Kompetencje nauczyciela polonisty we współczesnej szkole. Między schematyzmem a kreatywnością
Competences of a Polish teacher in a contemporary school. Between schematism and creativity
Contributor(s): Katarzyna Maciejak (Editor), Magdalena Trysińska (Editor)
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Education, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: didactics; Polish language; curriculum reform; new media; teaching
Summary/Abstract: The authors of the publication portray schools and teachers in the face of new social, educational, cultural and teaching phenomena as well as traditional models of education. The book also addresses issues connected to the role of the Polish language as a school subject following recent reforms, the old and new media in Polish language education, the possibilities and ways of training teachers and of their self-learning.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-4139-4
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-4131-8
- Page Count: 424
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: Polish
- Author(s):Katarzyna Maciejak, Magdalena Trysińska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:7-12
- No. of Pages:6
W poszukiwaniu archetypu nauczyciela. Rozważania w świetle koncepcji Berniego Neville’a
W poszukiwaniu archetypu nauczyciela. Rozważania w świetle koncepcji Berniego Neville’a
(In search of the teacher’s archetype: Reflections in the light of Bernie Neville’s concept)
- Author(s):Paweł Sporek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Education, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology
- Page Range:15-36
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:education; teacher; school; myth; archetype
- Summary/Abstract:The author, referring to the theory of archetypes associated with variousmythological figures, reflects on the types of teachers and the attitudesthey present as well as their presence in the institutional space of theschool. Presenting the research findings of Bernie Neville, he situatesthem in relation to significant Polish studies in the field of pedagogy andgeneral didactics. The author reveals the mechanisms of the teacher’sinfluence on the student’s development and shows the relationship betweenthe pedagogue’s traits and the ways in which he or she shapesinterpersonal relationships in the workplace.
- Price: 4.50 €
Nauczycielskie kompetencje w przededniu 100-lecia sformułowania koncepcji progresywistycznej w edukacji
Nauczycielskie kompetencje w przededniu 100-lecia sformułowania koncepcji progresywistycznej w edukacji
(Teacher’s competences on the eve of the 100th anniversary of formulating the progressive concept in education)
- Author(s):Marek Piotrowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Education, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology
- Page Range:37-52
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:teacher’s competences; pragmatism; progressivism; basics of progressive education
- Summary/Abstract:The article is an attempt to show the competences of the Polish languageteachers in a broader sense, as a dispute between what is practical andsimple and what is complex and difficult. Thus, it is a dispute betweenpragmatism and progressivism. Between the “obvious” top-down reformof education (reducing pedagogy to simplifications similar to superstitions)and the competences of a teacher which allow for reflection andplanned progress.The article is published on the centenary of formulating the progressivistconcept of education by the Association for Advancement of ProgressiveEducation.
- Price: 4.50 €
Polonistyka performatywna – nowy zestaw kompetencji dydaktycznych
Polonistyka performatywna – nowy zestaw kompetencji dydaktycznych
(Performative Polish philology: A new set of didactic
- Author(s):Marek Pieniążek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Education, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology
- Page Range:53-67
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:performativity; Polish studies; text; future; software
- Summary/Abstract:The author presents the project of performative Polish studies. He redefinesthe objectives of mother-tongue teaching and, by moving awayfrom the dominant textocentrism in schools, shifts educational discoursefrom reproduction to the process of creating subjectivity and forms ofparticipation in culture. That is why the problem of agency, creativityand the ability to maintain social bonds are as important in the proposeddidactics as interpretation of literature. Performative teaching ofPolish is recognized as the environment of constructing the most importantcultural tool/software for the community.
- Price: 4.50 €
Wiwat polonista konstruktywista!
Wiwat polonista konstruktywista!
(Viva the constructivist Polonist!)
- Author(s):Zofia Pomirska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Education, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology
- Page Range:69-83
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:constructivism; education; pedagogics; school; teaching
- Summary/Abstract:The article refers to the idea of constructivism as an important didacticparadigm and draws attention to the necessity of considering contemporarypedagogical thought and its practical connotations in teachingPolish. The concept of formative assessment, the “OLPINIADA” methodand the concept of students’ involvement in the creation of didactic materialsare discussed as examples of the implementation of the constructivist idea in school practice.
