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The paper includes materials from the International Scientific Conference "Psychology in the Third Millennium - Problems and Solutions" (25.10.2019) and the Conference of Students - Future Psychologists (26.10.2019). The scientific achievements presented in this collection are useful both for specialists in the field of psychology and for specialists in the field of education, medicine, social work, who are interested in the present and future of psychology.
Monografia "Intuicja w podejmowaniu decyzji kierowniczych" stanowi interesującą poznawczo i oryginalną pracę dotyczącą problematyki intuicji w procesach podejmowania decyzji. Przemawia za tym ważkość podjętego problemu i jego wnikliwe ujęcie, oparte na solidnych podstawach teoretycznych, wzmocnione rzetelnymi badaniami empirycznymi. Na podstawie szeroko zakrojonej analizy literatury przedmiotu dokonano udanej konceptualizacji i operacjonalizacji intuicji w praktyce podejmowania decyzji poprzez zaprojektowanie autorskiego narzędzia umożliwiającego pomiar poziomu potencjału intuicyjnego oraz stopnia jego wykorzystania w procesach decyzyjnych. Narzędzie to może być z powodzeniem wykorzystane przez praktyków zarządzania w celu określenia braków kompetencyjnych w tym obszarze. W wyniku realizacji części empirycznej pracy zidentyfikowano i stworzono także typologię determinant wykorzystania intuicji w procesach decyzyjnych oraz dokonano hierarchizacji sytuacji i warunków decyzyjnych wymagających odwołania się do intuicji. Otrzymane w tym obszarze rezultaty mają także wymiar aplikacyjny poprzez uświadomienie decydentom szczególnej roli intuicji w określonych sytuacjach decyzyjnych. Za kolejny wkład w rozwój nauk o zarządzaniu uznać można nakreślenie i empiryczną weryfikację profilu intuicyjnego decydenta. Jako bardzo wartościowy recenzenci wydawniczy monografii ocenili opracowany przez autorkę konceptualny model procesu podejmowania decyzji integrujący intuicję z racjonalną analizą. W trakcie realizacji postępowania badawczego model ten został poddany rekonstrukcji, w wyniku której został sformułowany model empiryczny. W tym modelu sprecyzowano poszczególne etapy oraz podjęto próbę odtworzenia przebiegu procesu decyzyjnego zakładającego współistnienie podejścia intuicyjnego i racjonalnego w praktyce podejmowania decyzji. Zidentyfikowano etapy wspólne dla obydwu podejść oraz te, które je różnicują. Opinie menedżerów przyczyniły się do wyróżnienia faz procesu, w których szczególną rolę odgrywa intuicja, oraz tych o charakterze analitycznym. Efektem dialogu z decydentami było także zidentyfikowanie występujących między poszczególnymi fazami sprzężeń zwrotnych. Dodatkowo model ten został uzupełniony o determinanty, które decydują o przewadze podejścia intuicyjnego lub racjonalnego w realizowanym procesie decyzyjnym. Uzyskane w tym obszarze rezultaty poznawcze z pewnością mogą stanowić punkt wyjścia dla przyszłych zamierzeń badawczych podejmowanych przez przedstawicieli nauki. Przeprowadzone studia literaturowe oraz badania empiryczne na reprezentatywnej grupie przedsiębiorstw pozwalają na sformułowanie implikacji dla praktyki gospodarczej. Podstawową kwestią w tym aspekcie jest uświadomienie decydentom roli intuicji we współczesnych procesach decyzyjnych oraz możliwości jej doskonalenia, a także sformułowanie rekomendacji dla kadry zarządzającej dotyczących perspektyw wykorzystania intuicji w przyszłości. Podsumowując, można stwierdzić, że uzyskane rezultaty poznawcze wnoszą nowe treści do nauk o zarządzaniu, a opracowana monografia jest pierwszą w Polsce pracą, która gruntownie przedstawia problematykę intuicji w procesach podejmowania decyzji kierowniczych w wymiarze zarówno teoretycznym, jak i empirycznym.
The publication is a comprehensive study on job satisfaction and job performance. It presents the leading perspectives, theories, and models of the described phenomena, so far analyzed mainly in foreign literature. The presented research attempts to find the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance, and the obtained results shed new light on their relation-ship, which turns out to be more complex than previously assumed. This book is for management practitioners, including managers, team leaders, human resource management specialists, and others interested in organizational studies. It is also a valuable source of knowledge for psychology and management students.
