Stradanje arhivske i registraturne građe na prostoru Kantona Sarajevo u požaru 7. februara/veljače 2014. godine
The riots that took place in Sarajevo on 7th of February 2014, ruined huge amounts of records of administrative bodies of the Sarajevo Canton and municipality Center. The largest part of the material was destroyed in the fire, and a smaller part was damaged by water used to extinguish fires. Archival material is damaged by water to special attention in saving by employees of the Historical archives of Sarajevo Canton and employees of the municipality Center. Attempts have been made of this material as quickly as dry as they are quickly emerged to attack the fungus. At the speed of drying material greatly influence of temperature and humidity. For ventilation, time plays a big role and luckily the above activities took place in the spring months. although there were a lot of rainy days and high levels of humidity, material is fast drying. Work on saving the soaked material is organized in two shifts, so that this whole process accelerated access to the material and its drying. Reducing the humidity in the premises of the depot through ventilation only makes sense if the absolute humidity of the outside air is less than the room depot. Making drafts by opening windows affects the temperature drop in the depot, and the fungus can not tolerate drafts. it was important not to heat up the room depots, even when the outside temperature is low.