Probleme de filologie: aspecte teoretice şi practice : Conferinţa ştiinţifică, Ediţia a 8-a
Philology problems: theoretical and practical aspects: Scientific Conference, 8th Edition.
Author(s): Ana Pomelnicova
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Translation Studies, Theory of Literature
Published by: Biblioteca Ştiinţifică a Universităţii de Stat Alecu Russo
Keywords: conferinta; USARB;
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-9975-161-21-3
- Page Count: 281
- Publication Year: 2022
- Language: English, Romanian, German
Verben der Kochkunst des Deutschen und des Rumänischen: eine Lexikalisch-kulturelle VergleichSanalyse
Verben der Kochkunst des Deutschen und des Rumänischen: eine Lexikalisch-kulturelle VergleichSanalyse
(Verbs of the culinary arts of German and the Romanian: a lexical-cultural Comparative analysis)
- Author(s):Oxana Chira
- Language:German
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Philology, Translation Studies
- Page Range:5-14
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:verb; gastronomy; specialized language; phraseology; comparative analysis;
- Summary/Abstract:The current study emphasizes morphological, lexical and semantic features of culinary verbs. These verbs have some peculiarities related specifically to the culinary arts. Depending on the context, culinary arts can represent either a specialized activity or an everyday one. Therefore, its terminology has specialized terms, approximate synonyms and a large number of terms with metaphorical meanings.
Die Rolle der Hausaufgaben im Fremdsprachenunterricht
Die Rolle der Hausaufgaben im Fremdsprachenunterricht
(The role of homework in foreign language lessons)
- Author(s):Svetlana Corcevschi
- Language:German
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Foreign languages learning, Studies of Literature, Sociology of Literature
- Page Range:14-20
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:tema pentru acasă; activitatea individuală; lucru de sinteză; proces instructiv-educativ;
- Summary/Abstract:Tema de acasă a fost cercetată mai mult de o sută de ani de mai mulţiprofesori. Tema de acasă este definită ca un set de cerințe destinate a fi efectuateîn afara orelor de clasă, ca o prelungire a activității de studiu prin activitateindividuală, teoretică sau practică, de documentare sau elaborare a unei lucrari desinteză sau a unor proiecte pe baza cunostințelor dobândite în clasă.Tema pentru acasă favorizează însuşirea tehnicilor de informare şi de studiu,dezvoltarea creativității, cultivarea unui stil de muncă intelectuală independentă,îl învață pe elev sau student să îmbine cunoștintele generale sau specificedisciplinei acumulate până atunci, cu informațiile primite în timpul orei.
Über Phonetische Probleme im Daf-unterricht
Über Phonetische Probleme im Daf-unterricht
(On phonetic problems in daf-teaching)
- Author(s):Ana Pomelnicova
- Language:German
- Subject(s):Language studies, Foreign languages learning
- Page Range:21-30
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:phonetic skills; German lessons; phonological phonetic competence; acquisition process; difficulties;
- Summary/Abstract:The article deals with the formation of phonetic skills in the initial phase ofGerman lessons, analyzes the features of the phonetic system of the Germanlanguage in comparison with the pronunciation system of the mother tongue,gives an overview of typical learning difficulties of German learners in beginnerlessons.
On some features of medical translation in teaching ma students
On some features of medical translation in teaching ma students
(On some features of medical translation in teaching ma students)
- Author(s):Micaela Ţaulean
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:30-37
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:text medical; termini medicale; instrucţiuni medicale; tehnici de traducere; prieteni falşi ai traducătorului;
- Summary/Abstract:Dezvoltarea intensă а comunicării profesionale în domeniul medicineiîn limba engleză, precum și numărul tot mai mare de profesioniști implicați încomunicarea internațională, a dus la creșterea interesului pentru studiulterminologiei medicale și a problemei traducerii acesteia. Acest аrticol discutătehnicile de bază ale traducerii textelor medicale și dezvăluie specificul traduceriiacestora. Sunt evidențiate problemele cu care se pot confrunta traducătorii latraducerea textelor medicinale.
