the study of the history of the Macedonian people, as well as the histories of the constituent peoples and their countries of origin in proportion to their percentage share in the total population. Bosniaks are the constituent people of the Republic of North Macedonia and their home country is Bosnia and Herzegovina. This implies that the content on Bosnia and Herzegovina and Bosniaks is represented in textbooks. Not only because of the constitutionality and importance of Bosniaks in the construction and development of the state and society, but also because of the many common centuries-old historical processes, the common states of which they were part of from the 15th to the end of the 20th century. It is very important that the content on Bosnia and Herzegovina and Bosniaks be represented and properly presented to the young population. In legal terms, formal prerequisites for the development of textbooks, for the most part, provide a good basis for writing quality textbooks that will represent the histories of all peoples and their role for NR Macedonia, as well as better mutual understanding. However, the situation is not as simple as it may seem at first glance, despite all the legal bases and criteria for textbook development. Instead of striking a balance between the history of the Macedonians and the history of other peoples, the textbooks have been reduced to achieving the balance between the history of the Macedonians and Albanians, giving a binational history in the textbooks. These differences are less pronounced in the lower grades, where study of general history is dominant. In higher primary school grades and during the four years of secondary education these differences are more than obvious. In addition to the general history studied throughout the world, Macedonian and Albanian histories are dominant. Then the histories of the other neighbours – Serbia, Bulgaria and Greece, as well as the history of Turkey and the Turkish people because of the common historical processes and constitutionality of the Turkish people.
Education of teachers in the Austrian-Hungarian period was starting point of this research. Namely, during the Austrian-Hungarian Monarchy education in Bosnia and Herzegovina was institutionalized for the first time in its history. Education became a moving force which effected life and society of that time. Teacher training schools were founded in this period of time and accumulated intellectuals who participated in social and cultural life of the country bringing important decisions in relation to education. School’s buildings that were constructed during the Austrian-Hungarian Monarchy are at the same service even today. Therefore, the attempt of this work is to compare teacher education in the past and today. It is important to detect how many changes were made regarding quality and practical implementation of teaching subject matters. The question is has quality kept its level of importance or has it exposed to some other influences or formal attempts? The intention of this paper is to research those facts and present them with regard to their specificity.
Der Germanistenverband in Bosnien-Herzegowina veranstaltete in Zusammenarbeit mit der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Tuzla vom 16. bis zum 18. September 2021 an der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Tuzla die 3. Germanistenkonferenz. Das Thema der Konferenz war „Sprach- und Kultur(ver)mittlung“. An dieser Konferenz haben 30 Vortragende aus Bosnien-Herzegowina, Deutschland, Italien, Kroatien, Rumänien und Tschechien teilgenommen. Der vorliegende Sammelband beinhaltet 17 Artikel (acht originelle wissenschaftliche Arbeiten, eine vorläufige Mitteilung, sieben wissenschaftliche Übersichtsartikel und einen Fachartikel). Manche der Beiträge entstanden im Rahmen nationaler und internationaler Projekte, manche sind das Ergebnis langjähriger Arbeit an Promotionsprojekten, andere entstanden in kürzerer Zeit und wurden vor allem durch unseren Call for paper inspiriert. Die Beiträge wurden im Sammelband nach den Forschungsfeldern (Sprachwissenschaft, Übersetzungswissenschaft, Literaturwissenschaft, Fremdsprachendidaktik, Literaturdidaktik) und