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The text examines the COVID-19 Pandemic as an element of change that is already necessary for museums. It describes the study, its aims and objectives as carried out – its methodology and focuses on the need for the study and ways of reaching the audience. The work of museums in Bulgaria and the Balkans is presented, as well as the main contradictions in individual lockdowns. The activity on digital platforms and mainly on Facebook, where 100% of the studied museums are present, was examined. Models for working in a changed environment are indicated, which prove to be particularly important for the future of the museum in our country.
The hybrid staging of the Museum Exhibition Fair 2020 gave a clear signal that places of memory must and can adapt to the changed environment. Although slowly, the process of transformation began. The willingness of museums to join the Fair, to present themselves and their exhibitions with alternative, not well-known and not mastered mechanisms for working in the online space, is impressive. The search, testing and use of new and different communication channels is indicative of the perceived need for change to bring museums closer to their audiences and expand the circle of their audiences – initially virtual, and later with real visits. Museums are closing their doors, but as if for the first time in decades they are opening themselves wide, looking at themselves, studying and analyzing their behavior towards cultural heritage and users, trying to understand the expectations of their visitors and provoke their interest.
The text examines the meaning of maintaining a museum blog and a museum YouTube channel, giving examples from the activities of Bulgarian museums. Among them, about 50% have a YouTube channel, but do not have much video content, and rarely use the Blog. Nevertheless, some of the museums have seen an increase in uploaded video products just during the Pandemic.
The second article focuses on dialectical logic, biological and spiritual determination, freedom of choice, consciousness and Self-consciousness, as well as on non-evolutionary development. A correlation analysis was carried out, on the one hand: between organic structures, neurophysiology, events of the bodily organism and, on the other hand, mental processes, states and formations, especially free will or creativity, as well as cognitive functions, consciousness and self-conscious Mind. Here consciousness can be a determinant, and information is a mediator between Mind and body.
The text reveals the approaches of the philosopher as a thinker to be in the being. Two possible paradigms for achieving the absolute as a form of philosophizing are presented. One is related to the school-academic historicalphilosophical approach, and the other is related to metaphysical experience as an act. The thesis is asserted that the metaphysical goal is achievable only as an individual practical experience of transcendence through the action of the thinker conceived as a precedent. The understanding is argued that it is in the metaphysical act that the thinker objectifies philosophical wisdom, not just the love of philosophy.
The present article regards the influence exerted by the Hermetic philosophy on the original works of one of the last representatives of Tarnovo literary school – Konstantin Kostenechki. They are found not only in the explicit mention of Hermest Trismegist in “The Biography of Stefan Larzarević” among philosophes to whom God has partly revealed “the truth” but also in one long and sophisticated syllogism where God Father is presented as “Mind” and “The Sources of the First Mind”. Some specific terms, the description of the Serbian anchorites and one unusual transformation of the Gospel text (Mathew 6:6) also must be ascribed to Hermetic influence. All of these hermetic elements most probably have been loaned from Greek sources having included fragments of “Corpus Hermeticum” and some other hermetic texts.
One of the important topics in the field of philosophy of religion is the relationship between the various forms of the Divine, in particular the wellknown distinction between "philosophical God" and personalist understandings of God (Blaise Pascal). Spinoza's ethics is oriented mainly to the argumentation of the first understanding and is its consistent implementation. Hegel's interpretation of Spinoza is reconstructed here in view of the question of pantheism and atheism in Spinoza's system and whether and to what extent Hegel rehabilitated and "justified" Spinoza. Our thesis is that Hegel's position on too many God in Spinoza is incomplete and imprecise.
The article is dedicated to one of the fundamental social problems – the problem of inequality in the field of education and the mechanisms of its reproduction. The author's view of the problem is related to understanding the evolution of the institute of education in the light of the accompanying scientific discourse, which usually starts with the issue of equal access to educational resources, and then emphasizes on discussing the possibilities for equality of educational outcomes. The author traces several main stages that reveal the progressive movement of the institutional nature of education, especially in the direction of expanding its accessibility, openness and efficiency, which at the same time remains firmly embedded in the existing system of stratification. Attention is paid mainly to the analysis of the way in which the institutional instruments in the form of selection and differentiation are materialized in the complex mechanisms and realities of the pedagogical process and contribute to the exacerbation of educational inequalities.
This article is focused on the differences between shame and guilt examined through a psychological perspective. The purpose of this analysis developed here is to attain conceptual clarity about what is distinctive about shame and guilt. We claim that shame is erroneously included in the category of “moral emotions” and that, paradoxically, there is nothing moral in it. To this end, we emphasize that shame is produced by the failure to achieve a certain minimum, which is social in its nature. It is therefore connected with low demands on one’s self and low self-esteem. Guilt, on the other hand, is based on the failure to achieve a subjective maximum and an ideal, so it tends to be observed in personalities that exhibit high demands upon themselves and a high self-esteem.
The article summarized the results of the research activity of Andrey Rossokhin, which is devoted to studying the dynamics of reflection in the altered states of consciousness in the course of psychoanalytic process. These states of consciousness are characterized by transformation of the semantic space of the subject and changing forms of categorization with a transition from socially normed to new ways of rationalizing internal experience and experiences take place. By theoretical and empirical analyses, A. Rossokhin concluded that through means of the internal dialogue during the altered states of consciousness, it carries out an active reflexive rethinking activity both previously non-reflective mental content and the very strategies of reflection with the internal dialogue. This leads to qualitative alteration in value-meaning formations, activates, and brings about the personality integration into a new, more complete state.
A growing body of evidence suggests that there is a link between laughter and memory. However, no research has been done to show a link between simulated laughter (laughter yoga) and the enhancement of working memory. Because laughter has numerous benefits, we examined whether simulated laughter can improve healthy adults’ working memory (WM). A total of 30 participants (15 experimental and 15 control) were enrolled in this study. The research design was experimental and pretest-posttest with a control group. Participants in the laughter yoga intervention group had eight sessions twice a week for four weeks, whereas the control group received no intervention. We assessed all participants before and after laughter activity with the WM measures (Corsi Block Test and Digit Span). The laughter intervention programme focused on simulated laughter (laughter yoga) without relying on humour, jokes, or comedy. The results revealed a significant improvement in the memory of both visual and verbal WM performances in the experimental group after the intervention programme. In contrast, the study found no significant differences in the control group. Simulated laughter intervention is the easiest, practical, and cost-efficient method that seems to affect WM positively.
The main aim of this paper was an attempt to characterize the social security of national and ethnic minorities in Poland in the light of the ethnic policy of the state. It assumes not only the sanctioning of the existence of a multiethnic and multicultural society but also supporting communities of citizens of different national origins. The paper reviews the most important theoretical concepts such as social security, ethnic policy, and social security of national and ethnic minorities. Moreover, groups of citizens of the Republic of Poland with different national origins were listed and characterized, the system of sources of law on the protection of national minorities in Poland was identified, as well as the entities predestined to provide the aforementioned security to minorities were presented. The following research methods were used: comparative, statistical, and historical, with the use of literary criticism and the analysis of sources as exemplary research techniques. They allowed noticing the regularity of the Polish state’s attempts to ensure social security for minorities (understood as the fulfillment of their material and spiritual needs) which are elementary features of the contemporary ethnic policy of the Republic of Poland.