Die Förderung des Sprechens durch Simulation im Fremdsprachenunterricht
Die Förderung des Sprechens durch Simulation im Fremdsprachenunterricht
(Promoting speaking through simulation Foreign language lessons)
- Author(s):Tiosa Iuliana
- Language:German
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Social Sciences, General Reference Works
- Page Range:38-48
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:simulare; faze de realizare; competența de comunicare; joc de rol;
- Summary/Abstract:This article describes the process of simulation like an interactive andcommunicative method. The article begins with 6 definitions which arepresented and analysed. Furthermore, the aspects of application of simulation aredescribed at the German lesson. At last, the differences and similarities betweensimulation, roleplaying games, theater games and planning games are broughtup.
„Werbespotspezifische" ubungen im handlungsorientierten daf-unterricht
„Werbespotspezifische" ubungen im handlungsorientierten daf-unterricht
(“Commercial-specific” exercises in action-oriented German as a foreign language lesson)
- Author(s):Tatiana Kononova
- Language:German
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:48-56
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:TV cd fommercials; action-orienteoreign language lessons; components of the commercial; selection criteria for the commercials; uses of the commercials
- Summary/Abstract:This article explorează possible uses of television commercials in action-orientedGerman as a foreign language lessons, which are based on the interaction of theelements image, text/language, music and color and can be carried out in threephases: before viewing (attunement and preliminary relief), during viewing(presentation of the commercial) and after seeing (action orientation and classdiscussion). Furthermore, the didactic potential of the commercials is derivedfrom their selection criteria, which can be divided and classified under threeaspects: the general didactic aspect, the information aspect and the interculturalaspect.
Experience at the classes of english
Experience at the classes of english
(Experience at the classes of english)
- Author(s):Victoria Mascaliuc, Bârliba Tatiana
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:56-64
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:English; experiential learning; challenge-based model; authentic opportunities;
- Summary/Abstract:The article underlines the importance of experiential learning in teachingEnglish. It traces a connection between experiential learning and therequirements of the labor market. Being a research-based, hand-on learningprocess, the focus on experience pushes students beyond the traditionalclassroom. The authors present challenge-based model as one strategy to be usedat the classes of English to expose students to authentic learning opportunities.
The Effectiveness of Using Power Point in Teaching -Learning Progress
The Effectiveness of Using Power Point in Teaching -Learning Progress
(The Effectiveness of Using Power Point in Teaching -Learning Progress)
- Author(s):Anastasia Romanova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life
- Page Range:64-74
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:PowerPoint; teaching foreign languages; remote education; digital competence;
- Summary/Abstract:The use of PowerPoint presentations for teaching has considerable potential forencouraging more professional presentations. This paper reviews the advantagesand disadvantages associated with its use in a teaching and learning context andsuggests some guidelines and pedagogical strategies that need to be consideredwhere it is to be used. It summarizes some of the key principles of presentationthat are frequently ignored and recommends some of the approaches that need tobe incorporated into good practice. It states that PowerPoint, when appropriatelyused, is a very powerful and flexible teaching and learning support tool tofacilitate the improved delivery of academic courses.
The Development of Critical Thinking as The Primary Goal of Educational Process
The Development of Critical Thinking as The Primary Goal of Educational Process
(The Development of Critical Thinking as The Primary Goal of Educational Process)
- Author(s):Ina Andoni, Natalia Hioară
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Geography, Regional studies, Library and Information Science
- Page Range:75-81
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:critical thinking; students; skills; requirements; education; knowledge; approach
- Summary/Abstract:Critical thinking is a dominant concept in educational improvements that call forinstitutes to place a greater emphasis on skills that are used in all subject areasand that students can apply in all educational, career, and civic situationsthroughout their lives.
Metode de evaluare prin TIC a competenţelor lingvistice al limbii engleze
Metode de evaluare prin TIC a competenţelor lingvistice al limbii engleze
(ICT assessment methods of competences linguistics of the English language)
- Author(s):Svetlana Apachița
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Library and Information Science
- Page Range:81-89
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:evaluation; competence; linguistic competence; the evaluation of linguistic competences; ITC instruments; digital competences; didactics of the French language.