alphabethisch nach den Namen der AutorInnen angeordnet. Zunächst folgen Informationen zu den acht Beiträgen im Rahmen der Sektion Sprachwissenschaft: Der erste Beitrag entstand im Rahmen des Mehrphasenprojektes Bosnisch-Deutsches Universalwörterbuch, das an der Abteilung für Germanistik der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Sarajevo seit 2018 durchgeführt wird. Alma Čović-Filipović beschäftigt sich in diesem Beitrag zum Thema Lexikalischer Anisomorphismus im Sprachenpaar Bosnisch-Deutsch und Strategien der lexikografischen Vermittlung mit den lexikalisch-semantischen Beziehungen zwischen sprachlichen Einheiten des Bosnischen und Deutschen. Der Beitrag von Adriana Dănilă zum Thema Vermittlung von fachlichen Inhalten in einigen journalistischen Texten aus der „ADZ für Rumänien“, welcher ein Teil des GIP-Forschungsprojektes Coronavirus Debatte in der rumäniendeutschen Presse des IDF Heidelberg und fünf rumänischer Partneruniversitäten ist, beschäftigt sich mit sprachlichen Ausdrucksformen, die zur Vermittlung von Fachwissen dienen. Minka Džanko schreibt in ihrem gesprächsanalytischen Beitrag zum Thema ICH WEIß NICHT und NE ZNAM: Über direkte Vermittlung von Nicht-Wissen hinaus über den Gebrauch der im Titel genannten Phrasen in Arzt-Patienen-Gesprächen und vergleicht anhand der Analyse eines umfangreichen Korpus diesen Gebrauch bei deutschen und bosnischen PatientInnen. Alma Halidović und Zerina Brkić interpretieren in ihrem Beitrag mit dem Titel Pragmatische Aspekte des Schweigens. Analyse am Beispiel des Romans „Ehre“ von Elif Shafak die unterschiedlichen Funktionen des Schweigens in einem literarischen Werk. In ihrem Beitrag zum Thema Verwendung von lexikalisierten Diminutiven bei Körperteilbezeichnungen im Deutschen und im Bosnischen nimmt Meliha Hrustić die Körperteilbezeichnungen mit diminutiven Suffixen unter die Lupe und vergleicht den Bestand solcher Wörter in beiden genannten Sprachen. Im Beitrag Werbeanzeigen aus den Osijeker deutschsprachigen Zeitungen „Die Drau“ und „Slavonische Presse“ als Sprach- und Kultur(ver)mittler im späten 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert von Ivana Jozić und Ivana Šarić Šokčević bekommt der Leser einen wissenschaftlichen Einblick in die Werbeanzeigen aus einer anderen Zeit. Dieser Beitrag entstand im Rahmen des Projektes Spurensuche: Deutsche Sprache, Literatur und Kultur in Kroatien, welches wiederum im Rahmen der GIP zwischen dem Institut für Germanistik der Universität Gießen und der Abteilung für deutsche Sprache und Literatur der Fakultät für Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften der Universität Osijek entstanden ist und vom DAAD finanziell unterstützt wird. Zineta Lagumdžija schreibt in ihrem Artikel Textsortenabhängigkeit sprachlicher Strukturen am Beispiel der Konstruktion [sich lassen + Infinitiv] in der politischen Berichterstattung in deutschen Tageszeitungen, einer pragmatisch- und kommunikationsorientierten Untersuchung, über die informative und appelative Funktion der im Titel genannten Konstruktion. Diana Ristivojević, Doktorandin an der Universität Tuzla, behandelt in ihrem Beitrag Darstellung der Partikelkombinationen in ihrer Abfolge am Beispiel der Modalpartikel „schon“ auf der Basis einer theoretischen Grundlage die Abfolge der Modalpartikelkombinationen mit der Modalpartikel schon in der heutigen Standardsprache. Zwei Beiträge enstanden in der Sektion Übersetzungswissenschaft. Im ersten Artikel mit dem Titel Hotspots und Hotwords in den ins Deutsche übersetzten Erzählungen über Mostar von Hamza Humo analysiert Sanela Mešić die in den Erzählungen vorkommenden Hotspots und Hotwords und ihre Übersetzungen ins Deutsche. Es handelt sich, wie bei vielen anderen Beiträgen auch, um einen interdisziplinären Beitrag, der sich mit interkultureller Pragmatik, mit der Übersetzungswissenschaft und der Linguokulturologie beschäftigt. Im Rahmen eines Untertitelungsprojektes mit studentischer Beteiligung an der Universität Banja Luka entstand der Beitrag Un(über)setzbarkeit von Vulgarismen ins Deutsche am Beispiel der Untertitlung der heimischen Serie „Kosti“ von Melsada Zec Zejnić und Ivana