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The attractiveness of employee engagement between business employees has motivated numerous practitioner studies. But, those studies have been performing from the finance or marketing point of view. However, organizational behaviour point of view limited theoretical studies have been conducted, particularly how employee engagement important for employees. The purpose of this research was to investigate what are the consequences of employee engagement in service sector of Pakistan. The collection of data has been done through questionnaire which was prepared to gauge the variables. Overall 301 useable questionnaires are used from which average age and working experience are 25-29 years and 2-5 years respectively whereas on the flip side 67 percent respondents are said to be male. The results of multiple regression analysis and confirmatory factor analysis strongly support the hypothesized relationships. Human resources department of the Service sector may implement the findings of this research to enhance the employee engagement in their respective organizations.
The paper includes materials from the International Scientific Conference "Psychology in the Third Millennium - Problems and Solutions" (25.10.2019) and the Conference of Students - Future Psychologists (26.10.2019). The scientific achievements presented in this collection are useful both for specialists in the field of psychology and for specialists in the field of education, medicine, social work, who are interested in the present and future of psychology.
An interesting topic, often approached in scientific studies and followed insistently by the human resources departments of large companies is represented by the relationship between attitudes, personality and organizational behavior. Given that personality means diversity and is determined by both genetic factors and the individual's past learning, we can argue that during the process of gaining experience, with age, personality is susceptible to change which leads to changes in attitude and organizational behavior. In general, the sociological approach to attitude relates to social values. Psychological points of view investigate attitudes according to certain aspects of the personality: motivation, emotional states, cognition or behavioral dispositions. It is well known that attitudes precede behaviors. Of interest to those who lead groups is to know to what extent attitudes foreshadow behaviors and what is the connection between motivation, attitude and behavior. Regarding the organizational behavior, we are especially interested in the attitude towards work, respectively the satisfaction of the employees and the connection between it and the organizational performance.
Autorka tej książki jest psychologiem społecznym. Fascynacja konstruktem miejsca nie przysłoniła jej jednak głęboko zaszczepionego przekonania, że rolą nauki jest wykrywanie zależności i mechanizmów, a nie jedynie opis faktów. Fenomenologiczne opisy miejsc powinny zatem stanowić punkt wyjścia dla głębszej analitycznej refleksji nad prawidłowościami, których jednym z członów jest właśnie miejsce i jego cechy. Treść tej książki jest zatem swoistą hybrydą - próbą podsumowania wielowątkowych, również jakościowych, badań nad miejscem i jego rolą w życiu człowieka, próbą dotarcia do pewnych ”uniwersaliów miejsca„, które będzie można potraktować jako zaczyn ”teorii miejsca„, a także podsumowaniem ”pozytywistycznego„ dorobku badań, prowadzonych przez autorkę oraz jej studentów i doktorantów w ramach Pracowni Badań Środowiskowych, dotyczących związku człowieka z miejscem, jego przyczyn, konsekwencji oraz postaci, jakie może przybierać we współczesnym globalizującym się świecie.
The strategic communication goes beyond the area of public relations and focuses mainly on strategies that create, develop, and control the success of an organization.Strategic communication also includes traditional practices of institutionalized organizational communication to use the messages much more easily when interacting with internal and external stakeholders. Wishing to find a better strategy to programme any internal or external communication, the organizations develop different kinds of strategic plans meant to support the management process, starting with the mission and vision statement and ending with the evaluation of achieved goals. The following example - Integrated Strategic Communication (ISC)- shows the ways the integrated strategic communication can be reached in Romanian organizations.
With the recession generated by the sudden appearance of the infectious agent Sars-COV-2, the whole world has amazingly, unusually, limited its economic and social activity. At the same time, this collapse represents an exogenous and symmetrical opposition to the systems of law, health, education, economy, finance, transport, protection and defense of fundamental rights and freedoms. The pandemic is a state of security, government and population to adhere or not to what was obvious: the virus is still alive and we are preferences. From here, we mean firm attitudes to comply with special provisions to help negative attitudes, such as to justify stray outings in groups, denial of dangers or amnesia on compliance with regulations. Throughout this article, we aim to review the consequences that the behavior of the individual or companies will support and translate into group-level behavior. It is understandable that this period is a crossroads and that, as soon as the phenomena return to normal, we will realize the behavior acquired during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as how it affects the protected social relations protected by legal norms. Another coordinate proposed for debate and analysis is whether the state of the pandemic affects the social value of trust and what implications may have the distrust of individuals in the measures taken by state authorities, but also distrust of the authorities in citizens, and the repercussions on implementing new rules with character prohibitive.