- Summary/Abstract:ICT tools are widely used as a basic means in the study of foreignlanguages, due to the access they give to the multitude of multilingualinformation. In this context, the study of the topic is important from theperspective of the current trend of integrating ICT in higher education, in orderto solve modern pedagogical issues, determined by the need to improve theuniversity instructional-educational process in relation to labor market needs, inline with the demands of the information society
Differentiated Instruction Strategies for English Language Learners
Differentiated Instruction Strategies for English Language Learners
(Differentiated Instruction Strategies for English Language Learners)
- Author(s):Natalia Bolgari
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Philosophy, Social Sciences, Library and Information Science
- Page Range:89-97
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:curriculum; ELL; readiness; interest; learning profile; differentiated strategies.
- Summary/Abstract:Every student is unique by his academic needs, as well as by hisbackground experience, personality, culture, language, interests, and attitudestowards the whole learning process. This article outlines differentiatedinstruction strategies according to student’s readiness, interest and learningprofile. In order to succeed in differentiating tasks, teachers should: figure outwhat can be differentiated, profile student readiness, identify meaningful goalsand objectives, create learning profiles and create differentiated strategies withassessment data.
Teaching Passive Constructions to Gymnasium Pupils
Teaching Passive Constructions to Gymnasium Pupils
(Teaching Passive Constructions to Gymnasium Pupils)
- Author(s):Angela Călăraș
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Library and Information Science
- Page Range:97-104
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:the passive voice; passive constructions; acomplex gra mmatical issue; importat characteristics; a two-menmber opposition; syntactical relations; variations in word order.
- Summary/Abstract:The article is a study based on several opinions of some scholarsthe notorious regarding the passive diathesis, the principles and characteristics of the formation andits application. The research presents the numerous use cases ofpassive constructions in English, the grammatical tenses used andthe changes related to the topic of the sentences.The article highlights the difficulties faced by teachers andstudents in the process of teaching / learning (assimilation) of the passive diathesis andeffective teaching methods to facilitate and consolidate this themegrammar in English classes in secondary school.
Digitale Werkzeugeim Fremdsprachenunterricht
Digitale Werkzeugeim Fremdsprachenunterricht
(Digital tools in foreign language teaching)
- Author(s):Svetlana Dzecheş
- Language:German
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, General Reference Works, Library and Information Science
- Page Range:104-113
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:digital platforms; German language; educational software; apps; process instructive-educational
- Summary/Abstract:n a world where the use of IT and Communications technologies is afundamental characteristic, they will represent the central element in education,involving changes in educational policies, both in setting targets andin developing strategies, securing resources and training specialists.This article aims to demonstrate the necessity of using IT technologiesby introducing educational software in the study process. In this article, oselection of 3 digital tools (learning apps, padlet, word clouds)are presented in practice and the selection criteria for the lessons are givenGerman language. We also present and analyze the possible uses ofdigital media in German language lessons that are based on certainconstructivist characteristics.
Predarea prepozițiilor in / an / auf însoțite de cazul dativ (dificultăți și reușite). Scenariu de lecție pentru clasa a VII-a la disciplina limba germană
Predarea prepozițiilor in / an / auf însoțite de cazul dativ (dificultăți și reușite). Scenariu de lecție pentru clasa a VII-a la disciplina limba germană
(Teaching the prepositions in / an / auf accompanied by the case dative (difficulties and successes). Lesson scenario for 7th grade in the German language discipline)
- Author(s):Olesea Gîrlea
- Language:German
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Library and Information Science
- Page Range:113-120
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:agreement; preposition; dative case; definite articles; gender nouns
- Summary/Abstract:In the respective article we approach the complex phenomenon of thesymbiosis between the prepositions in, an, auf which require the dative case inGerman and we speak we are talking about the necessary agreement between thedefinite article / possessive pronouns and the gender of nouns. We proposeconceptual schemes and a didactic design model accompanied by textbooks andalternative sources that facilitate the teaching-learning process.