- Price: 4.50 €
Nauczyciel języka ojczystego w konflikcie między tradycją a współczesnością
Nauczyciel języka ojczystego w konflikcie między tradycją a współczesnością
(The L1 teacher in the conflict between the present and the
- Author(s):Stanislav Štěpáník
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Education, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology
- Page Range:85-102
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:L1 education; teacher; educational reality; communication; grammar
- Summary/Abstract:L1 didactics have been developing communicatively focused conceptions.However, reality in schools does not accept such theories fully.The paper analyzes the possible causes of such a state: very long traditionof the teaching conception that currently dominates in schools,insufficiencies in subject and pedagogical knowledge of teachers, factualand didactic mistakes in textbooks, underestimation of communicativeaspects of L1 didactics, pressure of the standardized examinations andgovernmental policies. In conclusion, the author suggests several solutions,mainly intensive training of teachers and research in the area ofgrammar and cognitive-communicative conceptions of teaching Czech, Polish and Slovak.
- Price: 4.50 €
Jakiego polonisty potrzebuje współczesna szkoła? O pożądanych cechach nauczycieli w świetle uczniowskich wypowiedzi ankietowych
Jakiego polonisty potrzebuje współczesna szkoła? O pożądanych cechach nauczycieli w świetle uczniowskich wypowiedzi ankietowych
(What are the desirable features of a teacher in the light
of the survey conducted among students of primary
and secondary schools)
- Author(s):Jolanta Fiszbak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Education, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology
- Page Range:103-119
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:teacher; Polish language teacher; teacher’s professional traits; school; education
- Summary/Abstract:Modern students, just as their parents and grandparents, wish for intelligentand experienced leaders. However, the author of the article arguesthat the instability of the general education system may result in not meeting these needs. During the general education period, the basicsfor each profession, also the one of the teacher, are shaped. Thus, in thelight of the ongoing changes it seems valid to rethink the system of the professional education of future teachers.
- Price: 4.50 €
Funkcja formacyjna edukacji polonistycznej w czasach niepokoju
Funkcja formacyjna edukacji polonistycznej w czasach niepokoju
(The formative function of Polish language education
in times of anxiety)
- Author(s):Anna Janus-Sitarz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Education, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology
- Page Range:121-132
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:teaching philosophy; Polish literature and language education; school reform; migration
- Summary/Abstract:In times of discussions about the feeling of restricting the teacher’sfreedom and of controversy over the changing core curriculum, theteacher must adopt – independently of any pressures – a teaching philosophythat will allow them to educate the pupil as a future universitystudent and employee, but above all – a human, a citizen. The formationof pro-social and empathetic attitudes becomes a special task inthe era of migration and growing divisions in society. In the paper, Irefer to both English ways of recognizing the goals of education formationand to my own experiences of formulating and realizing by Polishstudents the main assumptions of their teaching philosophy.
- Price: 4.50 €
Kompetencje nauczyciela polonisty a przygotowanie uczniów do wejścia na rynek pracy
Kompetencje nauczyciela polonisty a przygotowanie uczniów do wejścia na rynek pracy
(Competences of a Polish teacher as their predisposition to
prepare students for entering the labour market)
- Author(s):Hanna Kądziołka-Sabanty
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Education, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology
- Page Range:133-149
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:labour market; career counselling; professional activity of future employees; professional development
- Summary/Abstract:Skills associated with efficiently entering the labour market are necessaryfor every potentially active person. The changing work environmentforces the continuous improvement of the individual and their flexibleadaptation to the indicated realities. The requirement of modern timesis showing your own initiative and quick analysis, so it is so importantfor career counselling to be implemented already at the early-school level,systematically preparing students for their new function in the mature role of an employee.
- Price: 4.50 €
Świadomość studentów filologii polskiej na temat twórczości jako dyspozycji nauczyciela i ucznia
Świadomość studentów filologii polskiej na temat twórczości jako dyspozycji nauczyciela i ucznia
(Knowledge of Polish studies students about creativity
as a natural ability of teachers and students)
- Author(s):Zuzanna Czechowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Education, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology
- Page Range:153-164
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:creativity; creative attitude; divergent thinking; creative teacher; creative student
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the study was to learn about opinions and beliefs aboutcreativity among candidates for Polish language teachers. The paper isa result of a study consisting of two parts: questions about opinionsand beliefs about creativity, and problem tasks that served as the initialdiagnosis of students’ divergent thinking and as students’ motivation toinitiate creative-thinking processes. The conclusions were formulated onthe basis of the responses recorded in the questionnaire sheets as well asthe opinions expressed orally during academic classes.