Nowadays, individual differences in the readiness to use technology significantly impact both our private as well as professional life. The monograph aims to introduce the concept of technology readiness from a psychological perspective. Readiness is discussed in the broad context of the specifics of technology and its impact on society, the development of HCI and cyberpsychology and a comprehensive review of research in the field of technology readiness in Poland and abroad. The publication also aims to show how the scale can be used to measure readiness in research as well as in HRM or UX practice.
The publication Cookbook for lectors of experientially oriented courses, or we are (Not)cooking just with water intends firstly to the students of the discipline Social education and leisure time, as theoretical and practical support of their studies focused on leisure education, personal and social development and experientially oriented courses, but also during their next profiling. The name and content is interwoven with metaphors, those invite readers to creative attitude when processing the information. This creativity is fragrant spice supporting the taste of lector´s work. Here readers meet with concepts such as game, education, passed experience, present experience, experience, dramaturgy, script, motivation, reflection and feedback, methodics (preparation and implementation) of experientially oriented events, team, it´s role, lector and his/her personal and professional growth and psychohygiene. The book is not database of games, but collective work that summarizes our own experience. The topics introduce collage that in the end captures our conception of experiential education and experiential reflective learning. This is partly influenced by the target group, students, who pass trough this way to gain appropriate competencies with the aim to become qualite personalities and experts in their proffesion. Part of the publication is handbook. We want to give students space for their own notes and commentary based on their own experience, that we find as the key concept in learning process.
The present book deals with classroom interaction. It builds on 987 minutes of recordings of university seminars in English as a foreign language. Using conversation analysis, the book describes how the classroom members took turns, managed repair sequences, switched between English and Czech and how they conducted student presentations. The book closely investigates classroom interaction in English language teaching, but it also aims to contribute to the discussions about researching (not only classroom) interaction.
"The 18th International Conference on Work and Organisational Psychology 2019 took place in Brno, at Masaryk University on 22–23 May 2019. Over 130 participants and guests watched and listened to 64 presentations from academics and practitioners from 10 different countries. The contributions covered various areas of work and organisation psychology and related fields. Most represented were psychometric contributions focused on methods used to measure work-psychology constructs, contributions focused on work psychology in the context of educational institutions, and contributions devoted to the application of knowledge of occupational psychology in organisations. Applied psychological disciplines were also significantly represented. This book presents 24 selected studies that were given in the form of a lecture or a poster at the conference and then positively reviewed by two reviewers. We would like to thank our colleagues from Charles University, Palacký University in Olomouc, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Masaryk University, Comenius University in Bratislava, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, P. J. Šafárik University in Košice and the Slovak Academy of Sciences for helping with the organisation of the conference and for cooperation in the review process. We wish that readers will find interesting information and inspiration for their own praxis. This was a jubilee conference celebrating 20 years since the first Conference on Work and Organisational Psychology, which took place in Slovakia. Therefore, we wish for the conference further interesting contributions, stimulating meetings and continued cooperation over the next 20 years."
The publication is script that have both a theoretical and a practical dimension. It apprises with the basics of short-term education in kindergartens, such as project teaching and integrated thematic training. The crucial third chapter focuses on the design process itself, in which it is the primary task of the student / teacher to choose the appropriate content of education according to the educational goals and to plan a reasonable educational offer including effective educational strategies supporting the development of each individual child. The conclusion of the publication is devoted to assessing both the process and the outcomes of education.
One of the factors influencing the quality of teaching is teacher shortage, caused, among other factors, also by drop-out of qualified teachers who leave their schools or the teaching profession. The most vulnerable professional group are novice teachers. The book discusses the findings of a research study realized in Czech primary and lower secondary schools, focusing on the processes of socialization of novice teachers and their objective determinants. The determinants were identified at the interactive level (pupils, class), institutional level (school, colleagues, leadership) and cultural level (close community including parents and broader cultural, social and political context). The authors formulated recommendations for educational policy, teacher educators and school leaders.