Teaching Business English to Students: Prioritizing Vocabulary
Teaching Business English to Students: Prioritizing Vocabulary
(Teaching Business English to Students: Prioritizing Vocabulary)
- Author(s):Alla Mămăligă
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Library and Information Science
- Page Range:120-129
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:glossary; lexis; task-based assignments; teaching / learning strategies; vocabulary teaching
- Summary/Abstract:The efficient acquisition of a specialized vocabulary in a foreign language is notonly the concern of the students, but also a major concern of the teacher. Thisarticle focuses on the crucial role of the teacher in choosing appropriatestrategies and materials to help improve students’ learning of new terms, bothduring class activities and individual work, as well as on the role of vocabularyin learning English. If English language teaching traditionally focuses on thedetailed study of grammatical rules, to the detriment of vocabulary, along withthe increasing use of communication-based methods, the study of vocabularyshould regain its well-deserved place. Additionally, the article refers to theimportance vocabulary knowledge has in learning a foreign language, whatstudying vocabulary means, the problems that teachers might face when teachingvocabulary to students, as well as techniques that may make teaching vocabularymore attractive to students.
Creativitatea – o componentă eficientă în predarea limbilor străine
Creativitatea – o componentă eficientă în predarea limbilor străine
(Creativity – an effective component in teaching foreign languages)
- Author(s):Lidia Panainte
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Library and Information Science
- Page Range:130-137
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Creativity; creative teacher; student; motivation; foreign languages; problem-solving.
- Summary/Abstract:The article attempts to describe the characteristics and the role of thecreative teacher during language classes, motivating and modeling creativestudents, potential specialists in the international labour market. In this context,creativity and innovation play an important role in the education process, asschools and higher education institutions are a key core in developing students'creative and innovative potential for their further professional activities. Thus,creativity is also a necessary element in teaching a foreign language. As weknow, studying a foreign language requires a lot of effort to master. And studentsoften lose interest
Teaching the Speech Act of Praise via the Phenomenon-Based Approach
Teaching the Speech Act of Praise via the Phenomenon-Based Approach
(Teaching the Speech Act of Praise via the Phenomenon-Based Approach)
- Author(s):Elena Varzari
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Library and Information Science
- Page Range:137-143
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Phenomenon-based learning; learner-centred approach; the speech act of praise; student inquiry; problem solving.
- Summary/Abstract:The goal of the present article is to investigate how the Phenomenon-BasedLearning Approach can be applied in teaching the speech act of praise. Beinglearner-centred, Phenomenon-based learning is a rather new multidisciplinaryteaching style based on learner inquiry and problem solving activities. Itsnovelty lies in the procedure within which the students themselves, under theguidance of teachers, choose a topic (phenomenon), decide what they want toknow about it, explore and answer their own questions using and applyingexisting knowledge from various subjects appropriate to the solving of the setgoals. We propose the scenario of such an activity following some of the stepsspecific for the PhBL approach.
Oportunităţi metodologice în eficientizarea predării limbii engleze de afaceri
Oportunităţi metodologice în eficientizarea predării limbii engleze de afaceri
(Methodological opportunities in teaching efficiency business English)
- Author(s):Serghei Vasilachi
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Economy, Literary Texts, Library and Information Science
- Page Range:143-152
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:learning methods; strategies; communication skills; interdependenvironmentnt; business e
- Summary/Abstract:The paper presents language learning methods for those who teach BusinessEnglish classes to university students. It also includes several strategies on how144to improve their reading, writing, listening and especially communication skills,while offering advice on how to prepare them to manage in an ever-changing,interdependent, multicultural business environment.
Сопоставительный аспект изучения модальных глаголов русского и английского языков
Сопоставительный аспект изучения модальных глаголов русского и английского языков
(The comparative aspect of studying modal verbs of Russian and English languages)
- Author(s):Victoria Barbun
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Library and Information Science
- Page Range:153-162
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:modality; modal verbs; comparative analysis; possibility/impossibility
- Summary/Abstract:In this article the author deals with the problem of describing modalverbs in Russian and English. The research is based on a comparative approachto determine general and specific features. It is noticed that the Russian modalverbs differ from all the other verbs with semantic insufficiency, but the Englishmodal verbs also have a functional insufficiency (defective verbs), they lack aseries of important grammatical features. More differences appear at themorphological level.