- Price: 4.50 €
Rozprawka szkolna – między schematyzmem a kreatywnością
Rozprawka szkolna – między schematyzmem a kreatywnością
(School essay – between schematism and creativity)
- Author(s):Magdalena Trysińska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Education, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology
- Page Range:165-184
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:argumentative text; creative writing; schematism; text-writing competence
- Summary/Abstract:The author raises the problem of the essay (argumentative text). On theone hand, the essay constitutes a stiff template, on the other – this genreshould encourage original thinking in students. Therefore, one shouldconsider whether the writing of an essay is accompanied only by schematism,or maybe there is a space for creative thinking as well. On thebasis of students’ texts, the author discusses the attempts to overcomethe rigid scheme of the essay with reference to selected aspects of thetext. Finally, she asks whether a rigid pattern of the essay should be avoidedat all costs.
- Price: 4.50 €
Rozwijanie kompetencji humorystycznej na lekcjach języka polskiego
Rozwijanie kompetencji humorystycznej na lekcjach języka polskiego
(Developing humorous competences in Polish language
- Author(s):Anna Krasowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Education, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology
- Page Range:185-195
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:humour; humour competences; failed humour; didactics of the Polish language; humour in education
- Summary/Abstract:The article is devoted to humour in school didactics. In addition to teachingPolish language and culture through humour, the author proposesintroducing the teaching of humour, which is understood as the developmentof humour competences. The acquisition of receiving and creatinghumour should include the component of knowledge and skills. Thedevelopment of humour competences is an integral component of language,literary and sociocultural learning.
- Price: 4.50 €
Lęk przed interpretacją
Lęk przed interpretacją
(Fear of interpretation)
- Author(s):Krzysztof Biedrzycki
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Education, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology
- Page Range:197-205
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:interpretation; education; teacher; student/pupil; national curriculum; skill; competence
- Summary/Abstract:Interpretation is a one of the most important competences taught duringclasses of Polish language and literature. This in not only a skillof reading the sense of a literary text but also a way of understandingthe world. Unfortunately, most students fear independent interpretation. Teachers not only do not help them but they confirm them in thisattitude. Teachers themselves feel anxiety about individual reading. Thecauses of the fear of interpretation are described in the article. We haveto overcome this fear in the modern teaching of humanities becauseinterpretation is a competence necessary for independent and creativehuman development.
- Price: 4.50 €
Metoda wizualizacji słów kluczowych wiersza
Metoda wizualizacji słów kluczowych wiersza
(A method of visualizing the keywords of a poem)
- Author(s):Anna Ślósarz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Education, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology
- Page Range:207-241
- No. of Pages:35
- Keywords:keywords; meaning; shape; background; poem
- Summary/Abstract:The method of visualizing the keywords of a poem consists of preparinga graphical representation of the poem using purposely designed software(WordleTM, Tagxedo, Voyant Tools), interpretation of meanings and relationshipsbetween words. This method of poetry analysis links languageand literature didactics with contemporary communication, exposingrelationships between verbal and visual texts. It was experimentally tested.Visualization is based on central cognitive categories; therefore, itencourages students, including those who are convinced that they donot understand poetry, to independently interpret poems.
- Price: 4.50 €
Zasada kooperacji Paula Grice’a jako narzędzie oceny tekstu medialnego w edukacji polonistycznej
Zasada kooperacji Paula Grice’a jako narzędzie oceny tekstu medialnego w edukacji polonistycznej
(Paul Grice’s co-operative principle as a tool for assessing
the media text in Polish language education)
- Author(s):Danuta Kępa-Figura
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Education, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology
- Page Range:243-259
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:journalistic information; Grice’s co-operation principle; media education
- Summary/Abstract:The article focuses on the need to teach the media text assessment skillsduring Polish language lessons for older primary and secondary schoolstudents. The author has demonstrated how the language co-operationprinciple described by Paul Grice may be applied to evaluate the mediatext. The analysis was carried out on the samples of news from Onet.pl and Gazeta.pl, portals similar in terms of the theme indicated by thetitle, source, publication time and the genre framework. Based on theanalysis, the apparentness of the thematic identity was determined.