Četić. Die beiden AutorInnen behandeln Schimpfwörter und Flüche im Serbischen und ihre Entsprechungen im Deutschen. Aus dem Bereich der Literaturwissenschaft können drei Beiträge vorgestellt werden. Christina Arendt stellt in ihrem Artikel zum Thema Aktuelle Fiktionalisierungsformen der juristischen Aufarbeitung nationalsozialistischer Verbrechen am Beispiel von „Der Fall Collini“ von Ferdinand von Schirach (2011) und „Deutsches Haus“ von Annette Hess (2018) „zwei literarische Fiktionalisierungsformen der juristischen Aufarbeitung nationalsozialistischer Verbrechen“ vor, welche im letzten Jahrzehnt publiziert wurden. Ivica Petrović gewährt uns in seinem Beitrag Die Gegend um Tuzla in deutschsprachigen Reiseberichten einen Einblick in die Kultur in der Gegend um Tuzla, wie sie in literarischen Werken dargestellt wird. Jasmina Zlatarević schreibt in ihrem Artikel Zur literarischen Rekonstruktion des Opferbegriffes im Roman „Schindlers Lift“ von Darko Cvijetić über ein sehr aktuelles Werk, welches auch ins Deutsche übersetzt wurde. In der Sektion Fremdsprachendidaktik sind drei Beiträge entstanden. Im ersten mit dem Titel Zum Stellenwert von Sprach- und Kulturmittlung im Fremdsprachenunterricht: Mit Beispielen aus aktuellen DaF-Lehrwerken gibt die Autorin Lara Hedžić einen sehr detaillierten theoretischen Überblick zum Thema Sprachmittlung in der Fremdsprachendidaktik und analysiert dann ein paar bosnische und deutsche DaF-Lehrwerke im Hinblick auf die Sprachmittlungsaufgaben. Der Beitrag von Petr Pytlík zum Thema Fremdsprachendidaktisches Potential von authentischen Texten im DaF/DaZ-Unterricht – ein Unterrichtsentwurf für A2-Niveau entstand im Rahmen des Projektes eines methodischen Online-Portals an der Pädagogischen Fakultät der Masaryk-Universität in Brno. Der Autor möchte zeigen, dass authentische Texte auch für Lernende mit einem niedrigeren Sprachniveau geeignet sind. Ivica Tokić beschäftigt sich in seinem Artikel zum Thema Phraseologismen im DaF-Unterricht mit der Phraseodidaktik, mit den Methoden und einzelnen Schritten, die man berücksichtigen sollte, wenn man im DaF-Unterricht Phraseologismen behandelt. Der letze Beitrag in diesem Sammelband ist in der Literaturdidaktik anzusiedeln. Die Autorin Marijana Jeleč zeigt mit ihrem Beitrag Kinderliteratur als Medium für interkulturelles Lernen am Beispiel von Uticha Marmons „Mein Freund Salim“ und Peter Härtlings „Djadi, Flüchtlingsjunge“, wie Literatur das interkulturelle Lernen bei Kindern fördern kann. Die meisten Beiträge behandeln, wie auch an den Titeln zu erkennen ist, auf die eine oder andere Art und Weise das Thema Sprach- und Kultur(ver)mittlung, aber wir haben in den Sammelband auch andere interessante Beiträge aufgenommen, die sich mit anderen germanistischen Themen befassen. Alle Artikel unterlagen einem doppelt-blinden Begutachtungsverfahren, bei welchem sie auch kategorisiert wurden. Unser aufrichtiger Dank gilt allen AutorInnen für die interessanten Vorträge und noch interessanteren Beiträge für den Sammelband, aber ebenso den GutachterInnen aus Deutschland, Italien, dem Kosovo, Kroatien, Nordmazedonien, Österreich, Polen, Serbien, Slowenien, Spanien, Tschechien und der Türkei, die sehr detaillierte und konstruktive Verbesserungsvorschläge gemacht haben. Um ihre Anonymität wahren zu können, unterlassen wir es, ihre Namen zu nennen, aber wir hoffen, dass wir sie für die Teilnahme an den kommenden Konferenzen des Germanistenverbandes in Bosnien-Herzegowina begeistern können. Wir bedanken uns ganz herzlich bei der Philosophischen Fakultät Tuzla, die uns ihre Räumlichkeiten zur Verfügung gestellt hat; beim Goethe-Institut Sarajevo für die Einladung der Plenarvortragenden; beim Österreich Institut Sarajevo für die Unterstützung; bei dem ganzen Organisationsteam und dem Herausgeberbeirat; bei dem Föderalen Ministerium für Bildung und Wissenschaft für die finanzielle Unterstützung; bei dem DAAD-Lektor an der Universität Sarajevo, Martin Schönemann, dessen Verbesserungsvorschläge und Hinweise zur Qualität des Sammelbandes beigetragen haben; und bei allen anderen, die zum Erfolg der Konferenz und zur Veröffentlichung dieses Sammelbandes ihren Beitrag geleistet haben.