Valorificarea lexicului terminologic în dezvoltarea competenței enciclopedice la treapta gimnazială
Valorificarea lexicului terminologic în dezvoltarea competenței enciclopedice la treapta gimnazială
(The use of the terminological lexicon in development encyclopedic competence at the secondary school level)
- Author(s):Boz Olga
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Library and Information Science
- Page Range:162-168
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:lexical competence; encyclopedic competence; term; terminology; school discipline; strategy; teacher; student. Școala
- Summary/Abstract:This article treats with a delicate issue regarding the operationalizationand capitalization of the terminological lexicon in the development ofencyclopedic competence (an important component of communicationcompetence) in all school subjects, at the gymnasium level. It aims at thestudent's assimilation of a scaffolding of metalinguistic knowledge, considered asine qua non condition of a correct, clear and nuanced expression. Moreover, thedifficulty of the problem facing education today is no longer aimed at theassimilation by students of knowledge systems in different fields of knowledge,through monodisciplinary study, but mainly their endowment, through integratedlearning, with sets of functional competencies, which favor the transfer andmobilization of knowledge in order to emphasize the action dimension oftraining.
Etimologizarea ca procedeu de asimilare a terminologiei
Etimologizarea ca procedeu de asimilare a terminologiei
(Etymology as a process of assimilation a terminology)
- Author(s):Tatiana Cartaleanu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Language and Literature Studies, Library and Information Science
- Page Range:169-178
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:term; terminology; etymologization; operationalization; biology; chemistry
- Summary/Abstract:The article discusses the etymologization of scientific terminology inschool textbooks. Without making reference to the actual teaching ofetymological concepts, research classifies the references made to the origins ofthe mandatory terms listed in current curricula as follows: complexetymologization; partial reference; aleatory reference; total disregard. Based onexamples chosen from current Biology and Chemistry gymnasium-levelMoldovan textbooks, we have discovered a dearth of strategy and commonpolicy in presenting the origins of a term. This gap could be liquidated in thenext regulation update by establishing a common platform for the relevantcurricular area.
Transdisciplinaritatea terminologiei din aria curriculară limbă și comunicare
Transdisciplinaritatea terminologiei din aria curriculară limbă și comunicare
(The transdisciplinarity of the terminology in the area language and communication curriculum)
- Author(s):Olga Cosovan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Library and Information Science
- Page Range:178-186
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:curricular area; transdisciplinarity; terminological system; semantics; algorithm
- Summary/Abstract:The terminology used in the Language and Communication curriculararea contains numerous specifically philological vocabulary units. Theinterdisciplinary potential of philological terminology comes into play when aword that is a legitimate linguistics or literary theory term passes into social andhuman sciences or arts, with slight semantic adjustments. The transdisciplinarypotential of philological terminology may be perceived in certain situations,amongst which we could name a lexicographic approach to words; perceivingsemantic processes, which also involves terms; the use and the specificsemantisation of terminological word combinations, with common elementsappearing in various terminological systems, as well as the assimilation ofalgorithms for the fulfilment of intellectual operations and the development ofassessable products
О профессиональной компетенции преподавателя русского языка как иностранного
О профессиональной компетенции преподавателя русского языка как иностранного
(About the professional competence of a teacher Russian as a foreign language)
- Author(s):Evgenija POBEDAŠ
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Library and Information Science
- Page Range:187-191
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:professional competence; Russian as a foreign language; the nativelanguage principle; digital competence.
- Summary/Abstract:This article analyzes the concept of professional competence of theteacher. Digital skills are presented as the most dynamic and modern. The authordescribes the difficulties faced by the foreign language teacher, taking intoacount the mother tongue of the students, the culture of the country of the studiedlanguage and the native culture of the students.Key-words: professional competence, Russian as a foreign language, the nativelanguageprinciple, digital competence.