The situation of people with mental disorders is more difficult and more complex than the situation of people with other types of disability. Perceiving them, through the prism of negative stereotypes functioning in society describing the disease, as well as the mentally ill person itself, causes many, often irreversible consequences. Support for students with mental disorders but also those experiencing mental health crises is an important challenge faced by universities in Poland today. On the one hand, each university is required to adapt the form of education to the needs and capabilities of students with disabilities, on the other hand, the lack of specific procedures defining the type, form and principles of providing support in relation to the mentally ill, often does not allow for taking appropriate actions. This reality is not facilitated by the existence of many harmful stereotypes, and as a result social isolation from the mental ill.
This article presents the results of individual characteristics of pre-start emotional states of athletes. An empirical study was conducted using two methods. The level of anxiety and general condition at the pre-start moment in athletes was studied, a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results was carried out.
V následujícím výčtu nabízíme mozaiku několika vybraných jevů, které ovlivňují dramaturgii kurzu zejména v průběhu jeho realizace. Protože je pravděpodobné, že mohou nastat nečekané situace, je dobré s nimi počítat a připravit se na ně. Někdy se jedná o záležitosti, které považujeme za banální a samozřejmé, ale často tyto skutečnosti můžeme podcenit nebo je opomenout a následně nám mohou narušit celý náš připravovaný koncept kurzu. Každopádně provázejí dramaturgické úvahy od tvorby cílů a plánovaní scénáře až po samotné vyhodnocení kurzu. Čím více si jich dokáže lektor pojmenovat dle záměrů a cílů předem, tím lépe.
Procesy, které se odehrávají ve skupině nejen při zážitkových akcích, se obvykle souhrnně nazývají skupinová dynamika. Tento jev ovlivňuje a je ovlivňován mnoha faktory nejen v návaznosti na cíl stanovený pro danou sociální skupinu. Skupinovou dynamiku v zážitkové pedagogice řešíme v rámci celého kurzu, neb je to něco, na čem můžeme stavět spoustu věcí. Nejčastěji se projevuje na dvou základních úrovních, jak v samotné realizaci aktivity, tak následně při reflexi či zpětné vazbě. Je to proces interakcí všech zúčastněných, participujících ve skupině, a variability vztahů mezi nimi. Probíhá ve chvíli, kdy jsou daní jedinci zrovna aktivní či pasivní. Dokonce mohou ovlivňovat jeho průběh, i když nejsou přítomni.
"The 18th International Conference on Work and Organisational Psychology 2019 took place in Brno, at Masaryk University on 22–23 May 2019. Over 130 participants and guests watched and listened to 64 presentations from academics and practitioners from 10 different countries. The contributions covered various areas of work and organisation psychology and related fields. Most represented were psychometric contributions focused on methods used to measure work-psychology constructs, contributions focused on work psychology in the context of educational institutions, and contributions devoted to the application of knowledge of occupational psychology in organisations. Applied psychological disciplines were also significantly represented. This book presents 24 selected studies that were given in the form of a lecture or a poster at the conference and then positively reviewed by two reviewers. We would like to thank our colleagues from Charles University, Palacký University in Olomouc, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Masaryk University, Comenius University in Bratislava, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, P. J. Šafárik University in Košice and the Slovak Academy of Sciences for helping with the organisation of the conference and for cooperation in the review process. We wish that readers will find interesting information and inspiration for their own praxis. This was a jubilee conference celebrating 20 years since the first Conference on Work and Organisational Psychology, which took place in Slovakia. Therefore, we wish for the conference further interesting contributions, stimulating meetings and continued cooperation over the next 20 years."
This monograph deals with the use of creative writing in literary education. It shows how exercises aimed at creating texts can be incorporated into school practice and explains why creative writing is effective as a teaching method. The authors of the monograph understand creative writing as a mental tool of cognition, as a medium of creative thinking. The methods of creative writing lead to the development of students’ perception, experiencing and thinking, and also to the development of creative communication in classrooms. At the same time, creative writing is enjoyable and (although this is not the main goal) develops the literary talent of writers. Besides the theoretical background, this book also presents individual projects (lessons devoted to a particular topic) which might be utilized not only in school education (secondary or tertiary) but also as a part of free-time activities.