This paper is an analysis of the literature exploring the use of expressive arts modalities with children living with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), with a focus on emotional regulation and behavior modification. Historically, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) has been the standard in terms of behavior modification for this population, but current research and qualitative inquiries suggested that members of this population need more support in emotional regulation and communication than ABA is able to provide. Using an intermodal artsbased method developmentally promotes social and communication abilities in children with ASD. Further, channeling stereotypic behaviors into creative flow can regulate, communicate, and increase self-worth. This was done by framing the work under the Expressive Therapies Continuum and exploring the healing properties of creativity. By allowing individuals living with ASD to create their own form of communication using multiple artistic modalities, it is believed that maladaptive behaviors could decrease, due to a child’s own realization that they are better understood. This could lead to better emotional regulation, efficacy in communication, and stronger socialization. The framework could also benefit clinicians in developing more concise and client-centered treatment plans, that meet both the client’s needs as well as the freedom to incorporate the client’s personal interests.
Ideja o pisanju knjige i pokretanju projekta o srpsko-albanskim odnosima javila se, kako to na Balkanu često biva, u kafani (koja je, doduše, u neposrednoj blizini Narodne biblioteke Srbije). Pošto su se u Betonu pojavili tekstovi Milana Miljkovića o predstavljanju Albanaca u srpskoj štampi i Aleksandra Pavlovića o figuri Turčina kao neprijatelja, Milan je uz čašicu predložio da se inicira projekat koji bi okupio srpske i albanske intelektualce, teoretičare i teoretičarke u oblasti društvenih nauka koji bi zajedno obrađivali srpsko-albanske odnose. Verovatno je najčešći način borbe protiv politika neprijateljstva začudna i retka politika prijateljstva. Tako je bilo i u slučaju Aleksandra Pavlovića i Rigelsa Halilija, koji su zbog sličnosti u naučnim temama i interesovanjima najpre uspostavili „naučno pobratimstvo“, a ubrzo došli i do nekolicine drugih srpskih i albanskih kolega zainteresovanih da učestvuju u ovom projektu. Da sve ne ostane na kafanskoj priči (što na Balkanu takođe često biva) zasluga je i urednikā Betona, prevashodno Saše Ćirića, koji je kumovao projektu i knjizi predloživši njen naziv Figura neprijatelja: preosmišljavanje srpsko-albanskih odnosa, a obezbedio je i pomoć prevodilačke mreže Traduki koja je odmah prihvatila da sufinansira prevođenje tekstova sa srpskog na albanski jezik i obrnuto. Usledilo je nekoliko neuspelih inicijativa sa domaćim institucijama – naši prijatelji iz albanskog Ministarstva kulture rekli su nam da misle da za ovako nešto još nije vreme, a na konkursu srpskog Ministarstva kulture uprkos obimnoj dokumentaciji koju smo poslali u traženih 7 (i slovima sedam) primeraka (!), projekat na godišnjem konkursu nije dobio ni dinara. Za razliku od rečenih institucija, kolege iz Instituta za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, pogotovo sadašnje koordinatorke projekta i kourednice ove knjige Gazela Pudar Draško i Adriana Zaharijević, uz mentorstvo Petra Bojanića, založile su se