Secvența didactică centrată pe textul literar postmodernist
Secvența didactică centrată pe textul literar postmodernist
(The didactic sequence centered on the literary text postmodernist)
- Author(s):Lilia Răciula, Voicu Felicia
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Library and Information Science
- Page Range:192-206
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:didactic sequence; postmodernist text; reading workshop; chromatics; etc.
- Summary/Abstract:This approach discusses the postmodernist literary text froma didactic perspective, proposing some strategies to address it in pre-universityeducation in the form of a reading workshop for 10th-grade students, and ahumanities profile. The planned didactic activity focuses the students' attentionon the discovery of the postmodernist lyrical text. The exercise ofcomprehension of the postmodernist lyrical work will be preceded by a networkreading of the work of the poet Margareta Curtescu, and by the identification andfixation of the chrononyms on a lexical file. The colour sequences offer variouspossibilities for a creative exercise, the reading of the texts will be accompaniedby a lexical sheet in which the students will identify the chrononyms.
Die altarmenischen Phraseologismen und derenÜbersetzungen ins Deutsche
Die altarmenischen Phraseologismen und derenÜbersetzungen ins Deutsche
(Die altarmenischen Phraseologismen und derenÜbersetzungen ins Deutsche)
- Author(s):Vanuhi BAGHMANYAN
- Language:German
- Subject(s):History, Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Library and Information Science
- Page Range:206-218
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Expresii; Grabar (vechea limbă armeană); limba germană; traducere; 207 definiție
- Summary/Abstract:Phrase, Grabar (Old Armenian), German, translation, definition.Summary: Phrases of Grabar և their German translations. The following work isdedicated to the comparative study of the old Armenian phrases and their Germantranslations. A number of Grabarian historiographical works of the 5th-12thcenturies, their German translations, were chosen to be the basis for the research. Asa result of the study, the boundaries of the term "phrase" were clarified, the vitalityof the old Armenian phrases today was revealed, their capabilities of wordformation, of course, the possibilities of translating Old Armenian phrases intoGerman, the peculiarities of linguistic mentality of the two nations.
Prononciations de la Lettre «D» en français: Perspectives Linguistique
Prononciations de la Lettre «D» en français: Perspectives Linguistique
(Pronunciations of the Letter “D” in French: Linguistic Perspectives)
- Author(s):Angela Coşciug
- Language:French
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Library and Information Science
- Page Range:219-222
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:letter; reading; word; position; exception
- Summary/Abstract:The article deals with the reading rules of letter ”d” in French.Reading in French is a difficult thing to teach and learn, especially to beginners.
Komparative Phraseologismen in der interkulturellen Kommunikation
Komparative Phraseologismen in der interkulturellen Kommunikation
(Comparative phraseologisms in intercultural communication)
- Author(s):Stella Hîrbu
- Language:German
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Library and Information Science
- Page Range:222-229
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:comparative idioms; interculteral communication; cultural norms; connotation.
- Summary/Abstract:The article focuses on ”comparative idioms” in the interculteralcommunication and argues for the need to study them as a means ofimplementing cultural norms. There was made an attempt to reveal the culturalconnotation of some standard images of comparative idioms. A systemic analysisof a contrastive-typological nature, going beyond the confines of a bilingualperspective, is an appropriate theoretical contribution to the field of phraseology.Knowledge of the relationships between meanings, components and variety ofimages, which underlie phraseological comparisons in Germanic, Slavic andRomance languages, is of relevance for European intercultural communication.