- Price: 4.50 €
Polonista wobec wyzwań współczesności. Imigranci z Ukrainy – o studenckim projekcie edukacyjnym
Polonista wobec wyzwań współczesności. Imigranci z Ukrainy – o studenckim projekcie edukacyjnym
(The Polish teacher and the challenges of the contemporary world: Immigrants from Ukraine in Poland – the case of a student educational project)
- Author(s):Karolina Wawer
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Education, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology
- Page Range:261-288
- No. of Pages:28
- Keywords:the project method in education; games in education; European migrant crisis; immigrants from Ukraine; national stereotypes
- Summary/Abstract:The article serves as a conclusion for project-based learning classes withPolish studies students, pre-service L1 teachers. The aim of the seminarwas to prepare teaching methods and learning techniques which supportPolish teachers in managing the demands of the contemporary world,like the European migrant crisis. During the seminar, the topic of theimmigrants from Ukraine emerged as urgent and significant for Polish students and teachers.
- Price: 4.50 €
Przekształcenie, poszerzenie, otwarcie – trzy poziomy wykorzystania cyfrowych mediów w edukacji (nie tylko) polonistycznej
Przekształcenie, poszerzenie, otwarcie – trzy poziomy wykorzystania cyfrowych mediów w edukacji (nie tylko) polonistycznej
(Transformation, widening, opening – three levels of using
digital tools in (not only) Polish language education)
- Author(s):Krzysztof Kaszewski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Education, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology
- Page Range:291-302
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:digital media; education; transformation; extension; opening
- Summary/Abstract:Digital educational tools might enrich education to a large extent incomparison to traditional (analogue) means. The author describes threelevels of digitality: 1) transformation (using aids that can also exist inan analogue form); 2) widening (using media that interact more stronglythan traditional ones); 3) opening (using media that allow peopleto interact with other people and support being in a community). Thesuggested concept might serve as a methodological quality assessment ofexisting and designed media educational tools and help with using themto a larger extent.
- Price: 4.50 €
Nie tylko „sztuki siostrzane”. Malarstwo – literatura – ekfraza na lekcjach języka polskiego
Nie tylko „sztuki siostrzane”. Malarstwo – literatura – ekfraza na lekcjach języka polskiego
(“Sisterhood of arts” and more: Paintings – literature –
ekphrasis in Polish language lessons)
- Author(s):Michał Friedrich
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Education, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology
- Page Range:303-316
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:poetry; art; ekphrasis; secondary school; humanities
- Summary/Abstract:The essay refers to several exemplifications of interferences between poetryand painting, which can be valuable as an additional subject oflessons dedicated to Polish literature. The paper presents connections between poetry and art, starting from the ancient drama Medea by Euripidesinterpreted by modern painters, through the affiliations betweenThéophile Gautier’s poems and Albrecht Durer’s masterpieces, endingwith a sonnet by Stanisław Grochowiak compared with Alexander Calder’skinetic sculptures. One of the crucial goals of the essay is to emphasizethe importance of general humanistic education for contemporary teenagers.
- Price: 4.50 €
Słuchanie ze zrozumieniem – rola słuchowisk w kształceniu polonistycznym
Słuchanie ze zrozumieniem – rola słuchowisk w kształceniu polonistycznym
(Listening with comprehension – the role of radio dramas
in Polish language learning)
- Author(s):Agnieszka Kowalkiewicz-Kulesza
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Education, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology
- Page Range:317-328
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:radio drama (audio drama, radio theatre); audio culture; theatre of imagination; language training; the development of imagination
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of the article is to draw attention to the value of radiodramas for Polish language lessons. Stimulation of imagination, the developmentof creative thinking, sensitivity to the sound layer, focusingthe student’s attention, shaping linguistic correctness – these are thefeatures that are an essential element of modern education. Therefore,audio dramas can become a didactic means by which students will developtheir language, literary and cultural skills.