za projekat i značajno ojačale prvobitnu aplikaciju, koja je zatim podržana u okviru švajcarskog Programa za promociju istraživanja na zapadnom Balkanu koji finansira Švajcarska agencija za razvoj i saradnju, na čemu im dugujemo veliku zahvalnost. Pored IFDT-a i KPZ Beton, saradnici na projektu su i „Ćendra multimedija“ („Quendra Multimedia“) iz Prištine, koja je 2011. godine zajedno sa KPZ Beton objavila antologije Iz Prištine, s ljubavlju (o savremenoj kosovskoj literaturi na albanskom jeziku) i Iz Beograda, s ljubavlju (o savremenoj prozi mlađih autora u Srbiji), i „Poeteka“ iz Tirane, ugledni izdavački i kulturni centar koji kontinuirano objavljuje prevode savremene i ranije srpske književnosti na albanski jezik.
Sva djeca imaju jednaka prava garantovana Konvencijom i pravima djeteta. Konvencija je međunarodni ugovor, usvojen pod okriljem Ujedinjenih nacija 20. januara1989. godine. Ovaj ugovor su do danas prihvatile skoro sve države svijeta, njih 191, osim Somalije i SAD (koja je samo potpisala Konvenciju, ali je nije i ratifikovala).
Youth unemployment is one of the greatest problems which countries of region and Europe are facing. There are numerous reasons for such state. Incompatibility of educational system with needs of labour market results in saturation of certain professions, while highly specialised areas remain in deficit, are only some of those reasons. Global economic crisis, as well as the absence of adequate state intervention do not contribute to resolving the identified challenges.
Didactics of mathematics, natural sciences and vocational education represent developing areas and are a breeding ground for new ideas and approaches. In mathematics and physics, the proceedings provide an overview of the historical development of education process and the possibilities of activating students. From a practical point of view, physics and chemistry are interconnected by using simulations in teaching. Vocational education is represented from various perspectives, whether in technical education, by solving logistical problems, or educational activities in the teaching of economic subjects. Due to the current situation, there are abundant contributions on the effects of the ongoing pandemic on the educational process and distance learning.
A ruined city. Upon liberation of Shusha from occupation, the first noticeable side that was felt was a large number of signs of vandalism, barbarism, and hatred for Shusha. After the devastation caused in Aghdam and Fuzuli, at first it seemed strange to face brutality here again. As during the occupation years, this city had been the residential area where families had continuously been living and hoilding prestigious events. Most importantly, researchers and politicians have been mouthfully talking about “native Shushi” (that’s how s call Shusha - G.A.) and counting it to be very important for s in each their opportunity. However, hypocrisy is felt more clearly as we pass by every building which is turned into a ruin, and as we walk through the streets with full of residential houses which are full of bushy and grass-covered yards, without ceilings and floors, without doors and windows, and with half ruined by the invaders walls.
The book is interdisciplinary and it comprises of different chapters written by different scholars. The chapters have been written on applied linguistics, sociology, history, economy and political science.