The Ways of Underastanding the Business Economic Terms Using Cognate and Distance Pairs Approach
The Ways of Underastanding the Business Economic Terms Using Cognate and Distance Pairs Approach
(The Ways of Underastanding the Business Economic Terms Using Cognate and Distance Pairs Approach)
- Author(s):Ecaterina Ruga, Natalia Hioară, Ina Andoni
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Library and Information Science
- Page Range:229-243
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:cognate pairs; distance pairs; Brexit; the right to move; visa; consequencing (indices)
- Summary/Abstract:Who knows if the people will understand the language we are using now in a fewdecades. Taking a glance around, we’ll notice a mass of new words surroundingus, brought to us both deliberately by language trends or publicity andreflexively through language change over time. Generally, it can be said that themagnification of the English language vocabulary, as well as any other language,is intimately associated with the human’s social life with a high intensity as in230the case of Brexit (Britain / British + exit=UK’s withdrawal from the EU).The new event finds its mirror image in the language: the language grows, ourvocabulary expands, keeping the eyes open for the new words and new usage ofthe old words contemporary men become edge speakers of English language.The key to understand and identify the neologisms’ meaning lies in theirformation’s strategies coinage- contextual clues as close and distance pairs.
Cultural competence in business english terminology
Cultural competence in business english terminology
(Cultural competence in business english terminology)
- Author(s):Nicoleta Baghici
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts
- Page Range:243-254
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:culture; terminology; english language
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the growing importance ofintercultural competence in teaching and learning Business English in terms ofcultural awareness, which aids in communicating successfully – bothlinguistically and pragmatically– in a foreign language, in this case English, invarious business contexts across cultures.
Verwendung von Paarformeln in der Zeitungssprache
Verwendung von Paarformeln in der Zeitungssprache
(Use of paired formulas in newspaper language)
- Author(s):Irina Bulgacova
- Language:German
- Subject(s):Literary Texts, Library and Information Science
- Page Range:254-261
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:initial language, pair formula; twin formula; criterion of idiomaticity; codified form; modification
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents the results of a study of the use and functioning of paired phraseological combinations in the language of the press based on the material of the German newspaper “Die Zeit”. The varieties and lexical-semantic features of paired phraseological units are analyzed, their pragmatic functions in a newspaper text are determined. Particular attention is paid to the consideration of modified phraseological combinations.
Préstamos Turcos en la Lengua Española
Préstamos Turcos en la Lengua Española
(Turkish Loanwords in the Spanish Language)
- Author(s):Tatiana Gorea
- Language:Spanish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Library and Information Science
- Page Range:261-270
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:panish lexicon; loans; heritage words; cults; semi-cults; arabisms; Turkism
- Summary/Abstract:The origin of Turkish loanwords in Spanish is due to certain historical-political events. This phenomenon is one of the ways of enriching the lexicon of the language and is generally motivated by extralinguistic causes that are closely related to the development of social life, politics, science and culture. The objective of this article focuses on the study of borrowings from the Turkish language, the research is based on the dictionaries of the Spanish language. A small list of the most used Turkish loanwords from the Spanish lexicon is also presented.
Emphasis Means in Advertisements
Emphasis Means in Advertisements
(Emphasis Means in Advertisements)
- Author(s):Galina Petrea
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Library and Information Science
- Page Range:270-281
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Emphasis means; Conceptual Integration theory; hierarchy of effects; Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM); visual metaphor; perceived helpfulness of negativity; non-reciprocity
- Summary/Abstract:Proceeding from the fact that advertising is a type of persuasive discourse,emphasis is intrinsically one of its most strong tools. The engineering of consentto approve, to endorse a cause, to raise awareness, to undertake some measures,to act in a certain way, promoted by the social campaigns that I have focused onin the article, must indeed trigger a positive response, even if the message andthe visual are shockingly framed in a negative shade. New semantic decodingtechniques like the Conceptual Integration Theory but also pragmatics could beused to deconstruct and reconstruct the meaning which appears as a blending of astrong impact visual metaphor and an emphatic message. Persuasion is evidentlystudied extensively in psychology and research is successfully used in marketingand more exactly products, services promotion, however the same concepts likethe hierarchy of effects for influencing: learn→feel→do, could be applied notjust for the sale of luxury goods but also for impacting human behavior insensitive stringent social causes. The visual metaphors could have a higherdegree of ambiguity and openness to multiple interpretations, or a deficit ofmeaning, so that the textual message comes to place that stress and emphasisethe need to act.