The field of didactics of mathematics, natural sciences and vocational education is an important area of education and training. Its importance is growing over time and, given the results of measuring different areas of pupil literacy, it can be assumed that it will not be otherwise in the future. The International Conference on Didactics, organized by the Pedagogical Faculty of Masaryk University, DTI University and The Unity of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists branch office Brno, is an important platform for sharing and developing the area of common interests of experts. The conference proceedings provide an overview of both the theoretical and practical problems in education, focusing on didactics of the above mentioned fields of study, and sharing good practice.
The book is focused on educational approaches to children at-risk or with behavioural difficulties/disorders. Main topics of the book are associated to problems of the labelling process and of processes of prevention and intervention within Czech educational area (school environment and residential care facilies). Chapters bring together the topical thread of contexts of inclusive education, of processes of prevention and intervention focused to target groups (with the respect to the childrens’ quality of life in adulthood).
The text offers information on visual impairment and its impact on the educational process and school work. The text provides background information for ordinary school teachers not only about the special educational needs of a pupil with visual impairment, but also about how to support the inclusive climate of the classroom in accepting diversity, cooperating pupils and communicating with each other in the classroom. The text also offers information on the role of drama in inclusive education.
Education of pupils with learning disabilities has been in the centre of attention of teachers, parents as well as the general public. When solving our project we verified several ways of teaching mathematics at an ordinary primary school, which might help included pupils to handle some of their problems with this subject. Key activities had been prepared in order to introduce new approaches to teaching pupils with learning disorders in heterogeneous classes, with respect to development and strengthening of pupils' competences. Our project gave a positive outcome in changing attitudes of the included pupils to mathematics and improvement of their results. Also, the structured way of teaching mathematics helped most pupils in the class.
Today, the importance of organizations is increasing day by day. The multiple functions and effects of national and international organizations necessitate new studies/research in the field of organizational culture and organizational behavior. Our primary goal has been to introduce the target audience we aim to address in our book to these new concepts and to prepare the ground for new research to be done. Our book, which aims to provide information to researchers, academicians, decision makers, practitioners, students who are interested in concepts and research in the field of organizational behavior, and to contribute to the national literature, consists of 21 chapters contributed by 28 authors. As can be understood from the subject distribution of the first book of our series, these studies will fill a very important gap in the field of organizational behavior and claim to be a source of new studies. We have completed our book work in a very difficult, troubled and stressful process due to the earthquakes affecting eleven provinces centered in Kahramanmaraş, which is called the disaster of the century in our country. It is admirable that our chapter authors, who were directly affected by these earthquakes, contributed to our book under difficult conditions. For this reason, first of all, I would like to express my thanks and gratitude to all our valuable and expert chapter authors who contributed and supported each other with intense labor, devotion, patience and patience in order to produce this work. In addition, I would like to express my endless thanks and respect to my esteemed teacher Prof. Dr. Mustafa TAŞLIYAN, who honored us by showing us the courtesy of writing a presentation to the book, who has always enlightened my path with his knowledge and experience and who has always been a role model for me, to Özgür Publishing House and its employees who worked meticulously in the preparation of the book for publication, to my family, my esteemed teachers, my friends and you, my esteemed readers, who have supported me in the process of writing the book and have helped me come to this day.
Technological developments and globalization has changed human nature. This change directly affects all stages of human life. At this point, it becomes inevitable to carry out research on people and human life. All studies carried out in the field of Social Sciences aim to understand human, human life and human nature. In this work, which was put forward in order to understand the human, different studies from different disciplines were discussed and a step was tried to be built in order to reach this goal, albeit to some extent.
The intention of the present book is to present an analysis of the organizational climate of the university environment, with a focus on faculties of education or faculties preparing teachers. The individual chapters reflect the challenges of the Bologna Process, characterise the workload of academics and address the theoretical underpinnings of the perception of the organisational climate of universities and faculties. An important contribution is the introduction to the actual research, the development and validation of research instruments. Therefore, the main part is devoted to the description of the stages of the development of questionnaires on the perception of organizational climate by academic staff, the methods of their validation and the design of a semi-structured interview sheet for research on the perception of organizational climate by faculties preparing teachers by their management.