Модерната политика на управление на човешките ресурси и компетентностният подход при обучението в администрацията
The paper is focused on the policy of human resources management in the public sector, which aims to increase the professional skills and qualifications of civil servants through trainings in order to develop a modern, effective and citizen-oriented system of public administration. In brief, this policy gives priority to training because it is seen as a targeted investment to good governance.The first part of the paper deals with two separate but closely related issues – administrative system and reform of human resources management in public administration. The reason is that the principles and organizational model of the administrative system provide implications on the policy of human resources management in administration. The second part explains the relationship between the concept of competency and the model of excellence. This model could be used in any organization, which makes it a contemporary approach to public administration management. Finally, the paper outlines that the traditional model of training is outdated and the competency approach in training has become wide-spread in public and private sectors. The expected result for the Bulgarian administration is that using this training approach will significantly enhance civil servants’ professional competence and thus the impact on the quality of governance will be significant.