Philology problems: theoretical and practical aspects: Scientific Conference, 8th Edition. Cover Image

Probleme de filologie: aspecte teoretice şi practice : Conferinţa ştiinţifică, Ediţia a 8-a
Philology problems: theoretical and practical aspects: Scientific Conference, 8th Edition.

Author(s): Ana Pomelnicova
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Translation Studies, Theory of Literature
Published by: Biblioteca Ştiinţifică a Universităţii de Stat Alecu Russo
Keywords: conferinta; USARB;

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-9975-161-21-3
  • Page Count: 281
  • Publication Year: 2022
  • Language: English, Romanian, German
Verben der Kochkunst des Deutschen und des Rumänischen: eine Lexikalisch-kulturelle VergleichSanalyse

Verben der Kochkunst des Deutschen und des Rumänischen: eine Lexikalisch-kulturelle VergleichSanalyse
(Verbs of the culinary arts of German and the Romanian: a lexical-cultural Comparative analysis)

Die Rolle der Hausaufgaben im Fremdsprachenunterricht

Die Rolle der Hausaufgaben im Fremdsprachenunterricht
(The role of homework in foreign language lessons)

Über Phonetische Probleme im Daf-unterricht

Über Phonetische Probleme im Daf-unterricht
(On phonetic problems in daf-teaching)

On some features of medical translation in teaching ma students

On some features of medical translation in teaching ma students
(On some features of medical translation in teaching ma students)

Die Förderung des Sprechens durch Simulation im Fremdsprachenunterricht

Die Förderung des Sprechens durch Simulation im Fremdsprachenunterricht
(Promoting speaking through simulation Foreign language lessons)

„Werbespotspezifische" ubungen im handlungsorientierten daf-unterricht

„Werbespotspezifische" ubungen im handlungsorientierten daf-unterricht
(“Commercial-specific” exercises in action-oriented German as a foreign language lesson)

Experience at the classes of english

Experience at the classes of english
(Experience at the classes of english)

The Effectiveness of Using Power Point in Teaching -Learning Progress

The Effectiveness of Using Power Point in Teaching -Learning Progress
(The Effectiveness of Using Power Point in Teaching -Learning Progress)

The Development of Critical Thinking as The Primary Goal of Educational Process

The Development of Critical Thinking as The Primary Goal of Educational Process
(The Development of Critical Thinking as The Primary Goal of Educational Process)

Metode de evaluare prin TIC a competenţelor lingvistice al limbii engleze

Metode de evaluare prin TIC a competenţelor lingvistice al limbii engleze
(ICT assessment methods of competences linguistics of the English language)

Differentiated Instruction Strategies for English Language Learners

Differentiated Instruction Strategies for English Language Learners
(Differentiated Instruction Strategies for English Language Learners)

Teaching Passive Constructions to Gymnasium Pupils

Teaching Passive Constructions to Gymnasium Pupils
(Teaching Passive Constructions to Gymnasium Pupils)

Digitale Werkzeugeim Fremdsprachenunterricht

Digitale Werkzeugeim Fremdsprachenunterricht
(Digital tools in foreign language teaching)

Predarea prepozițiilor in / an / auf însoțite de cazul dativ (dificultăți și reușite). Scenariu de lecție pentru clasa a VII-a la disciplina limba germană

Predarea prepozițiilor in / an / auf însoțite de cazul dativ (dificultăți și reușite). Scenariu de lecție pentru clasa a VII-a la disciplina limba germană
(Teaching the prepositions in / an / auf accompanied by the case dative (difficulties and successes). Lesson scenario for 7th grade in the German language discipline)

Teaching Business English to Students: Prioritizing Vocabulary

Teaching Business English to Students: Prioritizing Vocabulary
(Teaching Business English to Students: Prioritizing Vocabulary)

Creativitatea – o componentă eficientă în predarea limbilor străine

Creativitatea – o componentă eficientă în predarea limbilor străine
(Creativity – an effective component in teaching foreign languages)

Teaching the Speech Act of Praise via the Phenomenon-Based Approach

Teaching the Speech Act of Praise via the Phenomenon-Based Approach
(Teaching the Speech Act of Praise via the Phenomenon-Based Approach)

Oportunităţi metodologice în eficientizarea predării limbii engleze de afaceri

Oportunităţi metodologice în eficientizarea predării limbii engleze de afaceri
(Methodological opportunities in teaching efficiency business English)

Сопоставительный аспект изучения модальных глаголов русского и английского языков

Сопоставительный аспект изучения модальных глаголов русского и английского языков
(The comparative aspect of studying modal verbs of Russian and English languages)

Valorificarea lexicului terminologic în dezvoltarea competenței enciclopedice la treapta gimnazială

Valorificarea lexicului terminologic în dezvoltarea competenței enciclopedice la treapta gimnazială
(The use of the terminological lexicon in development encyclopedic competence at the secondary school level)

Etimologizarea ca procedeu de asimilare a terminologiei

Etimologizarea ca procedeu de asimilare a terminologiei
(Etymology as a process of assimilation a terminology)

Transdisciplinaritatea terminologiei din aria curriculară limbă și comunicare

Transdisciplinaritatea terminologiei din aria curriculară limbă și comunicare
(The transdisciplinarity of the terminology in the area language and communication curriculum)

О профессиональной компетенции преподавателя русского языка как иностранного

О профессиональной компетенции преподавателя русского языка как иностранного
(About the professional competence of a teacher Russian as a foreign language)

Secvența didactică centrată pe textul literar postmodernist

Secvența didactică centrată pe textul literar postmodernist
(The didactic sequence centered on the literary text postmodernist)

Die altarmenischen Phraseologismen und derenÜbersetzungen ins Deutsche

Die altarmenischen Phraseologismen und derenÜbersetzungen ins Deutsche
(Die altarmenischen Phraseologismen und derenÜbersetzungen ins Deutsche)

Prononciations de la Lettre «D» en français: Perspectives Linguistique

Prononciations de la Lettre «D» en français: Perspectives Linguistique
(Pronunciations of the Letter “D” in French: Linguistic Perspectives)

Komparative Phraseologismen in der interkulturellen Kommunikation

Komparative Phraseologismen in der interkulturellen Kommunikation
(Comparative phraseologisms in intercultural communication)

The Ways of Underastanding the Business Economic Terms Using Cognate and Distance Pairs Approach

The Ways of Underastanding the Business Economic Terms Using Cognate and Distance Pairs Approach
(The Ways of Underastanding the Business Economic Terms Using Cognate and Distance Pairs Approach)

Cultural competence in business english terminology

Cultural competence in business english terminology
(Cultural competence in business english terminology)

Verwendung von Paarformeln in der Zeitungssprache

Verwendung von Paarformeln in der Zeitungssprache
(Use of paired formulas in newspaper language)

Préstamos Turcos en la Lengua Española

Préstamos Turcos en la Lengua Española
(Turkish Loanwords in the Spanish Language)

Emphasis Means in Advertisements

Emphasis Means in Advertisements
(Emphasis Means in Advertisements)