- Price: 4.50 €
Audycje radiowe jako pomoc dydaktyczna na lekcjach języka polskiego
Audycje radiowe jako pomoc dydaktyczna na lekcjach języka polskiego
(Radio programmes as an educational tool for Polish
language teaching)
- Author(s):Alena Podviazkina
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Education, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology
- Page Range:329-344
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:radio for children; radio programmes; skills development; core curriculum
- Summary/Abstract:This article describes the usefulness of radio programmes for Polish languagelessons. There are some benefits arising from listening to radioprogrammes by children. These advantages have been divided into twocategories: expansion of the stock of knowledge (about literature, language,values and the world) and development of linguistic skills (includingreception of spoken text, formulation of thoughts and verbalization inaccordance with the language rules and context, creation of statementsin accordance with the requirements of genre and style, development ofimagination, memory training).
- Price: 4.50 €
Kształcenie kompetencji studentów polonistyki do pracy z uczniem o specjalnych potrzebach edukacyjnych
Kształcenie kompetencji studentów polonistyki do pracy z uczniem o specjalnych potrzebach edukacyjnych
(Training of Polish students’ competences to work
with a student with special educational needs)
- Author(s):Dorota Karkut
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Education, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology
- Page Range:347-362
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:competences of Polish philologists; university education; student with special educational needs
- Summary/Abstract:The article will discuss issues related to the professional preparation ofstudents of Polish philology at the University of Rzeszów to work withstudents with special educational needs. The considerations are based on the questionnaire replies of future teachers who expressed their opinionson the competences acquired during their studies and shared theirexperience gained during the design and implementation of educationaland therapeutic classes for children with special educational needs.
- Price: 4.50 €
Wiedza o języku a problemy komunikacyjne uczniów z ASD
Wiedza o języku a problemy komunikacyjne uczniów z ASD
(Knowledge about language and problems with
communication of students with ASD)
- Author(s):Helena Balcerek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Education, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology
- Page Range:363-377
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:developmental disorder; ASD; problems in communication; knowledge about language; individualization of teaching
- Summary/Abstract:This article aims to present the correlation between language educationand problems with communication of students with ASD. Symptomsof ASD make learning a language harder and every student with ASDis different. In the behavioural approach, the key is to determine verbaland non-verbal as well as social skills and language barriers of a particularstudent and then to customize forms and methods of teaching.The effectiveness of this kind of education indicates using a method offunctional learning about a language.
- Price: 4.50 €
Współpraca polonisty z psychologiem jako istotny element kształcenia przyszłych nauczycieli
Współpraca polonisty z psychologiem jako istotny element kształcenia przyszłych nauczycieli
(Collaboration of the Polish teacher and psychologist
as an important element of educating future teachers)
- Author(s):Magdalena Marzec-Jóźwicka, Tomasz Korczyński
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Education, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology
- Page Range:379-397
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:co-operation; future teachers’ education; teacher’s competences; teacher education model; educator; psychologist; Polish language teacher
- Summary/Abstract:This article presents the project “Difficult topics in education”, whichthe authors of the text have been carrying out since November 2017,inviting scholars, teachers, doctoral students and students to co-operate.In this text are presented the detailed objectives of the project and itsplanned effects. The authors describe selected initiatives, e.g. workshopsfor teachers devoted to the issue of aggression at school and activities forfuture educators on manipulation in everyday life and work.
- Price: 4.50 €
Mowa jako narzędzie ekspresji dziecka. Uczeń z arabskiego kręgu kulturowego na lekcji języka polskiego
Mowa jako narzędzie ekspresji dziecka. Uczeń z arabskiego kręgu kulturowego na lekcji języka polskiego
(Speech as a tool for a child’s expression: A student
from the Arabic cultural circle at the Polish language lesson)
- Author(s):Wioleta Luchowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Education, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Philology
- Page Range:399-424
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:intercultural communication; a foreign student; Polish-Arabic linguistic interactions; cultural-linguistic contrasts
- Summary/Abstract:The effectiveness of dialogue is influenced by the use of language, purposeand some extralinguistic factors. Poland’s accession to the EuropeanUnion, the Arab Spring and events in Syria contributed to theintensification of migration flows. Refugees coming to Poland come fromdifferent civilization circles and are subject to cultural homogenization.The first stage of social integration is to learn the language and becomefamiliar with Polish customs and history. Children join new schools, feelingrestless and frightened, which makes their linguistic incompetenceworse. The child’s natural needs, such as acceptance and self-esteem,cannot be satisfied. Long-term exposure to these phenomena may notonly disrupt the student’s acculturation process but also contribute totheir exclusion.
- Price: 4.50 €