Znaĉaj nauke za ĉovjeka i ljudsko društvo vrlo je velik. Nauka je naĉin spoznaje svijeta. A svijet u kojem mi ţivimo je veoma ovisan o nauci i tehnologiji. Da bismo bolje navigirali ovim svijetom, potrebno je da znamo ponešto o osnovnim nauĉnim fenomenima – kako stvari rade, kako se nešto dešava i kako funkcionira naš organizam. Zato ulaganje u nauku i obrazovanje, a samim tim i u ljudske resurse, donosi veliku korist za pojedince i društvo u cjelini. Pojedinci i društvene grupe zauzimaju odreĊeno mjesto u društvu na osnovu znanja kojim raspolaţu. Ono unapreĊuje sve oblasti ĉovjekovog ţivota i djelovanja. Društvo i nauka su ĉvrsto vezani i nalaze se u meĊusobnom odnosu. Društvo je stvaralo uslove i davalo društveni ambijent u kome se nauka mogla razvijati. S druge strane, nauka je omogućavala brţi razvoj pojedinih društvenih oblasti i cijelog društva. Povoljni društveni uslovi uticali su na nastanak brojnih izuma, patenata, tehniĉkih rješenja i modernizacija. Razvoj informatike dodatno je ubrzao razvoj i povezivanje preduzeća, multinacionalnih kompanija, drţava regija i svijeta. Povećana je razmjena ljudi, dobara, proizvoda i usluga. Ĉetvrta industrijska revolucija otvorila je neslućene mogućnosti razvoja i dalje promjene društva, društvenih odnosa. Sve ove promjene utiĉu pozitivno i na razvoj cjelokupnog društva, ali i demokratije i ljudskih prava. Sve ovo govori o jednoj simbiozi koja je rezultirala da nauka i društvo postanu jedna savremena forma ljudskog ţivora i razvoja civilizacije u XXI vijeku. Zbornik radova pod naslovom „SAVREMENA SIMBIOZA - NAUKA I DRUŠTVO“ je publikacija nauĉnih radova u okviru nauĉnog skupa „Nauka i društvo“. Ova publikacija predstavlja nauĉne i struĉne radove već dokazanih nauĉnih radnika i istraţivaĉa, ali i onih koji su na poĉetku svog nauĉnog rada. U Zborniku su objavljeni radovi nauĉnih radnika iz Bosne i Hercegovine i Republike Srbije, koji su u skladu sa njihovim nauĉnim iskustvom, uz dobronamjerne recenzije, usklaĊeni i adekvatno kategorisani. S obzirom na multidisciplinarnost teme zbornik obuhvata radove iz raznih nauĉnih disciplina kao što su: ekonomija, pravo, bezbjednost, defektologija, politiĉke nauke, sociologija i pedagogija. Radovi su aktuelni i obraĊuju savremena društvena pitanja i probleme, ali i teorijska i praktiĉna dostignuća pojedinih nauĉnih disciplina. Na takav naĉin dajemo podsticaja svim mladim ljudima da kroz svoj nauĉni rad daju doprinos u rješavanju brojnih društvenih problema. Upravo i prilikom izbora tekstova ureĊivaĉki odbor je ţelio da takvi radovi budu prioritetni u ovom zborniku, te je i sam naziv istog proistekao iz te ideje i potrebe. Nauĉni radnici, posebno oni koji su na poĉetku svoje akademske karijere, trebaju podršku kako bi istrajali u svom usavršavanju i nauĉnom dokazivanju. Ovaj Zbornik, kao i sam nauĉni skup, nastao je iz entuzijazma nekolicine profesora okupljenih oko Centra modernih znanja, da kroz ovakav vid nauĉnog rada otvore vrata nauke svim mladim nauĉnim radnicima i istraţivaĉima kako bi i njihova empirijska istraţivanja i dobijeni rezultati bili prezentovani široj javnosti. TakoĊe, dosadašnja saradnja sa kolegama iz Beograda i Nikšića rezultirala je da izdavaĉi ovog zbornika budu tri udruţenja iz regiona koja već duţi vremenski period saraĊuju organizujući razne edukacije. Brojni radovi otvaraju razne dileme i ostavljaju mjesta diskusiji kako i na koji naĉin nastaviti i razvijati razne nauĉne discipline. S tim u vezi ostavljamo vam prostora, da i vi svojim sugestijama i razmišljanjima, zajedno sa autorima traţite efikasnija rješenja i mogućnosti. Ovaj Zbornik nije konaĉan, jer nauka svaki dan traga za neĉim novim pa tako i autori i ureĊivaĉki tim ove publikacije.