This monograph deals with the use of creative writing in literary education. It shows how exercises aimed at creating texts can be incorporated into school practice and explains why creative writing is effective as a teaching method. The authors of the monograph understand creative writing as a mental tool of cognition, as a medium of creative thinking. The methods of creative writing lead to the development of students’ perception, experiencing and thinking, and also to the development of creative communication in classrooms. At the same time, creative writing is enjoyable and (although this is not the main goal) develops the literary talent of writers. Besides the theoretical background, this book also presents individual projects (lessons devoted to a particular topic) which might be utilized not only in school education (secondary or tertiary) but also as a part of free-time activities.
The field of didactics of mathematics, natural sciences and vocational education is an important area of education and training. Its importance is growing over time and, given the results of measuring different areas of pupil literacy, it can be assumed that it will not be otherwise in the future. The International Conference on Didactics, organized by the Pedagogical Faculty of Masaryk University, DTI University and The Unity of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists branch office Brno, is an important platform for sharing and developing the area of common interests of experts. The conference proceedings provide an overview of both the theoretical and practical problems in education, focusing on didactics of the above mentioned fields of study, and sharing good practice.
The book is focused on educational approaches to children at-risk or with behavioural difficulties/disorders. Main topics of the book are associated to problems of the labelling process and of processes of prevention and intervention within Czech educational area (school environment and residential care facilies). Chapters bring together the topical thread of contexts of inclusive education, of processes of prevention and intervention focused to target groups (with the respect to the childrens’ quality of life in adulthood).
The book summarizes the results of the project “Diversification of Preschool Education in the Czech Republic: Inclusion, Exclusion and Social Inequalities”. The research is based on group and individual interviews, mapping the context of preschool education and direct observations in preschools. It explores the links between social inequalities and the diversifying supply of preschool education, especially in connection to parental choices and strategies related to preschool selection. The book focuses on microprocesses of (re)constructing social differences that are grounded in the ethos of the facility, as well as in parents' perceptions of their children's temperaments and their understanding of childhood and children's needs in preschool age.
The publication is a methodological text intended for academic staff who teach in the study programmes Teacher for Primary Schools and Teacher for Kindergartens. It aims to present a reflective approach to initial teacher education and the role of the professional portfolio in it. The publication focuses on both the process and the product of the professional portfolio. It emphasises the role of portfolio in professional development and student learning and its use in evaluating educational processes. It should help teacher educators to understand the reflective process of becoming a teacher and to promote individualisation and authenticity in the professional development of students. An integral part of the methodological text is a study brochure for students (skriptum), which serve as a guide to creating their own portfolios which may be effectively used e.g. as a material for the final state exam.
Classroom management is one of the decisive factors in the case of beginning teachers regarding whether they remain in the profession and in the case of experienced teachers regarding their satisfaction in the profession. For beginning teachers, it is an area that they seldom learnt at their faculties and that they learn first in their teaching practice. Yet when teachers are not able to manage their class, they are not able to teach their pupils something either. The monograph presents findings about student teachers in their teaching practice and their mentor teachers at lower secondary schools. Our research is based on classroom observation, interviews, and questionnaires. We study behavioral and instructional management and describe their relation to need for closure.
The text offers information on visual impairment and its impact on the educational process and school work. The text provides background information for ordinary school teachers not only about the special educational needs of a pupil with visual impairment, but also about how to support the inclusive climate of the classroom in accepting diversity, cooperating pupils and communicating with each other in the classroom. The text also offers information on the role of drama in inclusive education.
Education of pupils with learning disabilities has been in the centre of attention of teachers, parents as well as the general public. When solving our project we verified several ways of teaching mathematics at an ordinary primary school, which might help included pupils to handle some of their problems with this subject. Key activities had been prepared in order to introduce new approaches to teaching pupils with learning disorders in heterogeneous classes, with respect to development and strengthening of pupils' competences. Our project gave a positive outcome in changing attitudes of the included pupils to mathematics and improvement of their results. Also, the structured way of teaching mathematics helped most pupils in the class.
Evaluation is a crucial step in decision-making and strategic planning in most contemporary organisations. This should also be the case for the development of capability in countering information influence operations (IIO). Different actors, ranging from governments to the private sector, have varying approaches to address these issues, as well as different evaluation norms and standards. However, evaluation of capabilities for countering IIO is a relatively new concept.